Syntax for nodes
You can bind each node to a variable that you can refer to later in the query. Multiple labels are separated by colons.
CREATE (charlie:Person:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}), (oliver:Person:Director {name: 'Oliver Stone'})
As of Neo4j 5.18, multiple labels can also be separated by an ampersand &
, in the same manner as it is used in label expressions.
CREATE (charlie:Person&Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}), (oliver:Person&Director {name: 'Oliver Stone'})
Reusing variables
CREATE p = (charlie:Person:Actor {name: 'Charlie Sheen'})-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Bud Fox'}]->(wallStreet:Movie {title: 'Wall Street'})<-[:DIRECTED]-(oliver:Person:Director {name: 'Oliver Stone'}), (wallStreet)<-[:ACTED_IN {role: 'Gordon Gekko'}]-(michael:Person:Actor {name: 'Michael Douglas'}) RETURN length(p)
Creates all three nodes for Charlie Sheen, Oliver Stone and Michael Douglas and connects them all to the node representing the Wall Street movie. It then returns the length of the path from Charlie Sheen to Oliver Stone.
Note that when repeating a node’s variable, you may not add labels or properties to the repetition.
MATCH (charlie:Person {name: 'Charlie Sheen'}) CREATE (charlie:Actor)
This query will fail because the variable charlie
has already been bound to a pre-existing node, and therefore it cannot be reused to create a new node. If you intend to add a label, use the SET
clause instead.
Reusing variables in properties
MATCH (person:Person) WHERE IS NOT NULL CREATE (anotherPerson:Person {name:, age: $age})
Such an expression may not contain a reference to a variable that is defined in the same CREATE
statement. This is to ensure that the value of a property is always clear.
CREATE (charlie {score: oliver.score + 1}), (oliver {score: charlie.score + 1})
This query tries to create nodes such that Charlie’s score is higher than Oliver’s and vice versa, which is a contradiction. The query therefore fails.
Use parameters with CREATE
:param { "props": { "name": "Andy", "position": "Developer" } }
CREATE (n:Person $props) RETURN n
Create multiple nodes with a parameter for their properties
By providing Cypher an array of maps, it will create a node for each map.
:param { "props": [ { "name": "Andy", "position": "Developer" }, { "name": "Michael", "position": "Developer" } ] }
UNWIND $props AS map CREATE (n) SET n = map
CREATE using dynamic node labels and relationship types
Node labels and relationship types can be referenced dynamically in expressions, parameters, and variables when creating nodes and relationships. This allows for more flexible queries and mitigates the risk of Cypher injection.
Syntax for creating nodes and relationships dynamically:
CREATE (n:$(<expr>)) CREATE ()-[r:$(<expr>)]->()
The expression must evaluate to a STRING NOT NULL | LIST<STRING NOT NULL> NOT NULL
value. Using a LIST<STRING>
with more than one item when creating a relationship using dynamic relationship types will fail. This is because a relationship can only have exactly one type.
:params { "nodeLabels": ["Person", "Director"], "relType": "DIRECTED", "movies": ["Ladybird", "Little Women", "Barbie"] }
CREATE (greta:$($nodeLabels) {name: 'Greta Gerwig'}) WITH greta UNWIND $movies AS movieTitle CREATE (greta)-[rel:$($relType)]->(m:Movie {title: movieTitle}) RETURN AS name, labels(greta) AS labels, type(rel) AS relType, collect(m.title) AS movies
╒══════════════╤══════════════════════╤══════════╤══════════════════════════════════════╕ │name │labels │relType │movies │ ╞══════════════╪══════════════════════╪══════════╪══════════════════════════════════════╡ │"Greta Gerwig"│["Person", "Director"]│"DIRECTED"│["Ladybird", "Little Women", "Barbie"]│ └──────────────┴──────────────────────┴──────────┴──────────────────────────────────────┘
as a synonym ofCREATE
can be used as a synonym to CREATE
for creating nodes and relationships, and was introduced as part of Cypher’s GQL conformance. However, INSERT
requires that multiple labels are separated by an ampersand &
and not by colon :
INSERT (tom:Person&Actor&Director {name: 'Tom Hanks'})
Example graph
The following graph is used for the examples below. It shows four actors, three of whom ACTED_IN
the Movie
The Matrix
(Keanu Reeves
, Carrie-Anne Moss
, and Laurence Fishburne
), and one actor who did not act in it (Tom Hanks
Delete single node
MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks'}) DELETE n
This query is only possible to run on nodes without any relationships connected to them.
NODETACH keyword
It is also possible to delete the single node using the NODETACH DELETE
clause. Using the NODETACH
keyword explicitly defines that relationships will not be detached and deleted from a node. The NODETACH
keyword is a mirror of the already existing keyword DETACH, and it was introduced as part of Cypher®'s GQL conformance. Including it is functionally the same as using simple DELETE
MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Tom Hanks'}) NODETACH DELETE n
Delete relationships only
It is possible to delete a relationship while leaving the node(s) connected to that relationship otherwise unaffected.
MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Laurence Fishburne'})-[r:ACTED_IN]->() DELETE r
Delete a node with all its relationships
MATCH (n:Person {name: 'Carrie-Anne Moss'}) DETACH DELETE n
Delete all nodes and relationships
Delete all nodes and relationships using CALL
Delete a database and recreate it
A query ending in FINISH
— instead of RETURN
— has no result but executes all its side effects. FINISH
was introduced as part of Cypher®'s GQL conformance.
The following read query successfully executes but has no results:
The following query has no result but creates one node with the label Person
It is equivalent to the following query:
CREATE (p:Person)
Lists and paths are key concepts in Cypher®. The FOREACH
clause can be used to update data, such as executing update commands on elements in a path, or on a list created by aggregation.
The variable context within the FOREACH
parenthesis is separate from the one outside it. This means that if you CREATE
a node variable within a FOREACH
, you will not be able to use it outside of the foreach statement, unless you match to find it.
Within the FOREACH
parentheses, you can do any of the updating commands — SET
Mark all nodes along a path
This query sets the property marked
to true
on all nodes along a path.
MATCH p=(start)-[*]->(finish) WHERE = 'A' AND = 'D' FOREACH (n IN nodes(p) | SET n.marked = true)
Mark all relationships along a path
This query sets the property marked
to true
on all relationships along a path.
MATCH p=(start)-[*]->(finish) WHERE = 'A' AND = 'D' FOREACH ( r IN relationships(p) | SET r.marked = true )
Create new nodes from a list of name labels
This query creates a new node for each label in a list.
WITH ['E', 'F', 'G'] AS names FOREACH ( value IN names | CREATE (:Person {name: value}) )
constrains the number of returned rows.
accepts any expression that evaluates to a positive INTEGER
and does not refer to nodes or relationships.
MATCH (n) RETURN ORDER BY LIMIT 1 + toInteger(3 * rand())
and side effects
The use of LIMIT
in a query will not stop side effects, like CREATE
, or SET
, from happening if the limit is in the same query part as the side effect.
as a standalone clause
Standalone use of LIMIT:
MATCH (n) LIMIT 2 RETURN collect( AS names
used in conjunction with ORDER BY
and SKIP:
The following query orders all nodes by name
descending, skips the two first rows and limits the results to two rows. It then collects the results in a list.
is used to import data from CSV files into a Neo4j database.
LOAD CSV FROM '' AS row MERGE (:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])})
FROM takes a STRING containing the path where the CSV file is located. |
The clause parses one row at a time, temporarily storing the current row in the variable specified with AS . |
The MERGE clause accesses the row variable to insert data into the database. |
supports both local and remote URLs. Local paths are resolved relative to the Neo4j installation folder.
Import CSV data into Neo4j
Import local files
You can store CSV files on the database server and then access them by using a file:///
URL. By default, paths are resolved relative to the Neo4j import directory.
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///artists.csv' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
Import from a remote location
LOAD CSV FROM '' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
LOAD CSV FROM 'ftp://<username>:<password>@<domain>/bands/artists.csv' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
Import from cloud URIs
You can import data from a number of different cloud storages:
See Operations Manual → Load a dump from a cloud storage on how to set up access to cloud storages.
LOAD CSV FROM 'azb://azb-account/azb-container/artists.csv' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
LOAD CSV FROM 'gs://gs-bucket/artists.csv' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
LOAD CSV FROM 's3://aws-bucket/artists.csv' AS row MERGE (a:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])}) RETURN, a.year
Import CSV files using dynamic columns
CSV columns can be referenced dynamically to map labels to nodes in the graph. This enables flexible data handling, allowing labels to be be populated from CSV column values without manually specifying each entry. It also mitigates the risk of Cypher® injection.
Id,Label,Name 1,Band,The Beatles 2,Band,The Rolling Stones 3,Band,Pink Floyd 4,Band,Led Zeppelin
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///bands-with-headers.csv' AS line MERGE (n:$(line.Label) {name: line.Name}) RETURN n AS bandNodes
Import compressed CSV files
can read local CSV files compressed with ZIP or gzip. ZIP archives can have arbitrary directory structures but may only contain a single CSV file.
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///' AS row MERGE (:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])})
You can’t load zipped CSV files from remote URLs.
Import data from relational databases
If the source data comes from a relational model, it’s worth evaluating how to gain the most from moving to a graph data model. Before running the import, think about how the data can be modeled as a graph, and adapt its structure accordingly when running the import (see Graph data modeling).
Data from relational databases may consist of one or multiple CSV files, depending on the source database structure. A performant approach is to run multiple passes of LOAD CSV
to import nodes separately from relationships.
id,title,author,publication_year,genre,rating,still_in_print,last_purchased 19515,The Heights,Anne Conrad,2012,Comedy,5,true,2023/4/12 8:17:00 39913,Starship Ghost,Michael Tyler,1985,Science Fiction|Horror,4.2,false,2022/01/16 17:15:56 60980,The Death Proxy,Tim Brown,2002,Horror,2.1,true,2023/11/26 8:34:26 18793,Chocolate Timeline,Mary R. Robb,1924,Romance,3.5,false,2022/9/17 14:23:45 67162,Stories of Three,Eleanor Link,2022,Romance|Comedy,2,true,2023/03/12 16:01:23 25987,Route Down Below,Tim Brown,2006,Horror,4.1,true,2023/09/24 15:34:18
// Create `Book` nodes LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MERGE (b:Book {id:, title: row.title}) MERGE (a:Author {name:}); // Create `WROTE` relationships LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MATCH (a:Author{name:}) MATCH (b:Book{id:}) MERGE (a)-[:WROTE]->(b);
movieId,person_tmdbId,role 1,12899,Slinky Dog (voice) 1,12898,Buzz Lightyear (voice) ...
// Create person nodes LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MERGE (p:Person {name:, tmdbId: row.person_tmdbId}); // Create movie nodes LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MERGE (m:Movie {movieId: row.movieId, title: row.title}); // Create relationships LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MATCH (p:Person {tmdbId: row.person_tmdbId}) MATCH (m:Movie {movieId: row.movieId}) MERGE (p)-[r:ACTED_IN {role: row.role}]->(m);
Create additional node labels
MATCH (p:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->() WITH DISTINCT p SET p:Actor
Cast CSV columns to Neo4j data types
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MERGE (p:Person {tmdbId: toInteger(row.person_tmdbId)}) SET =, p.born = date(row.born) RETURN AS name, p.tmdbId AS tmdbId, p.born AS born LIMIT 5
Handle null
Skip null
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///companies.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE row.Id IS NOT NULL MERGE (c:Company {id: row.Id})
Provide a default for null
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///companies.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE row.Id IS NOT NULL MERGE (c:Company {id: row.Id, hqLocation: coalesce(row.Location, "Unknown")})
Change empty STRING
values to null
values (not stored)
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///companies.csv' AS row WITH row WHERE row.Id IS NOT NULL MERGE (c:Company {id: row.Id}) SET = nullIf(trim(row.Email), "")
nullif(): if the two values are equal, return null, otherwise return the first value.
Split list values
movieId,title,budget,countries,movie_imdbId,imdbRating,imdbVotes,languages,plot,movie_poster,released,revenue,runtime,movie_tmdbId,movie_url,year,genres 1,Toy Story,30000000.0,USA,114709,8.3,591836,English,A cowboy doll is profoundly threatened and jealous when a new spaceman figure supplants him as top toy in a boy's room.,,1995-11-22,373554033.0,81,862,,1995,Adventure|Animation|Children|Comedy|Fantasy 2,Jumanji,65000000.0,USA,113497,6.9,198355,English|French,"When two kids find and play a magical board game, they release a man trapped for decades in it and a host of dangers that can only be stopped by finishing the game.",,1995-12-15,262797249.0,104,8844,,1995,Adventure|Children|Fantasy ...
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row MERGE (m:Movie {id: toInteger(row.movieId)}) SET m.title = row.title, m.imdbId = toInteger(row.movie_imdbId), m.languages = split(row.languages, '|'), m.genres = split(row.genres, '|') RETURN m.title AS title, m.imdbId AS imdbId, m.languages AS languages, m.genres AS genres LIMIT 5
Create property uniqueness constraints
Handle large amounts of data
may run into memory issues with files containing a significant number of rows (approaching hundreds of thousands or millions). For large files, it’s recommended to split the import process in several lighter transactions through the clause CALL {…} IN TRANSACTIONS
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS row CALL (row) { MERGE (p:Person {tmdbId: row.person_tmdbId}) SET =, p.born = row.born } IN TRANSACTIONS OF 200 ROWS
LOAD CSV and Neo4j functions
Access line numbers with linenumber()
The linenumber()
function provides the line number which LOAD CSV
is operating on, or null
if called outside of a LOAD CSV
A common use case for this function is to generate sequential unique IDs for CSV data that doesn’t have a unique column already.
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///artists.csv' AS row RETURN linenumber() AS number, row
Access the CSV file path with file()
The file()
function provides the absolute path of the file that LOAD CSV
is operating on, or null
if called out of a LOAD CSV
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///artists.csv' AS row RETURN DISTINCT file() AS path
Field delimiter
The default field delimiter is ,
option to specify a different field delimiter.
If you try to import a file that doesn’t use ,
as field delimiter and you also don’t specify a custom delimiter, LOAD CSV
will interpret the CSV as having a single column.
LOAD CSV FROM 'file:///artists-fieldterminator.csv' AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ';' MERGE (:Artist {name: row[1], year: toInteger(row[2])})
Quotes escaping
values are allowed in the CSV file and the quotes are dropped when LOAD CSV
reads the data. If quoted STRING
values must contain quote characters "
, there are two ways to escape them:
Double quotes — Use another quote
to escape a quote (for example, the CSV encoding of theSTRING
The "Symbol"
is"The ""Symbol"""
). -
Prefix with backslash
— If the configuration settingdbms.import.csv.legacy_quote_escaping
is set totrue
(the default value),\
works as the escape character for quotes (for example, the CSV encoding of theSTRING
The "Symbol"
is"The \"Symbol\""
"1","The ""Symbol""","1992" "2","The \"Symbol\"","1992"
Check source data quality
In case of a failed import, there are some elements to check to ensure the source file is not corrupted.
Inconsistent headers — The CSV header may be inconsistent with the data. It can be missing, have too many columns or have a different delimiter. Verify that the header matches the data in the file. Adjust the formatting, delimiters or columns.
Extra or missing quotes — Standalone double or single quotes in the middle of non-quoted text or non-escaped quotes in quoted text can cause issues reading the file. Either escape or remove stray quotes. See Quotes escaping.
Special or newline characters — When dealing with special characters in a file, ensure they are quoted or remove them.
Inconsistent line breaks — Ensure line breaks are consistent throughout your file.
Binary zeros, BOM byte order mark and other non-text characters — Unusual characters or tool-specific formatting are sometimes hidden in application tools, but become apparent in plain-text editors. If you come across these types of characters in your file, either remove them or use Cypher’s normalize function.
Inspect source files ahead of import
Before importing data into the database, you can use LOAD CSV
to inspect a source file and get an idea of what form the imported data is going to have.
// Assert correct line count LOAD CSV FROM '' AS line RETURN count(*);
// Check first 5 line-sample with header-mapping LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM '' AS line RETURN line.person_tmdbId, LIMIT 5;
Other ways of importing data
There are a few other tools to get CSV data into Neo4j.
neo4j-admin database import
command is the most efficient way of importing large CSV files. -
Use a language library to parse CSV data and run creation Cypher queries against a Neo4j database. Created as an extension library to provide common procedures and functions to developers. This library is especially helpful for complex transformations and data manipulations. Useful procedures include apoc.load.jdbc, apoc.load.json, and others.
The ETL Tool: allows to extract the schema from a relational database and turn it into a graph model. It then takes care of importing the data into Neo4j.
The Kettle import tool maps and executes steps for the data process flow and works well for very large datasets, especially if you are already familiar with using this tool.
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