COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications

COMP3331/9331 Computer Networks and Applications
Assignment for Term 2, 2022
Version 1.0
11:59 am (noon) Friday, 5 August 2022 (Week 10)
1. Change Log
Version 1.0 is released on 21/06/2022.
2. Goal and learning objectives
Zoom and Microsoft Teams are widely used as a method for large groups of people to hold online
virtual meetings. A good example is the online Zoom lectures used for various courses at UNSW. In
this assignment, you will have the opportunity to implement your own version of an online video
conferencing and messaging application. Your application is based on a client-server model
consisting of one server and multiple clients communicating concurrently. The text messages should
be communicated using TCP for the reason of reliability, while the video (you will use video files
instead of capturing the live video streams from cameras and microphones) should be communicated
using UDP for the reason of low latency. Your application will support a range of functions that are
typically found on videoconferencing including authentication, broadcasting text messages to all
participants, building a separate room for part of the participants, and uploading video streams (i.e.,
files in this assignment). You will be designing custom application protocols based on TCP and UDP.
2.1 Learning Objectives
On completing this assignment, you will gain suffificient expertise in the following skills:
1. Detailed understanding of how client-server and client-client interactions work.
2. Expertise in socket programming.
3. Insights into designing and implementing an application layer protocol.
3. Assignment Specification
3.1. Assignment Specification.
3.2 Authentication
3.3. Text message commands
BCM: Broadcast Message
BCM message
ATU: Download Active Users

posted on 2022-07-28 18:14  遇一人倾国倾城  阅读(49)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
