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Posted on 2018-08-29 00:22  黑色の铅笔  阅读(1041)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

1. 简介

  • new/delete关键字,其本质是预定义的操作符,因此支持重载
  • 默认new和delete的行为:
    • new:    ①获取内存空间(默认为堆空间);②在获取的空间中调用构造函数创建对象
    • delete: ①调用析构函数销毁对象;②归还对象所占用的空间(默认为堆空间)

2. C++中new/delete操作符重载的两种方式

  • 全局重载:会影响所有的类(不推荐
  • 局部重载:针对具体类进行重载
  • new/delete重载的:改变的只是内存的分配方式(即new出来的对象分配不一定在堆中)



void* operator new (unsigned int size)//有的编译器 size_t size
    void* ret = NULL;
    return ret;

void operator delete(void* p)



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Test
    static const unsigned int COUNT = 4;
    static char c_buffer[];
    static char c_map[];

    void* operator new (unsigned int size) //默认为静态函数
        void* ret = NULL;
        for(int i=0; i<COUNT; i++)
            if(!c_map[i]) //空闲时
                c_map[i] = 1; //标志为正在使用
                ret = c_buffer + i * sizeof(Test);
                cout << "success to allocate memory: " << ret << endl;
        return ret; //当返回后,编译器继继会生成调用构造函数来初始化
    void operator delete (void* p)
        if( p != NULL)
            char* mem = reinterpret_cast<char*>(p);
            int index = (mem - c_buffer) / sizeof(Test);
            int flag = (mem - c_buffer) % sizeof(Test);//传入的是对象地址?
            if( (flag == 0) && (0 <= index) && (index < COUNT) )
                c_map[index] = 0; //标记为空闲
            cout <<"succeed to free memory: " << p << endl;

char Test::c_buffer[sizeof(Test) * Test::COUNT] = {0};
char Test::c_map[Test::COUNT] = {0};

int main()
    cout << "===== Test Single Object =====" << endl;
    Test* pt = new Test; //相当于(Test*)Test::operator new(sizeof(Test));
    delete pt;
    cout << "===== Test Object Array =====" << endl;
    Test* pa[5] = {0};
    for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
        pa[i] = new Test;
        cout << "pa[" <<i <<"] = " << pa[i] << endl;
    for( int i=0; i<5; i++)
        cout << "delete " << pa[i] << endl;
        delete pa[i];
    return 0;

===== Test Single Object =====
success to allocate memory: 00007FF60CA54600
succeed to free memory: 00007FF60CA54600
===== Test Object Array =====
success to allocate memory: 00007FF60CA54600
pa[0] = 00007FF60CA54600
success to allocate memory: 00007FF60CA54601
pa[1] = 00007FF60CA54601
success to allocate memory: 00007FF60CA54602
pa[2] = 00007FF60CA54602
success to allocate memory: 00007FF60CA54603
pa[3] = 00007FF60CA54603
pa[4] = 0000000000000000
delete 00007FF60CA54600
succeed to free memory: 00007FF60CA54600
delete 00007FF60CA54601
succeed to free memory: 00007FF60CA54601
delete 00007FF60CA54602
succeed to free memory: 00007FF60CA54602
delete 00007FF60CA54603
succeed to free memory: 00007FF60CA54603
delete 0000000000000000


new的两个主要任务:1.分配内存,2.调用构造函数初始化。而上例子中的operator new函数却只见分配内存,不见初始化工作,这看起来有点不可思议。其实重载的operator new函数确实只需完成前一半的功能,那初始化工作在什么时候实现的呢?答案是当调用new Test时,会先调用operator new,之后编译器自动地为我们插入了初始化的代码。 这也是new操作符与一般的操作符重载的不同之处·