[python] 小demo
源论坛地址:http://www.pythonla.com/thread-3.html 注明下出处哈!!!
1 list = [] 2 count = 0 3 for i in range(1,5): 4 for j in range(1,5): 5 if i != j: 6 for k in range(1,5): 7 if i != k and j != k: 8 num.append(i*100+j*10+k) 9 count += 1 10 print(count) 11 print(list)
1 lis = set([1,2,3,4]) 2 l = [ x*100+y*10+z for x in lis for y in lis-set([x]) for z in lis-set([x])-set([y])] 3 print len(l),l
1 while True: 2 money = input('input a number:') 3 if money <=10: 4 a = money * (1+0.1) 5 if money > 10 and money <=20: 6 a = (money-10) * (1+0.075) + 10 * (1+0.1) 7 if money > 20 and money <= 40: 8 a = (money-20) * (1+0.05) + 10 * (1+0.1+0.075) 9 if money > 40 and money <= 60: 10 a = (money-40) * 0.03 + 10 * (1+0.1+0.075) + 20 * (1+0.05) 11 if money >60 and money <=100: 12 a = (money-60) * 0.015 + 10 * (1+0.1+0.075) + 20 * (1+0.08) 13 if money > 100: 14 a = (money-100) * 0.01 + 10 * (1+0.1+0.075) + 20 * (1+0.05) + 40 * (1+0.015) 15 print(a)
1 while True: 2 a=input('input a number:') 3 item={'a<=10':'a*(1+0.1)',' 10< a <=20':'10*(1+0.1)+(a-10)*(1+0.075)', 4 '20< a <40':'(a-20)*(1+0.05)+10*1.175'} 5 print [ eval(item[i]) for i in item.keys() if eval(i)][0]
1 import time 2 days = 0 3 month_31 = [1,3,5,7,8,10,12] 4 month_30 = [4,6,9,11] 5 today = time.localtime() 6 #today = [2014,12,31] 7 year = today[0] 8 month = today[1] 9 day = today[2] 10 if year%4==0 and year%100!=0 or year%400==0: 11 month_2th = 29 12 else: 13 month_2th = 28 14 if month > 2: 15 for a in range(1,month): 16 if a in month_31: 17 days = days + 31 18 elif a in month_30: 19 days = days + 30 20 elif a == 2: 21 days = days + month_2th 22 days = days + day 23 elif month == 2: 24 days = 31+day 25 else: 26 days = day 27 print(days)
time.time() 获取当前时间戳
time.localtime() 当前时间的struct_time形式。struct_time对象共9个元素元素,分别为,年,月,日,时,分,秒,星期几,今年的第几天,是否夏令时。
1 import time 2 print(int((time.time() - time.mktime(time.strptime('2014', '%Y'))) / (86400)) + 1)
1 import random 2 char_list = [chr(i) for i in range(48,58)+range(65,91)+range(97,123)] 3 number = input('input length : ') 4 out_char_list = [] 5 for i in range(number): 6 out_char_list.append(char_list[random.randrange(len(char_list))]) 7 print(''.join(out_char_list)) 8 for a in set(out_char_list): 9 print("%s display: %d times" %(a,out_char_list.count(a)))