select identity(int,1,1) as iid,*
into #temp
select top 100 percent [date]=dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01'),[weekday]=datename(weekday,dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01'))
from (
select id=a.id+b.id*10+c.id*100 from
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
union all select id=4 union all select 5
union all select id=6 union all select 7
union all select id=8 union all select 9
) a,(
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
union all select id=4 union all select 5
union all select id=6 union all select 7
union all select id=8 union all select 9
) b,(
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
) c
) aa
where datepart(weekday,dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01')) between 2 and 6
and id between 0 and 366
order by id
) bb
select [date]=convert(varchar(10),[date],120),[weekday] from #temp
where iid%6 = (select iid from #temp where [date] = '2004-11-16')%6
drop table #temp
select identity(int,1,1) as iid,*
into #temp
select top 100 percent [date]=dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01'),[weekday]=datename(weekday,dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01'))
from (
select id=a.id+b.id*10+c.id*100 from
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
union all select id=4 union all select 5
union all select id=6 union all select 7
union all select id=8 union all select 9
) a,(
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
union all select id=4 union all select 5
union all select id=6 union all select 7
union all select id=8 union all select 9
) b,(
select id=0 union all select 1
union all select id=2 union all select 3
) c
) aa
where datepart(weekday,dateadd(day,id,'2004-01-01')) between 2 and 6
and id between 0 and 366
order by id
) bb
select [date]=convert(varchar(10),[date],120),[weekday] from #temp
where iid%6 = (select iid from #temp where [date] = '2004-11-16')%6
drop table #temp
where iid%6 = (select iid from #temp where [date] = '2004-11-16')%6
iid为插的序列号, iid被6除的余数只要等于特殊日期(2004-11-16,这天是我值日)被6除的余数相等即可。