Neo4j - Cypher Manual Study Notes 12
摘要:Indexes Neo4j supports two categories of indexes: Search-performance indexes, for speeding up data retrieval based on exact matches. This category inc
Neo4j - Cypher Manual Study Notes 11
摘要:Functions SHOW FUNCTIONS Aggregating functions FunctionSignatureDescription avg() avg(input :: INTEGER | FLOAT | DURATION) :: INTEGER | FLOAT | DURATI
Neo4j - Cypher Manual Study Notes 10
摘要:Values and types Property types A property type value is one that can be stored as a node or relationship property. Property types are the most primit
Neo4j - Cypher Manual Study Notes 9
摘要:Patterns Graph pattern matching sits at the very core of Cypher®. It is the mechanism used to navigate, describe and extract data from a graph by appl
Neo4j - Cypher Manual Study Notes 8
摘要:COLLECT subqueries Introduced in 5.6 A COLLECT subquery expression can be used to create a list with the rows returned by a given subquery. COLLECT su