How to change the cnfiguration for rate limiting in flight?
How to change the configuration of pgxpool without restarting the application?
How to dynamically reload the configuration of SMTP when the username or password is changed?
I use Viper to watch and reload the config changes, and applying the changes at runtime using wrappers.
Need to create a Viper instance for each config file.
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/greenlight$ tree . ├── bin ├── cmd │ └── api │ ├── errors.go │ ├── healthcheck.go │ ├── helpers.go │ ├── main.go │ ├── middleware.go │ ├── movie.go │ ├── routes.go │ ├── server.go │ └── user.go ├── create_db.sql ├── go.mod ├── go.sum ├── internal │ ├── config │ │ ├── config.go │ │ ├── dynamic_db_secret.env │ │ ├── dynamic.env │ │ └── dynamic_smtp_secret.env │ ├── data │ │ ├── db.go │ │ ├── filter.go │ │ ├── models.go │ │ ├── movie.go │ │ ├── runtime.go │ │ └── user.go │ ├── mail │ │ ├── sender.go │ │ └── templates │ │ └── user_welcome.html │ └── validator │ └── validator.go ├── Makefile ├── migrations │ ├── 000001_create_movie_table.down.sql │ ├── 000001_create_movie_table.up.sql │ ├── 000002_add_movie_check_constraints.down.sql │ ├── 000002_add_movie_check_constraints.up.sql │ ├── 000003_add_movie_indexes.down.sql │ ├── 000003_add_movie_indexes.up.sql │ ├── 000004_create_users_table.down.sql │ └── 000004_create_users_table.up.sql ├── └── remote
package config import ( "time" "" ) // Config stores configuration that can be dynamically reloaded at runtime. type Config struct { DBUsername string `mapstructure:"DB_USERNAME"` DBPassword string `mapstructure:"DB_PASSWORD"` DBServer string `mapstructure:"DB_SERVER"` DBPort int `mapstructure:"DB_PORT"` DBName string `mapstructure:"DB_NAME"` DBSSLMode string `mapstructure:"DB_SSLMODE"` DBPoolMaxConns int `mapstructure:"DB_POOL_MAX_CONNS"` DBPoolMaxConnIdleTime time.Duration `mapstructure:"DB_POOL_MAX_CONN_IDLE_TIME"` LimiterRps float64 `mapstructure:"LIMITER_RPS"` LimiterBurst int `mapstructure:"LIMITER_BURST"` LimiterEnabled bool `mapstructure:"LIMITER_ENABLED"` SMTPUsername string `mapstructure:"SMTP_USERNAME"` SMTPPassword string `mapstructure:"SMTP_PASSWORD"` SMTPAuthAddress string `mapstructure:"SMTP_AUTH_ADDRESS"` SMTPServerAddress string `mapstructure:"SMTP_SERVER_ADDRESS"` LoadTime time.Time } // LimiterConfig stores configuration for rate limiting. type LimiterConfig struct { Rps float64 Burst int Enabled bool } // SMTPConfig stores configuration for sending emails. type SMTPConfig struct { Username string Password string AuthAddress string ServerAddress string } // LoadConfig loads configuration from a config file to a Config instance. func LoadConfig(v *viper.Viper, cfgPath, cfgType, cfgName string, cfg *Config) error { v.AddConfigPath(cfgPath) v.SetConfigType(cfgType) v.SetConfigName(cfgName) err := v.ReadInConfig() if err != nil { return err } err = v.Unmarshal(cfg) if err != nil { return err } cfg.LoadTime = time.Now() return nil }
package data import ( "context" "time" "" ) // PoolWrapper wraps a *pgxpool.Pool. type PoolWrapper struct { Pool *pgxpool.Pool } // CreatePool creates a *pgxpool.Pool and assigns it to the wrapper's Pool field. func (pw *PoolWrapper) CreatePool(connString string) error { ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second) defer cancel() p, err := pgxpool.New(ctx, connString) if err != nil { return err } err = p.Ping(ctx) if err != nil { p.Close() return err } pw.Pool = p return nil }
package data import ( "errors" ) var ( ErrMsgViolateUniqueConstraint = "duplicate key value violates unique constraint" ErrRecordNotFound = errors.New("record not found") ErrEditConflict = errors.New("edit conflict") ) // Models puts models together in one struct. type Models struct { Movie MovieModel User UserModel } // NewModels returns a Models struct containing the initialized models. func NewModels(pw *PoolWrapper) Models { return Models{ Movie: MovieModel{DB: pw}, User: UserModel{DB: pw}, } }
... // User represents an individual user. type User struct { ID int64 `json:"id"` CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Password password `json:"-"` Activated bool `json:"activated"` Version int `json:"version"` } ... // UserModel struct wraps a database connection pool wrapper. type UserModel struct { DB *PoolWrapper } // Insert inserts a new record in the users table. func (m UserModel) Insert(user *User) error { query := `INSERT INTO users (name, email, password_hash, activated) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4) RETURNING id, created_at, version` args := []any{user.Name, user.Email, user.Password.hash, user.Activated} ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second) defer cancel() err := m.DB.Pool.QueryRow(ctx, query, args...).Scan(&user.ID, &user.CreatedAt, &user.Version) if err != nil { switch { case strings.Contains(err.Error(), ErrMsgViolateUniqueConstraint) && strings.Contains(err.Error(), "email"): return ErrDuplicateEmail default: return err } } return nil } ...
package mail import ( "bytes" "embed" "html/template" "net/smtp" "" "" ) //go:embed "templates" var templateFS embed.FS // EmailSender wraps a *config.SMTPConfig which stores configuration for sending emails. type EmailSender struct { SMTPCfg *config.SMTPConfig } // Send sends an email whose subject and content are read from a template file. // Use a pointer receiver because the fields of EmailSender can be dynamically loaded. func (sender *EmailSender) Send(from, to, templateFile string, data any) error { tmpl, err := template.New("email").ParseFS(templateFS, "templates/"+templateFile) if err != nil { return err } // Execute the named tempalte "subject", passing in the dynamic data and storing the // result in a bytes.Buffer variable. subject := new(bytes.Buffer) err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(subject, "subject", data) if err != nil { return err } // Execute the named tempalte "plainBody", passing in the dynamic data and storing the // result in a bytes.Buffer variable. plainBody := new(bytes.Buffer) err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(plainBody, "plainBody", data) if err != nil { return err } htmlBody := new(bytes.Buffer) err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(htmlBody, "htmlBody", data) if err != nil { return err } e := email.NewEmail() e.From = from e.To = []string{to} e.Subject = subject.String() e.Text = plainBody.Bytes() e.HTML = htmlBody.Bytes() smtpAuth := smtp.PlainAuth("", sender.SMTPCfg.Username, sender.SMTPCfg.Password, sender.SMTPCfg.AuthAddress) return e.Send(sender.SMTPCfg.ServerAddress, smtpAuth) }
package main import ( "flag" "fmt" "log/slog" "os" "time" "" "" "" "" "" ) // Declare a string containing the application version number. Later in the book we'll // generate this automatically at build time, but for now we'll just store the version // number as a hard-coded global constant. const version = "1.0.0" type appConfig struct { serverAddress string env string dbConnString string limiter *config.LimiterConfig smtp *config.SMTPConfig } // Define an application struct to hold the dependencies for our HTTP handlers, helpers, // and middleware. type application struct { config appConfig logger *slog.Logger models data.Models emailSender *mail.EmailSender } func main() { var ( configPath string serverAddress string env string ) // Read the location of config files for dynamic configuration from command line. flag.StringVar(&configPath, "config-path", "internal/config", "The directory that contains configuration files.") // Read static configuration from command line. flag.StringVar(&serverAddress, "server-address", ":4000", "The server address of this application.") flag.StringVar(&env, "env", "development", "Environment (development|staging|production)") // Parse command line parameters. flag.Parse() logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, nil)) var cfgDynamic config.Config // Load dynamic configuration. viperDynamic := viper.New() err := config.LoadConfig(viperDynamic, configPath, "env", "dynamic", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // Load dynamic DB configuration. viperDynamicDB := viper.New() err = config.LoadConfig(viperDynamicDB, configPath, "env", "dynamic_db_secret", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // Load dynamic SMTP configuration. viperDynamicSMTP := viper.New() err = config.LoadConfig(viperDynamicSMTP, configPath, "env", "dynamic_smtp_secret", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } // Create an appConfig instance. cfg := appConfig{ serverAddress: serverAddress, env: env, dbConnString: fmt.Sprintf( "postgres://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?sslmode=%s&pool_max_conns=%d&pool_max_conn_idle_time=%s", cfgDynamic.DBUsername, cfgDynamic.DBPassword, cfgDynamic.DBServer, cfgDynamic.DBPort, cfgDynamic.DBName, cfgDynamic.DBSSLMode, cfgDynamic.DBPoolMaxConns, cfgDynamic.DBPoolMaxConnIdleTime, ), limiter: &config.LimiterConfig{ Rps: cfgDynamic.LimiterRps, Burst: cfgDynamic.LimiterBurst, Enabled: cfgDynamic.LimiterEnabled, }, smtp: &config.SMTPConfig{ Username: cfgDynamic.SMTPUsername, Password: cfgDynamic.SMTPPassword, AuthAddress: cfgDynamic.SMTPAuthAddress, ServerAddress: cfgDynamic.SMTPServerAddress, }, } // Create a database connection pool wrapper. var poolWrapper data.PoolWrapper err = poolWrapper.CreatePool(cfg.dbConnString) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } defer poolWrapper.Pool.Close() logger.Info("database connection pool established") // Create the application instance. app := &application{ config: cfg, logger: logger, models: data.NewModels(&poolWrapper), emailSender: &mail.EmailSender{SMTPCfg: cfg.smtp}, } // Watch and reload dynamic.env config file. go func() { viperDynamic.OnConfigChange(func(in fsnotify.Event) { // A change in the config file can cause two 'write' events. // Only need to respond once. We respond to the first one. if time.Since(cfgDynamic.LoadTime) > time.Duration(100*time.Millisecond) { logger.Info("configuration change detected", "filename", in.Name, "operation", in.Op) // Reload the config file if any change is detected. err := config.LoadConfig(viperDynamic, configPath, "env", "dynamic", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } cfg.limiter.Rps = cfgDynamic.LimiterRps cfg.limiter.Burst = cfgDynamic.LimiterBurst cfg.limiter.Enabled = cfgDynamic.LimiterEnabled } }) viperDynamic.WatchConfig() }() // Watch and reload dynamic_db_secret.env config file. go func() { viperDynamicDB.OnConfigChange(func(in fsnotify.Event) { if time.Since(cfgDynamic.LoadTime) > time.Duration(100*time.Millisecond) { logger.Info("configuration change detected", "filename", in.Name, "operation", in.Op) err := config.LoadConfig(viperDynamicDB, configPath, "env", "dynamic_db_secret", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } cfg.dbConnString = fmt.Sprintf( "postgres://%s:%s@%s:%d/%s?sslmode=%s&pool_max_conns=%d&pool_max_conn_idle_time=%s", cfgDynamic.DBUsername, cfgDynamic.DBPassword, cfgDynamic.DBServer, cfgDynamic.DBPort, cfgDynamic.DBName, cfgDynamic.DBSSLMode, cfgDynamic.DBPoolMaxConns, cfgDynamic.DBPoolMaxConnIdleTime, ) // Close the old database connection pool and create a new one. poolWrapper.Pool.Close() err = poolWrapper.CreatePool(cfg.dbConnString) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } } }) viperDynamicDB.WatchConfig() }() // Watch and reload dynamic_smtp_secret.env config file. go func() { viperDynamicSMTP.OnConfigChange(func(in fsnotify.Event) { if time.Since(cfgDynamic.LoadTime) > time.Duration(100*time.Millisecond) { logger.Info("configuration change detected", "filename", in.Name, "operation", in.Op) err := config.LoadConfig(viperDynamicSMTP, configPath, "env", "dynamic_smtp_secret", &cfgDynamic) if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } cfg.smtp.Username = cfgDynamic.SMTPUsername cfg.smtp.Password = cfgDynamic.SMTPPassword cfg.smtp.AuthAddress = cfgDynamic.SMTPAuthAddress cfg.smtp.ServerAddress = cfgDynamic.SMTPServerAddress } }) viperDynamicSMTP.WatchConfig() }() err = app.serve() if err != nil { logger.Error(err.Error()) os.Exit(1) } }
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