zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?title=godfather&genres=crime,drama&page=1&page_size=5&sort=year" {Title:godfather Genres:[crime drama] Page:1 PageSize:5 Sort:year}
Creating a Filter struct
The page , page_size and sort query string parameters are things that you’ll potentially want to use on other endpoints in your API too. So, to help make this easier, let’s quickly split them out into a reusable Filters struct.
If you’re following along, go ahead and create a new internal/data/filter.go file:
package data import "greenlight.zzh.net/internal/validator" // Filter is used for filtering, sorting and pagination. type Filter struct { Page int PageSize int Sort string SortSafeList []string } // ValidateFilter validates the fields of f using validator v. func ValidateFilter(v *validator.Validator, f Filter) { v.Check(f.Page > 0, "page", "must be greater than 0") v.Check(f.Page <= 10_000_000, "page", "must be less than or equal to 10000000") v.Check(f.PageSize > 0, "page_size", "must be greater than 0") v.Check(f.PageSize <= 100, "page_size", "must be less than or equal to 100") v.Check(validator.PermittedValue(f.Sort, f.SortSafeList...), "sort", "invalid sort value") }
func (app *application) listMoviesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Embed the Filter struct. var input struct { Title string Genres []string data.Filter } v := validator.New() qs := r.URL.Query() input.Title = app.readString(qs, "title", "") input.Genres = app.readCSV(qs, "genres", []string{}) input.Filter.Page = app.readInt(qs, "page", 1, v) input.Filter.PageSize = app.readInt(qs, "page_size", 20, v) input.Filter.Sort = app.readString(qs, "sort", "id") input.Filter.SortSafeList = []string{"id", "title", "year", "runtime", "-id", "-title", "-year", "-runtime"} if data.ValidateFilter(v, input.Filter); !v.Valid() { app.failedValidationResponse(w, r, v.Errors) return } fmt.Fprintf(w, "%+v\n", input) }
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page=-1&page_size=-1&sort=foo" { "error": { "page": "must be greater than 0", "page_size": "must be greater than 0", "sort": "invalid sort value" } }
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (LOWER(title) = LOWER($1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id
// GetAll returns a slice of movies. func (m MovieModel) GetAll(title string, genres []string, filter Filter) ([]*Movie, error) { query := `SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movie WHERE (LOWER(title) = LOWER($1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id` ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3 * time.Second) defer cancel() rows, err := m.DB.Query(ctx, query, title, genres) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() movies := []*Movie{} for rows.Next() { var movie Movie err := rows.Scan( &movie.ID, &movie.CreatedAt, &movie.Title, &movie.Year, &movie.Runtime, &movie.Genres, &movie.Version, ) if err != nil { return nil, err } movies = append(movies, &movie) } if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, err } return movies, nil }
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?title=black+panther" { "movies": [ { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] } zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?genres=adventure" { "movies": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] } zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?title=moana&genres=animation,adventure" { "movies": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 } ] }
You can also try making a request with a filter that doesn’t match any records. In this case, you should get an empty JSON array in the response like so:
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?genres=western" { "movies": [] }
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?title=panther" { "movies": [ { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] } zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?title=the+club" { "movies": [ { "id": 4, "title": "The Breakfast Club", "year": 1985, "runtime": "97 mins", "genres": [ "drama" ], "version": 6 } ] }
If you’re following along, go ahead and create a new pair of migration files:
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/greenlight$ migrate create -seq -ext .sql -dir ./migrations add_movie_indexes /zdata/Github/greenlight/migrations/000003_add_movie_indexes.up.sql /zdata/Github/greenlight/migrations/000003_add_movie_indexes.down.sql
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_movie_title ON movie USING GIN (to_tsvector('simple', title)); CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_movie_genres ON movie USING GIN (genres);
DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_movie_title; DROP INDEX IF EXISTS idx_movie_genres;
migrate_up: migrate -path ./migrations -database "$(GREENLIGHT_DB_DSN)" up
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/greenlight$ make migrate_up migrate -path ./migrations -database "postgres://greenlight:greenlight@localhost/greenlight?sslmode=disable" up 3/u add_movie_indexes (13.369506ms)
greenlight=> \dF List of text search configurations Schema | Name | Description ------------+------------+--------------------------------------- pg_catalog | arabic | configuration for arabic language pg_catalog | armenian | configuration for armenian language pg_catalog | basque | configuration for basque language pg_catalog | catalan | configuration for catalan language pg_catalog | danish | configuration for danish language pg_catalog | dutch | configuration for dutch language pg_catalog | english | configuration for english language pg_catalog | finnish | configuration for finnish language pg_catalog | french | configuration for french language pg_catalog | german | configuration for german language pg_catalog | greek | configuration for greek language pg_catalog | hindi | configuration for hindi language pg_catalog | hungarian | configuration for hungarian language pg_catalog | indonesian | configuration for indonesian language pg_catalog | irish | configuration for irish language pg_catalog | italian | configuration for italian language pg_catalog | lithuanian | configuration for lithuanian language pg_catalog | nepali | configuration for nepali language pg_catalog | norwegian | configuration for norwegian language pg_catalog | portuguese | configuration for portuguese language pg_catalog | romanian | configuration for romanian language pg_catalog | russian | configuration for russian language pg_catalog | serbian | configuration for serbian language pg_catalog | simple | simple configuration pg_catalog | spanish | configuration for spanish language pg_catalog | swedish | configuration for swedish language pg_catalog | tamil | configuration for tamil language pg_catalog | turkish | configuration for turkish language pg_catalog | yiddish | configuration for yiddish language (29 rows)
And if you wanted to use the english configuration to search our movies, you could update the SQL query like so:
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (to_tsvector('english', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('english', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id
If you’d like to learn more about PostgreSQL full-text search, the official documentation is an excellent source of information and examples.
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (STRPOS(LOWER(title), LOWER($1)) > 0 OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (title ILIKE $1 OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY id
SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (STRPOS(LOWER(title), LOWER($1)) > 0 OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY year DESC, id ASC
// sortColumn checks that the client-provided filed matches one of the entries in the safelist // and if it does, extracts the column name from the Sort field by stripping the leading hyphen // character (if one exists). func (f Filter) sortColumn() string { for _, safeValue := range f.SortSafeList { if f.Sort == safeValue { return strings.TrimPrefix(f.Sort, "-") } } panic("unsafe sort parameter: " + f.Sort) } // sortDirection returns the sort direction ("ASC" or "DESC") depending on the // prefix character of the Sort field. func (f Filter) sortDirection() string { if strings.HasPrefix(f.Sort, "-") { return "DESC" } return "ASC" }
func (m MovieModel) GetAll(title string, genres []string, filter Filter) ([]*Movie, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movie WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY %s %s, id ASC`, filter.sortColumn(), filter.sortDirection()) ...
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?sort=-title" { "movies": [ { "id": 4, "title": "The Breakfast Club", "year": 1985, "runtime": "97 mins", "genres": [ "drama" ], "version": 6 }, { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] }
func (f Filter) limit() int { return f.PageSize } func (f Filter) offset() int { return (f.Page - 1) * f.PageSize }
func (m MovieModel) GetAll(title string, genres []string, filter Filter) ([]*Movie, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movie WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY %s %s, id ASC LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4`, filter.sortColumn(), filter.sortDirection()) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3 * time.Second) defer cancel() args := []any{title, genres, filter.limit(), filter.offset()} rows, err := m.DB.Query(ctx, query, args...) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer rows.Close() ...
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page_size=2" { "movies": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] }
# IMPORTANT: This URL must be surrounded with double-quotes to work correctly. zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page_size=2&page=2" { "movies": [ { "id": 4, "title": "The Breakfast Club", "year": 1985, "runtime": "97 mins", "genres": [ "drama" ], "version": 6 } ] }
If you try to request the third page, you should get an empty JSON array in the response like so:
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page_size=2&page=3" { "movies": [] }
SELECT count(*) OVER(), id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movies WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY %s %s, id ASC LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4
// MetaData holds the pagination metadata. type Metadata struct { CurrentPage int `json:"current_page,omitempty"` PageSize int `json:"page_size,omitempty"` FirstPage int `json:"first_page,omitempty"` LastPage int `json:"last_page,omitempty"` TotalRecords int `json:"total_records,omitempty"` } func calculateMetadata(totalRecords, page, pageSize int) Metadata { if totalRecords == 0 { return Metadata{} } // Note that when the last page value is calculated we are dividing two int values, and // when dividing integer types in Go the result will also be an integer type, with // the modulus (or remainder) dropped. So, for example, if there were 12 records in total // and a page size of 5, the last page value would be (12+5-1)/5 = 3.2, which is then // truncated to 3 by Go. return Metadata{ CurrentPage: page, PageSize: pageSize, FirstPage: 1, LastPage: (totalRecords + pageSize - 1) / pageSize, TotalRecords: totalRecords, } }
func (m MovieModel) GetAll(title string, genres []string, filter Filter) ([]*Movie, Metadata, error) { query := fmt.Sprintf(` SELECT count(*) OVER(), id, created_at, title, year, runtime, genres, version FROM movie WHERE (to_tsvector('simple', title) @@ plainto_tsquery('simple', $1) OR $1 = '') AND (genres @> $2 OR $2 = '{}') ORDER BY %s %s, id ASC LIMIT $3 OFFSET $4`, filter.sortColumn(), filter.sortDirection()) ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3 * time.Second) defer cancel() args := []any{title, genres, filter.limit(), filter.offset()} rows, err := m.DB.Query(ctx, query, args...) if err != nil { return nil, Metadata{}, err } defer rows.Close() totalRecords := 0 movies := []*Movie{} for rows.Next() { var movie Movie err := rows.Scan( &totalRecords, &movie.ID, &movie.CreatedAt, &movie.Title, &movie.Year, &movie.Runtime, &movie.Genres, &movie.Version, ) if err != nil { return nil, Metadata{}, err } movies = append(movies, &movie) } if err = rows.Err(); err != nil { return nil, Metadata{}, err } metadta := calculateMetadata(totalRecords, filter.Page, filter.PageSize) return movies, metadta, nil }
func (app *application) listMoviesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { var input struct { Title string Genres []string data.Filter } v := validator.New() qs := r.URL.Query() input.Title = app.readString(qs, "title", "") input.Genres = app.readCSV(qs, "genres", []string{}) input.Filter.Page = app.readInt(qs, "page", 1, v) input.Filter.PageSize = app.readInt(qs, "page_size", 20, v) input.Filter.Sort = app.readString(qs, "sort", "id") input.Filter.SortSafeList = []string{"id", "title", "year", "runtime", "-id", "-title", "-year", "-runtime"} if data.ValidateFilter(v, input.Filter); !v.Valid() { app.failedValidationResponse(w, r, v.Errors) return } movies, metadata, err := app.models.Movie.GetAll(input.Title, input.Genres, input.Filter) if err != nil { app.serverErrorResponse(w, r, err) return } err = app.writeJSON(w, http.StatusOK, envelope{"movies": movies, "metadata": metadata}, nil) if err != nil { app.serverErrorResponse(w, r, err) } }
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page=1&page_size=2" { "metadata": { "current_page": 1, "page_size": 2, "first_page": 1, "last_page": 2, "total_records": 3 }, "movies": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] }
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?genres=adventure" { "metadata": { "current_page": 1, "page_size": 20, "first_page": 1, "last_page": 1, "total_records": 2 }, "movies": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Moana", "year": 2016, "runtime": "107 mins", "genres": [ "animation", "adventure" ], "version": 1 }, { "id": 2, "title": "Black Panther", "year": 2018, "runtime": "134 mins", "genres": [ "sci-fi", "action", "adventure" ], "version": 2 } ] }
Lastly, if you make a request with a too-high page value, you should get a response with an empty metadata object and movies array, like this:
zzh@ZZHPC:~$ curl "localhost:4000/v1/movies?page=100" { "metadata": {}, "movies": [] }
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