Ubuntu系统启动报错:The system is running in low-graphics mode

最近,不小心将自己的Ubuntu-12.04桌面系统搞坏了,主要是由于改变了/var目录下文件的属主,结果桌面系统崩溃了,启动都成问题了。不过还算幸运,可以通过其他的机器登录到我的系统上。根据别人的系统/var目录下的文件属主信息,一点点还原回去了,但是没有彻底解决问题:每次启动电脑时,都提示错误“The system is running in low-graphics mode”,如图所示:




I have recently received a similar issue with myPangolin Performance laptop. The folks at System 76 told me to do the following:

Click Okay and then select the option to get a terminal. (alternatively you can press ctr+alt+f1 to bring up another tty)


sudo chown lightdm:lightdm -R /var/lib/lightdm
sudo chown avahi-autoipd:avahi-autoipd -R /var/lib/avahi-autoipd
sudo chown colord:colord -R /var/lib/colord


These commands did the trick for me.

posted @ 2013-07-24 00:49  宁静.致远  阅读(831)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报