07-GoogLenet 图像分类

Inception 结构的主要思路是用密集成分来近似最优的局部稀疏结构。原始Inception 结构如下图所示:


   显然从上图中可以看出,原始Inception 结构采用 1 × 1、 3 × 3和 5 × 5三种卷积核的卷积层进行并行提取特征,这可以加大网络模型的宽度,不同大小的卷积核也就意味着原始Inception 结构可以获取到不同大小的感受野,上图中的最后拼接就是将不同尺度特征进行深度融合。

  同时在原始Inception 结构之所以卷积核大小采用1、3和5,主要是为了方便对齐。设定卷积步长stride=1之后,只要分别设定pad=0、1、2,那么卷积之后便可以得到相同维度的特征,然后这些特征就可以直接深度融合了。


  但是原始Inception结构中 5 × 5 、卷积核仍然会带来巨大的计算量。降低 5 × 5 卷积核带来的计算量,GoogLeNet中借鉴了NIN(Network in Network)的思想使用 1 × 1 卷积层与 5 × 5卷积层相结合来实现参数降维。

  对于 1 × 1卷积层与 5 × 5卷积层实现参数降维,在这里也举一个简单的例子进行说明。假如上一层的输出为 100 × 100 × 128,经过具有 256个输出的5×5卷积层之后(stride=1,pad=2),输出数据为 100 × 100 × 256。其中,那么卷积层的参数为 128 × 5 × 5 × 256。此时如果上一层输出先经过具有 32个输出的 1 × 1卷积层,再经过具有 256个输出的 5 × 5卷积层,那么最终的输出数据仍为为 100 × 100 × 256,但卷积参数量已经减少为 128 × 1 × 1 × 32 + 32 × 5 × 5 × 256,相比之下参数大约减少了4倍。

  因此在 3 × 3和 5 × 5卷积层之前加入合适的 1 × 1卷积层可以在一定程度上减少模型参数,那么在GoogLeNet中基础Inception结构也就做出了相应的改进,改进后的Inception结构如下图所示。





  1 import torch
  2 import torch.nn as nn
  3 import torch.nn.functional as F
  5 class BasicConv2d(nn.Module):
  6     def __init__(self,in_channels, out_channels, kernel, stride=1, padding=0):
  7         super(BasicConv2d, self).__init__()
  8         self.conv = nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels,
  9                               kernel_size=kernel, stride=stride, padding=padding,
 10                               bias=False)
 11         self.bn = nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels, eps=0.001)
 13     def forward(self, x):
 14         x = self.conv(x)
 15         x = self.bn(x)
 16         return F.relu(x, inplace=True)
 18 '''
 19 in_channels         输入数据的通道
 20 out_channels_1x1    1*1卷积深度
 21 out_channels_1x1_3  3*3前面的1*1卷积深度
 22 out_channels_3x3    3*3卷积深度
 23 out_channels_1x1_5  5*5前面的1*1卷积深度
 24 out_channels_5x5    5*5卷积深度
 25 out_channels_pool   池化后面的1*1卷积深度
 26 '''
 27 class Inception(nn.Module):
 28     def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels_1x1,
 29                  out_channels_1x1_3,  out_channels_3x3,
 30                  out_channels_1x1_5, out_channels_5x5,
 31                  out_channels_pool ):
 32         super(Inception, self).__init__()
 33         ##第一条线
 34         self.branch1x1 = BasicConv2d(in_channels, out_channels_1x1, 1)
 36         ##第二条线
 37         self.branch3x3 = nn.Sequential(
 38             BasicConv2d(in_channels, out_channels_1x1_3, 1),
 39             BasicConv2d(out_channels_1x1_3, out_channels_3x3, 3, 1, 1)
 40         )
 42         ##第三条线
 43         self.branch5x5 = nn.Sequential(
 44             BasicConv2d(in_channels, out_channels_1x1_5, 1),
 45             BasicConv2d(out_channels_1x1_5, out_channels_5x5, 5, 1, 2)
 46         )
 48         ##第四条线
 49         self.branch_pool = nn.Sequential(
 50             nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1),
 51             BasicConv2d(in_channels, out_channels_pool, 1)
 52         )
 54     def forward(self, x):
 55         branch1x1 = self.branch1x1(x)
 57         branch3x3 = self.branch3x3(x)
 59         branch5x5 = self.branch5x5(x)
 61         branch_pool = self.branch_pool(x)
 63         output = [branch1x1, branch3x3, branch5x5, branch_pool]
 64         return torch.cat(output, 1)
 66 class GoogLeNet(nn.Module):
 67     def __init__(self, in_channels=3, num_class=10):
 68         super(GoogLeNet, self).__init__()
 69         ##第 1 个模块
 70         self.block1 = nn.Sequential(
 71             nn.Conv2d(in_channels, 64, 7, 2, 3),
 72             nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, 1)
 73         )
 74         ##第 2 个模块
 75         self.block2 = nn.Sequential(
 76             nn.Conv2d(64, 192, 3, 1, 1),
 77             nn.Conv2d(192, 192, 3, 1, 1),
 78             nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, 1)
 79         )
 80         ##第 3 个模块
 81         self.block3 = nn.Sequential(
 82             Inception(192, 64, 96, 128, 16, 32, 32),
 83             Inception(256, 128, 128, 192, 32, 96, 64),
 84             nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, 1)
 85         )
 86         ##第 4 个模块
 87         self.block4 = nn.Sequential(
 88             Inception(480, 192, 96, 208, 16, 48, 64),
 89             Inception(512, 160, 112, 224, 24, 64, 64),  #这里究极体会输出
 90             Inception(512, 128, 128, 256, 24, 64, 64),
 91             Inception(512, 112, 144, 288, 32, 64, 64),
 92             Inception(528, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128, 128), #这里究极体会输出
 93             nn.MaxPool2d(3, 2, 1)
 94         )
 95         ##第 5 个模块
 96         self.block5 = nn.Sequential(
 97             Inception(832, 256, 160, 320, 32, 128, 128),
 98             Inception(832, 384, 192, 384, 48, 128, 128),
 99             nn.AvgPool2d(7, 1)
100         )
101         self.classifier = nn.Sequential(
102             nn.Dropout(0.4),
103             nn.Linear(1024, num_class),
104             # nn.Sigmoid(1024,out_channels)
105         )
107     def forward(self, x):
108         x = self.block1(x)
109         x = self.block2(x)
110         x = self.block3(x)
111         x = self.block4(x)
112         x = self.block5(x)
114         x = torch.reshape(x, (x.shape[0], -1))
115         x = self.classifier(x)
117         return x
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  1 import torch
  2 from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
  3 from torch import nn, optim
  4 from torchvision import datasets, transforms
  5 from torchvision.transforms.functional import InterpolationMode
  7 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 10 import time
 12 from Lenet5 import Lenet5_new
 13 from Resnet18 import ResNet18,ResNet18_new
 14 from AlexNet import AlexNet
 15 from Vgg16 import VGGNet16
 16 from Densenet import DenseNet121, DenseNet169, DenseNet201, DenseNet264
 18 from NIN import NIN_Net
 19 from GoogleNet import GoogLeNet
 21 def main():
 23     print("Load datasets...")
 25     # transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5)---以0.5的概率对图片做水平横向翻转
 26     # transforms.ToTensor()---shape从(H,W,C)->(C,H,W), 每个像素点从(0-255)映射到(0-1):直接除以255
 27     # transforms.Normalize---先将输入归一化到(0,1),像素点通过"(x-mean)/std",将每个元素分布到(-1,1)
 28     transform_train = transforms.Compose([
 29                         transforms.Resize((224, 224), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
 30                         # transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4),  # 先四周填充0,在吧图像随机裁剪成32*32
 31                         transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5),
 32                         transforms.ToTensor(),
 33                         transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))
 34                     ])
 36     transform_test = transforms.Compose([
 37                         transforms.Resize((224, 224), interpolation=InterpolationMode.BICUBIC),
 38                         # transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4),  # 先四周填充0,在吧图像随机裁剪成32*32
 39                         transforms.ToTensor(),
 40                         transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225))
 41                     ])
 43     # 内置函数下载数据集
 44     train_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root="./data/Cifar10/", train=True, 
 45                                      transform = transform_train,
 46                                      download=True)
 47     test_dataset = datasets.CIFAR10(root = "./data/Cifar10/", 
 48                                     train = False, 
 49                                     transform = transform_test,
 50                                     download=True)
 52     print(len(train_dataset), len(test_dataset))
 54     Batch_size = 64
 55     train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=Batch_size,  shuffle = True, num_workers=4)
 56     test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size = Batch_size, shuffle = False, num_workers=4)
 58     # 设置CUDA
 59     device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
 61     # 初始化模型
 62     # 直接更换模型就行,其他无需操作
 63     # model = Lenet5_new().to(device)
 64     # model = ResNet18().to(device)
 65     # model = ResNet18_new().to(device)
 66     # model = VGGNet16().to(device)
 67     # model = DenseNet121().to(device)
 68     # model  = DenseNet169().to(device)
 70     # model = NIN_Net().to(device)
 72     model = GoogLeNet().to(device)
 74     # model = AlexNet(num_classes=10, init_weights=True).to(device)
 75     print(" GoogLeNet train...")
 77     # 构造损失函数和优化器
 78     criterion = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() # 多分类softmax构造损失
 79     # opt = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.8, weight_decay=0.001)
 80     opt = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01, momentum=0.9, weight_decay=0.0005)
 82     # 动态更新学习率 ------每隔step_size : lr = lr * gamma
 83     schedule = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(opt, step_size=10, gamma=0.6, last_epoch=-1)
 85     # 开始训练
 86     print("Start Train...")
 88     epochs = 100
 90     loss_list = []
 91     train_acc_list =[]
 92     test_acc_list = []
 93     epochs_list = []
 95     for epoch in range(0, epochs):
 97         start = time.time()
 99         model.train()
101         running_loss = 0.0
102         batch_num = 0
104         for i, (inputs, labels) in enumerate(train_loader):
106             inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)
108             # 将数据送入模型训练
109             outputs = model(inputs)
110             # 计算损失
111             loss = criterion(outputs, labels).to(device)
113             # 重置梯度
114             opt.zero_grad()
115             # 计算梯度,反向传播
116             loss.backward()
117             # 根据反向传播的梯度值优化更新参数
118             opt.step()
120             # 100个batch的 loss 之和
121             running_loss += loss.item()
122             # loss_list.append(loss.item())
123             batch_num+=1
126         epochs_list.append(epoch)
128         # 每一轮结束输出一下当前的学习率 lr
129         lr_1 = opt.param_groups[0]['lr']
130         print("learn_rate:%.15f" % lr_1)
131         schedule.step()
133         end = time.time()
134         print('epoch = %d/100, batch_num = %d, loss = %.6f, time = %.3f' % (epoch+1, batch_num, running_loss/batch_num, end-start))
135         running_loss=0.0    
137         # 每个epoch训练结束,都进行一次测试验证
138         model.eval()
139         train_correct = 0.0
140         train_total = 0
142         test_correct = 0.0
143         test_total = 0
145          # 训练模式不需要反向传播更新梯度
146         with torch.no_grad():
148             # print("=======================train=======================")
149             for inputs, labels in train_loader:
150                 inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)
151                 outputs = model(inputs)
153                 pred = outputs.argmax(dim=1)  # 返回每一行中最大值元素索引
154                 train_total += inputs.size(0)
155                 train_correct += torch.eq(pred, labels).sum().item()
158             # print("=======================test=======================")
159             for inputs, labels in test_loader:
160                 inputs, labels = inputs.to(device), labels.to(device)
161                 outputs = model(inputs)
163                 pred = outputs.argmax(dim=1)  # 返回每一行中最大值元素索引
164                 test_total += inputs.size(0)
165                 test_correct += torch.eq(pred, labels).sum().item()
167             print("train_total = %d, Accuracy = %.5f %%,  test_total= %d, Accuracy = %.5f %%" %(train_total, 100 * train_correct / train_total, test_total, 100 * test_correct / test_total))    
169             train_acc_list.append(100 * train_correct / train_total)
170             test_acc_list.append(100 * test_correct / test_total)
172         # print("Accuracy of the network on the 10000 test images:%.5f %%" % (100 * test_correct / test_total))
173         # print("===============================================")
175     fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4, 4))
177     plt.plot(epochs_list, train_acc_list, label='train_acc_list')
178     plt.plot(epochs_list, test_acc_list, label='test_acc_list')
179     plt.legend()
180     plt.title("train_test_acc")
181     plt.savefig('GoogLeNet_acc_epoch_{:04d}.png'.format(epochs))
182     plt.close()
184 if __name__ == "__main__":
186     main()
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  1 torch.Size([64, 10])
  2 PyTorch Version:  1.12.1+cu102
  3 Torchvision Version:  0.13.1+cu102
  4 Load datasets...
  5 Files already downloaded and verified
  6 Files already downloaded and verified
  7 50000 10000
  8 NIN_Net train...
  9 Start Train...
 10 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 11 epoch = 1/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 1.370396, time = 95.395
 12 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 63.17600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 62.50000 %
 13 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 14 epoch = 2/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.789557, time = 94.268
 15 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 75.33600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 73.89000 %
 16 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 17 epoch = 3/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.581644, time = 95.266
 18 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 82.81800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 79.88000 %
 19 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 20 epoch = 4/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.470994, time = 93.822
 21 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 84.31000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 81.43000 %
 22 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 23 epoch = 5/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.405856, time = 94.878
 24 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 84.01400 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 80.49000 %
 25 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 26 epoch = 6/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.357098, time = 94.099
 27 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 90.65000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 86.07000 %
 28 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 29 epoch = 7/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.308426, time = 95.302
 30 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 86.57200 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 82.14000 %
 31 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 32 epoch = 8/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.276895, time = 95.147
 33 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 90.81600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 85.88000 %
 34 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 35 epoch = 9/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.244451, time = 95.211
 36 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 90.74600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 84.79000 %
 37 learn_rate:0.010000000000000
 38 epoch = 10/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.226096, time = 96.584
 39 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 93.82000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 87.90000 %
 40 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 41 epoch = 11/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.135348, time = 96.430
 42 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 97.40800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 90.50000 %
 43 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 44 epoch = 12/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.105362, time = 95.864
 45 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 96.17800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 89.17000 %
 46 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 47 epoch = 13/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.095123, time = 96.124
 48 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 96.89200 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 88.89000 %
 49 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 50 epoch = 14/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.087209, time = 96.014
 51 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 98.14000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 90.53000 %
 52 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 53 epoch = 15/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.080366, time = 95.506
 54 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 98.32600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 90.32000 %
 55 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 56 epoch = 16/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.078542, time = 96.306
 57 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 97.61600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 89.51000 %
 58 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 59 epoch = 17/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.070368, time = 95.010
 60 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 98.47200 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 90.23000 %
 61 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 62 epoch = 18/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.073643, time = 96.235
 63 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 97.79400 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 89.39000 %
 64 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 65 epoch = 19/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.072382, time = 95.035
 66 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 98.30000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 89.65000 %
 67 learn_rate:0.006000000000000
 68 epoch = 20/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.061964, time = 95.757
 69 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 97.55800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 89.25000 %
 70 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 71 epoch = 21/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.031406, time = 95.418
 72 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.81400 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.06000 %
 73 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 74 epoch = 22/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.016657, time = 95.774
 75 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.86000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.09000 %
 76 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 77 epoch = 23/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.011798, time = 96.257
 78 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.95600 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.47000 %
 79 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 80 epoch = 24/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.008725, time = 96.043
 81 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.97800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.47000 %
 82 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 83 epoch = 25/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.007397, time = 95.633
 84 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.97800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.49000 %
 85 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 86 epoch = 26/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.007058, time = 95.648
 87 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.99200 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.58000 %
 88 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 89 epoch = 27/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.005411, time = 96.113
 90 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.99800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.51000 %
 91 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 92 epoch = 28/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.004637, time = 95.960
 93 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 99.99800 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.64000 %
 94 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 95 epoch = 29/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.003989, time = 95.811
 96 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.70000 %
 97 learn_rate:0.003600000000000
 98 epoch = 30/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.003333, time = 96.130
 99 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.77000 %
100 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
101 epoch = 31/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002816, time = 96.139
102 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.80000 %
103 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
104 epoch = 32/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002434, time = 95.981
105 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.91000 %
106 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
107 epoch = 33/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002460, time = 95.911
108 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.93000 %
109 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
110 epoch = 34/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002303, time = 96.058
111 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.88000 %
112 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
113 epoch = 35/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002129, time = 95.845
114 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.84000 %
115 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
116 epoch = 36/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002029, time = 96.210
117 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.93000 %
118 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
119 epoch = 37/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002060, time = 96.028
120 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.95000 %
121 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
122 epoch = 38/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002066, time = 96.241
123 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.90000 %
124 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
125 epoch = 39/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002101, time = 95.963
126 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
127 learn_rate:0.002160000000000
128 epoch = 40/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002091, time = 95.792
129 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.93000 %
130 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
131 epoch = 41/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001967, time = 95.815
132 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.06000 %
133 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
134 epoch = 42/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002068, time = 95.753
135 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
136 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
137 epoch = 43/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002134, time = 96.074
138 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.98000 %
139 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
140 epoch = 44/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001972, time = 95.305
141 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.03000 %
142 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
143 epoch = 45/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002112, time = 95.660
144 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.19000 %
145 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
146 epoch = 46/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002134, time = 95.843
147 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.07000 %
148 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
149 epoch = 47/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002034, time = 96.097
150 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.02000 %
151 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
152 epoch = 48/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001948, time = 96.196
153 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.19000 %
154 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
155 epoch = 49/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002036, time = 95.903
156 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.21000 %
157 learn_rate:0.001296000000000
158 epoch = 50/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001898, time = 96.279
159 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.15000 %
160 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
161 epoch = 51/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001916, time = 96.313
162 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.10000 %
163 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
164 epoch = 52/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002036, time = 96.318
165 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.14000 %
166 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
167 epoch = 53/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001904, time = 96.007
168 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.11000 %
169 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
170 epoch = 54/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001932, time = 96.268
171 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.25000 %
172 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
173 epoch = 55/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001854, time = 96.555
174 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.05000 %
175 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
176 epoch = 56/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001827, time = 95.625
177 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.07000 %
178 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
179 epoch = 57/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001922, time = 96.120
180 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.17000 %
181 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
182 epoch = 58/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001896, time = 95.852
183 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.09000 %
184 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
185 epoch = 59/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001902, time = 96.587
186 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.23000 %
187 learn_rate:0.000777600000000
188 epoch = 60/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002246, time = 96.677
189 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
190 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
191 epoch = 61/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002110, time = 96.461
192 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.13000 %
193 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
194 epoch = 62/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001956, time = 96.045
195 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.26000 %
196 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
197 epoch = 63/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001929, time = 96.355
198 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.03000 %
199 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
200 epoch = 64/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001950, time = 95.994
201 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.17000 %
202 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
203 epoch = 65/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001885, time = 95.865
204 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
205 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
206 epoch = 66/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001948, time = 95.952
207 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.25000 %
208 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
209 epoch = 67/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001930, time = 96.614
210 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.01000 %
211 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
212 epoch = 68/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001885, time = 96.163
213 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.02000 %
214 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
215 epoch = 69/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001973, time = 96.255
216 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
217 learn_rate:0.000466560000000
218 epoch = 70/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001952, time = 96.205
219 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
220 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
221 epoch = 71/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001946, time = 95.993
222 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.10000 %
223 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
224 epoch = 72/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001898, time = 96.283
225 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.10000 %
226 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
227 epoch = 73/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001921, time = 96.161
228 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.16000 %
229 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
230 epoch = 74/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001922, time = 96.465
231 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.15000 %
232 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
233 epoch = 75/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001906, time = 95.855
234 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.25000 %
235 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
236 epoch = 76/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001935, time = 96.168
237 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.06000 %
238 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
239 epoch = 77/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001922, time = 96.120
240 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.08000 %
241 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
242 epoch = 78/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001993, time = 96.087
243 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.17000 %
244 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
245 epoch = 79/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001924, time = 96.356
246 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.14000 %
247 learn_rate:0.000279936000000
248 epoch = 80/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001958, time = 96.420
249 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.20000 %
250 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
251 epoch = 81/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001943, time = 95.762
252 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.14000 %
253 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
254 epoch = 82/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001855, time = 96.882
255 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.06000 %
256 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
257 epoch = 83/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001985, time = 96.236
258 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 92.95000 %
259 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
260 epoch = 84/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002065, time = 96.286
261 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
262 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
263 epoch = 85/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001957, time = 96.562
264 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.02000 %
265 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
266 epoch = 86/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001996, time = 96.504
267 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.05000 %
268 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
269 epoch = 87/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001853, time = 96.209
270 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.22000 %
271 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
272 epoch = 88/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001897, time = 95.828
273 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.11000 %
274 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
275 epoch = 89/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002014, time = 96.319
276 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.29000 %
277 learn_rate:0.000167961600000
278 epoch = 90/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001906, time = 95.519
279 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.14000 %
280 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
281 epoch = 91/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001962, time = 95.681
282 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.16000 %
283 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
284 epoch = 92/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001853, time = 96.188
285 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.15000 %
286 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
287 epoch = 93/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001917, time = 96.333
288 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.03000 %
289 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
290 epoch = 94/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001926, time = 95.970
291 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.12000 %
292 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
293 epoch = 95/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.002016, time = 96.025
294 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.04000 %
295 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
296 epoch = 96/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001895, time = 95.694
297 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.17000 %
298 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
299 epoch = 97/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001929, time = 95.846
300 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.29000 %
301 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
302 epoch = 98/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001896, time = 95.482
303 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.09000 %
304 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
305 epoch = 99/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001956, time = 96.497
306 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.07000 %
307 learn_rate:0.000100776960000
308 epoch = 100/100, batch_num = 782, loss = 0.001868, time = 95.987
309 train_total = 50000, Accuracy = 100.00000 %,  test_total= 10000, Accuracy = 93.00000 %
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 图 GoogLenet_acc_epoch_100

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