Go 100 mistakes - #86: Sleeping in unit tests
Go - table-driven tests
Go - test execution modes
Go - the -race flag
Go 100 mistakes - #82: Not categorizing tests
Go 100 mistakes - #81: Using the default HTTP client and server
GO 100 mistakes - #80: Forgetting the return statement after replying to an HTTP request
Go 100 mistakes - #79: Not closing transient resources
Go 100 mistakes - #78: Common SQL mistakes
Go 100 mistakes - #77: Common JSON-handling mistakes
Go 100 mistakes - #76: time.After and memory leaks
Go 100 mistakes - #74: Copying a sync type
Go - pointer in a value copy
Go - errgroup
Go - sync.Cond
Go 100 mistakes - #71: Misusing sync.WaitGroup
Go - #70: Using mutexes inaccurately with slices and maps
Go 100 mistakes - #69: Creating data races with append
Go 100 mistakes - #68: Forgetting about possible side effects with string formatting
Go - context keys and values
摘要:IS THERE A WAY TO LIST KEYS IN CONTEXT.CONTEXT? No there is no way to list all the keys of context.Context. Because that type is just an interface. So
Go - channel size
Go - nil channels
摘要:nil channels always block!
Go - notification channels
Go 100 mistakes - #64: Expecting deterministic behavior using select and channels
摘要:func main() { messageCh := make(chan int, 10) disconnectCh := make(chan struct{}, 1) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { messageCh <- i } go func() { for { sele
Go 100 mistakes - #62: Starting a goroutine without knowing when to stop it
Go - context
摘要:func main() { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5 * time.Second) defer cancel() go f1(ctx) for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { select { c
Go 100 mistakes - #61: Propagating an inappropriate context
Go - Zero value of time.Time
Go - Contexts
Go - Data races vs. race conditions
Go - race detector
摘要:Usage To help diagnose such bugs, Go includes a built-in data race detector. To use it, add the -race flag to the go command: $ go test -race mypkg //
Chrome - Block advertisement pop-ups
Go - when to use channels or mutexes
Znote - concurrency and parallelism
Go - concurrent processing is not always faster than sequential processing
Go - scheduling
Go 100 mistakes - #54: Not handling defer errors
Go - how to ignore an error purposely
Go 100 mistakes - #52: Handling an error twice
Go 100 mistakes - #51: Checking an error value inaccurately
Go 100 mistakes - #50: Checking an error type inaccurately
Go - Type assertions and Type switches
摘要:Type assertions For an expression x of interface type, but not a type parameter, and a type T, the primary expression x.(T) asserts that x is not nil
Go - wrap an error
Go - panic
Go - argument evaluation with defer
Go 100 mistakes - #46: Using a filename as a function input
Go 100 mistakes - #45: Returning a nil receiver
摘要:We’ve seen in this section that in Go, having a nil receiver is allowed, and an interface converted from a nil pointer isn’t a nil interface. For that
Go - named result parameters
摘要:Unintended side effects with named result parameters:
Go 100 mistakes - #42: Not knowing which type of receiver to use
Go 100 mistakes - #41: Substrings and memory leaks
摘要:We need to keep two things in mind while using the substring operation in Go. First, the interval provided is based on the number of bytes, not the nu
Go 100 mistakes: #40: Useless string conversions
Go 100 mistakes - #39: Under-optimized string concatenation
Go 100 mistakes - #38: Misusing trim functions
Go 100 mistakes - #37: Inaccurate string iteration
Go - charset and encoding
摘要:We should understand the distinction between a charset and an encoding: A charset, as the name suggests, is a set of characters. For example, the Uni
Go 100 mistakes - #35: Using defer inside a loop
摘要:We will implement a function that opens a set of files where the file paths are received via a channel. Hence, we have to iterate over this channel, o
Go - break
摘要:A break statement is commonly used to terminate the execution of a loop. When loops are used in conjunction with switch or select, developers frequent
Go - range
摘要:A range loop allows iterating over different data structures: String Array Pointer to an array Slice Map Receiving channel In general, range pro
Go 100 mistakes - #29: Comparing values incorrectly
摘要:It’s essential to understand how to use == and != to make comparisons effectively. We can use these operators on operands that are comparable: Boolea
Go 100 mistakes - #28: Maps and memory leaks
Go - map
Go 100 mistakes - #26: Slices and memory leaks
摘要:As a rule of thumb, remember that slicing a large slice or array can lead to potential high memory consumption. The remaining space won’t be reclaimed
Go 100 mistakes - #25: Unexpected side effects using slice append
Go 100 mistakes - #21: Inefficient slice initialization
摘要:Converting one slice type into another is a frequent operation for Go developers. As we have seen, if the length of the future slice is already known,
Go - slice
摘要:The slice now references the new backing array. What will happen to the previous backing array? If it’s no longer referenced, it’s eventually freed by
Go - floating-point numbers
摘要:Note that there’s an infinite number of real values between math.SmallestNonzeroFloat64 (the float64 minimum) and math.MaxFloat64 (the float64 maximum
Go - integer overflow
摘要:func main() { fmt.Printf("math.MaxInt32: %d\n", math.MaxInt32) fmt.Printf("math.MinInt32: %d\n", math.MinInt32) var counter int32 = math.MaxInt32 coun
Go 100 mistakes - #16: Not using linters
摘要:A linter is an automatic tool to analyze code and catch errors. To understand why linters are important, let’s take one concrete example. In mistake #
Go 100 mistakes - #15: Missing code documentation
摘要:Documentation is an important aspect of coding. It simplifies how clients can consume an API but can also help in maintaining a project. In Go, we sho
Go - Project structure
摘要:The Go language maintainer has no strong convention about structuring a project in Go. However, one layout has emerged over the years: project-layout
Go 100 mistakes - #11: Not using the functional options pattern
摘要:Here, WithPort returns a closure. A closure is an anonymous function that references variables from outside its body; in this case, the port variable.
Go 100 mistakes - #10: Not being aware of the possible problems with type embedding
摘要:Because the mutex is embedded, we can directly access the Lock and Unlock methods from the i receiver.We mentioned that such an example is a wrong usa
Go 100 mistakes - #9: Being confused about when to use generics
摘要:Go 1.18 adds generics to the language. In a nutshell, this allows writing code with types that can be specified later and instantiated when needed. On
Go - any says nothing
摘要:With Go 1.18, the predeclared type any became an alias for an empty interface; hence, all the interface{} occurrences can be replaced by any. If futur
Go 100 mistakes - #7: Returning interfaces
摘要:All in all, in most cases, we shouldn’t return interfaces but concrete implementations. Otherwise, it can make our design more complex due to package
Go 100 mistakes - #6: Interface on the producer side
摘要:An interface should live on the consumer side in most cases. However, in particular contexts (for example, when we know—not foresee—that an abstractio
Go - 100 mistakes
摘要:Code and project organization: #1: Unintended variable shadowing #2: Unnecessary nested code #3: Misusing init functions #4: Overusing getters and set
Go - When to use interfaces?
摘要:Common behavior Decoupling Restricting behavior Common behavior: Restricting behavior:The last use case we will discuss can be pretty counterintuitive
VirtualBox - Increase video memory
摘要:zzh@ZZHPC:~ VBoxManagemodifyvmzwin10−−vram256zzh@ZZHPC: VBoxManage modifyvm zwin10 --vram 512 VBoxManage: error: Invalid VRAM size: 512 MB (mu