ZhangZhihui's Blog  


from sklearn.datasets import make_moons
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X, y = make_moons(n_samples=100, noise=.3, random_state=0)
X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=.2, random_state=13)


from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

sc = StandardScaler()

X_train = sc.transform(X_train)
X_val = sc.transform(X_val)



# Build tensors from numpy arrays
x_train_tensor = torch.as_tensor(X_train).float()
y_train_tensor = torch.as_tensor(y_train.reshape(-1, 1)).float()

x_val_tensor = torch.as_tensor(X_val).float()
y_val_tensor = torch.as_tensor(y_val.reshape(-1, 1)).float()

# Build datasets
train_dataset = TensorDataset(x_train_tensor, y_train_tensor)
val_dataset = TensorDataset(x_val_tensor, y_val_tensor)

# Build data loaders
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=True)
val_loader = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset, batch_size=16)


def odds_ratio(prob):
    return prob / (1 - prob)

p = .75
q = 1 - p
odds_ratio(p), odds_ratio(q)
# (3.0, 0.3333333333333333)




def log_odds_ratio(prob):
    return np.log(odds_ratio(prob))

p = .75
q = 1 - p
log_odds_ratio(p), log_odds_ratio(q)
# (np.float64(1.0986122886681098), np.float64(-1.0986122886681098))


def sigmoid(z):
    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

p = .75
q = 1 - p
sigmoid(log_odds_ratio(p)), sigmoid(log_odds_ratio(q))
# (np.float64(0.75), np.float64(0.25))


torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(1.0986)), torch.sigmoid(torch.tensor(-1.0986))
# (tensor(0.7500), tensor(0.2500))


model1 = nn.Sequential()
model1.add_module('linear', nn.Linear(2, 1))
model1.add_module('sigmoid', nn.Sigmoid())
# OrderedDict({'linear.weight': tensor([[0.5406, 0.5869]]), 'linear.bias': tensor([-0.1657])})


dummy_labels = torch.tensor([1., .0])
dummy_predictions = torch.tensor([.9, .2])

# Positive class (labels == 1)
pos_pred = dummy_predictions[dummy_labels == 1]
first_summation = torch.log(pos_pred).sum()

# Negative class (labels == 0)
neg_pred = dummy_predictions[dummy_labels == 0]
second_summation = torch.log(1 - neg_pred).sum()

# n_total = n_pos + n_neg
n_total = dummy_labels.size(0)

loss = -(first_summation + second_summation) / n_total
loss  # tensor(0.1643)


summation = torch.sum(dummy_labels * torch.log(dummy_predictions) + (1 - dummy_labels) * torch.log(1 - dummy_predictions))
loss = -summation / n_total
loss  # tensor(0.1643)



loss_fn = nn.BCELoss(reduction='mean')
loss_fn  # BCELoss()


loss = loss_fn(dummy_predictions, dummy_labels)
loss  # tensor(0.1643)


loss_fn_logits = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='mean')
loss_fn_logits  # BCEWithLogitsLoss()


logit1 = log_odds_ratio(.9)
logit2 = log_odds_ratio(.2)

dummy_logits = torch.tensor([logit1, logit2])

print(dummy_logits)  # tensor([ 2.1972, -1.3863], dtype=torch.float64)


We have logits, and we have labels. Time to compute the loss:

loss = loss_fn_logits(dummy_logits, dummy_labels)

loss  # tensor(0.1643)

OK, we got the same result, as expected.

n_neg = (dummy_imb_labels == 0).sum()
n_pos = (dummy_imb_labels == 1).sum()

pos_weight = (n_neg / n_pos).view(1,)
pos_weight  # tensor([3.])

Now, let’s create yet another loss function, including the pos_weight argument this time:

loss_fn_imb = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='mean', pos_weight=pos_weight)
loss = loss_fn_imb(dummy_imb_logits, dummy_imb_labels)

loss  # tensor(0.2464)


loss_fn_imb_sum = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss(reduction='sum', pos_weight=pos_weight)
loss = loss_fn_imb_sum(dummy_imb_logits, dummy_imb_labels)

loss = loss / (pos_weight * n_pos + n_neg)
loss  # tensor([0.1643])

There we go!

This is what the model configuration looks like for our classification problem:

lr = .1

model = nn.Sequential()
model.add_module('linear', nn.Linear(2, 1))
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
loss_fn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()


epochs = 100

sbs = StepByStep(model, loss_fn, optimizer)
sbs.set_loaders(train_loader, val_loader)



# OrderedDict({'linear.weight': tensor([[ 1.1806, -1.8693]], device='cuda:0'), 'linear.bias': tensor([-0.0591], device='cuda:0')})



predictions = sbs.predict(x_train_tensor[:4])

# array([[ 0.20345594],
#        [ 2.9444456 ],
#        [ 3.693318  ],
#        [-1.2334074 ]], dtype=float32)


probabilities = sigmoid(predictions)

# array([[0.5506892],
#        [0.9500003],
#        [0.9757152],
#        [0.2255856]], dtype=float32)


classes = (predictions >= 0).astype(int)


# array([[1],
#        [1],
#        [1],
#        [0]])


An image is worth a thousand words, right? Let’s plot it!

First, let’s compute the logits and corresponding probabilities:

logits_val = sbs.predict(X_val)
probabilities_val = sigmoid(logits_val).squeeze()
threshold = .5


It looks like this:

     Confusion Matrix

from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

cm_threshold50 = confusion_matrix(y_val, (probabilities_val >= .5))

# array([[ 7,  2],
#        [ 1, 10]])


def split_cm(cm):
    # Actual negatives go in the top row, above the probability line
    actual_negative = cm[0]
    # Predicted negatives go in the first column
    tn = actual_negative[0]
    # Predicted positives go in the second column
    fp = actual_negative[1]

    # Actual positives go in the bottow row, below the probability line
    actual_positive = cm[1]
    # Predicted negatives go in the first column
    fn = actual_positive[0]
    # Predicted positives go in the second column
    tp = actual_positive[1]

    return tn, fp, fn, tp


def tpr_fpr(cm):
    tn, fp, fn, tp = split_cm(cm)

    tpr = tp / (tp + fn)
    fpr = fp / (fp + tn)

    return tpr, fpr



# (np.float64(0.9090909090909091), np.float64(0.2222222222222222))


     recall, precision

def precision_recall(cm):
    tn, fp, fn, tp = split_cm(cm)

    precision = tp / (tp + fp)
    recall = tp / (tp + fn)

    return precision, recall



# (np.float64(0.8333333333333334), np.float64(0.9090909090909091))



     ROC Curve, PR Curve

confusion_matrix(y_val, (probabilities_val >= 0.3))

# array([[ 6,  3],
#        [ 0, 11]])

OK, now let’s plot the corresponding metrics one more time:

confusion_matrix(y_val, (probabilities_val >= 0.7))

# array([[9, 0],
#        [2, 9]])

OK, now let’s plot the corresponding metrics again:

from sklearn.metrics import roc_curve, precision_recall_curve

fprs, tprs, thresholds1 = roc_curve(y_val, probabilities_val)
precs, recs, thresholds2 = precision_recall_curve(y_val, probabilities_val)



rng = np.random.default_rng(39)
random_probs = rng.standard_normal(y_val.shape)

fprs_random, tprs_random, thresholds1_random = roc_curve(y_val, random_probs)
precs_random, recs_random, thresholds2_random = precision_recall_curve(y_val, random_probs)


from sklearn.metrics import auc

# Area under the curves of our model
auroc = auc(fprs, tprs)
aupr = auc(recs, precs)
print(auroc, aupr)  # 0.9797979797979798 0.9854312354312356


# Area under the curves of the random model
auroc_random = auc(fprs_random, tprs_random)
aupr_random = auc(recs_random, precs_random)
print(auroc_random, aupr_random)  # 0.5252525252525253 0.540114743045365

Close enough; after all, the curves produced by our random model were only roughly approximating the theoretical ones.


# Build tensors from numpy arrays
x_train_tensor = torch.as_tensor(X_train).float()
y_train_tensor = torch.as_tensor(y_train.reshape(-1, 1)).float()

x_val_tensor = torch.as_tensor(X_val).float()
y_val_tensor = torch.as_tensor(y_val.reshape(-1, 1)).float()

# Build datasets
train_dataset = TensorDataset(x_train_tensor, y_train_tensor)
val_dataset = TensorDataset(x_val_tensor, y_val_tensor)

# Build data loaders
train_loader = DataLoader(dataset=train_dataset, batch_size=16, shuffle=True)
val_loader = DataLoader(dataset=val_dataset, batch_size=16)


lr = .1

model = nn.Sequential()
model.add_module('linear', nn.Linear(2, 1))
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=lr)
loss_fn = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss()


epochs = 100

sbs = StepByStep(model, loss_fn, optimizer)
sbs.set_loaders(train_loader, val_loader)




logits_val = sbs.predict(X_val)
probabilities_val = sigmoid(logits_val).squeeze()
cm_thresh50 = confusion_matrix(y_val, (probabilities_val >= 0.5))



posted on 2024-10-14 09:20  ZhangZhihuiAAA  阅读(2)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报