VirtuaBox - difference between NAT and Bridged Adapter
摘要:In VirtualBox, the network modes NAT and Bridged Adapter control how the virtual machine (VM) connects to the external network and interacts with the
Virtualbox - EFI system partition size
摘要:The size of an EFI System Partition (ESP) typically depends on the operating system and the requirements of the system, but there are some general gui
VirtualBox - virtualbox invalid settings detected (发现无效设置)
摘要:Default machine folder is missing.
Win10 - 安装虚拟机设置
摘要:在Windows 10上安装虚拟机需要进行一些特定的设置,以确保虚拟机能够正常运行。以下是详细的步骤和注意事项: 1. 启用虚拟化支持 虚拟化是运行虚拟机的基础,需要确保你的CPU支持虚拟化,并且在BIOS/UEFI中启用它。 检查CPU虚拟化支持 打开任务管理器(按 Ctrl + Shift +
Datahub - how to add custom data source
摘要:To add a custom data source to DataHub, a metadata management and data discovery platform, you'll typically need to create a custom plugin or connecto
Python how to use dmPython
摘要:import dmPython def connect_dm_database(): # 数据库连接参数 password = 'xxxxxxxxxx' # 数据库密码 server = '' # 数据库服务器IP port = 5236 # 数据库端口号,默认为5236 try:
Python - sys.modules
摘要:In Python, sys.modules is a dictionary that maps module names to the modules themselves. This dictionary is used internally by the Python interpreter
Pip - install dmPython
摘要:PS D:\ZhangZhihuiTemp> pip install dmPython ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dmPython (from versions: none) ERROR: No ma
Python - Check the path of the Python explainer in Windows
摘要:PS D:\ZhangZhihuiTemp> python Python 3.13.1 (tags/v3.13.1:0671451, Dec 3 2024, 19:06:28) [MSC v.1942 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright"
Data Virtualization - Data Federation
摘要:Schema mapping A schema is a blueprint that defines how data is organized within a database. Data sources often have different schemas, meaning they o
Graph - Study Notes 7
摘要:cosine similarity user segmentation, community detection apoc.agg.statistics graphlet betweenness centrality
Graph - Study Notes 6
摘要:bipartite co-occurrence network LPA Jaccard similarity coefficient node similarity topK, similarityCutoff gds.nodeSimilarity gds.nodeSimilarity LPA gd
Graph - Study Notes 5
摘要:gds.graph.project gds.degree gds.wcc gds.graph.list, gds.graph.drop
Graph - Study Notes 4
摘要:community detection centrality PageRank APOC GDS graph catalog gds.graph.project WCC SCC LCC
Graph - Study Notes 3
摘要:profile Both executing plans are exactly the same. cardinality cardinality
Graph - Study Notes 2
摘要:select all delete all Download file users.csv from https://github.com/tomasonjo/graphs-network-science/tree/main/dataset/twitter and put it in ~/neo4j
Graph - Study Notes 1
摘要:community detection, clustering bipartite graph monopartite, bipartite LPG PageRank
Neo4j - Run a docker container
摘要:zzh@ZZHPC:~$ docker pull neo4j:latest How to use this image You can start a Neo4j container like this: docker run \ --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687
Data Fabric - Study Notes 9
摘要:data virtualization metadata business metadata technical metadata, operational metadata Informatica, Alation Denodo, Informatica, Snowflake, NetApp, T
Data Fabric - Study Notes 8
摘要:data profiling digital exhaust AutoSQL K-means, SOM MDM DataOps, ModelOps, DevOps
Data Fabric - Study Notes 7
摘要:data cleansing, data transformation feature engineering PCA, ICA, LDA PMML, ONNX, PFA
Data Fabric - Study Notes 6
摘要:knowledge catalog, knowledge graph business metadata data lineage, data provenance Active Metadata knowledge graph, semantic network - GraphQL is a qu
Data Fabric - Study Notes 5
摘要:metadata change better not copy data Data Governance data inconsistencies data access rules and policies AOD build quality analysis and remediation na
Data Fabric - Study Notes 4
摘要:bitemporal delta lake ODPi, OMAG, OMRS, Egeria
Data Fabric - Study Notes 3
摘要:Vendor and open source tools Data fabric solutions: IBM Cloud Pak NetApp TIBCO HPE Denodo Informatica Talend K2view Cinchy Stardog
Data Fabric - Study Notes 2
Data Fabric - Study Notes 1
摘要:TOGAF, or The Open Group Architecture Framework, is a framework and methodology for designing, planning, and implementing an enterprise's IT architect
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 7
摘要:Full text search Searching with LIKE: LIKE is case-sensitive. iLIKE is case-insensitive. TSVECTOR, TSQUERY, ts_rank(): Websearch: select plainto_tsque
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 6
摘要:CTEs (Common Table Expressions): Not materialized, because it is used only once. Explicitly creating the CTE as not materialized looks having better p
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 5
摘要:Cross join: Cross join is the default for an unqualified join. chr() Grouping: any_value() array_agg() json_agg(), jsonb_agg() bool_and() bool_or() fi
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 4
摘要:Inner join is the default join. Outter join has three categories: left join, right join and full join. starts_with() Lateral join: lateral Lateral joi
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 3
摘要:ctid What data type should you use for your primary keys? Integers or UUIDs? In 98% of use cases, you should favor integer types. When we are over int
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 2
摘要:inet The essential difference between inet and cidr data types is that inet accepts values with nonzero bits to the right of the netmask, whereas cidr
PostgreSQL - Study Notes 1
摘要:Fraction is precise, but slow. Floating point is fast, but imprecise. Two floating point: types real (float4) and double precision (float8). Domain is