go install
Add code to enable server reflection:
import "" reflection.Register(s) // s is a grpc server
In Makefile:
srvaddr= gcurl: grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ $(srvaddr) $(args)
Run grpcurl using Makefile, passing arguments:
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args=list gcurl grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ list grpc.reflection.v1.ServerReflection grpc.reflection.v1alpha.ServerReflection todo.v2.TodoService zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args="describe todo.v2.TodoService" gcurl grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ describe todo.v2.TodoService todo.v2.TodoService is a service: service TodoService { rpc AddTask ( .todo.v2.AddTaskRequest ) returns ( .todo.v2.AddTaskResponse ); rpc DeleteTasks ( stream .todo.v2.DeleteTasksRequest ) returns ( stream .todo.v2.DeleteTasksResponse ); rpc ListTasks ( .todo.v2.ListTasksRequest ) returns ( stream .todo.v2.ListTasksResponse ); rpc UpdateTasks ( stream .todo.v2.UpdateTasksRequest ) returns ( .todo.v2.UpdateTasksResponse ); } zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args="describe todo.v2.AddTaskRequest" gcurl grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ describe todo.v2.AddTaskRequest todo.v2.AddTaskRequest is a message: message AddTaskRequest { string description = 1 [(.validate.rules) = { string: { min_len: 1 } }]; .google.protobuf.Timestamp due_date = 2 [ (.validate.rules) = { timestamp: { gt_now: true } } ]; }
Run grpcurl with test data:
gcurld: grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -rpc-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -d $(data) \ $(srvaddr) $(args)
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args=todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask data="''" gcurld grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -rpc-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -d '' \ todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask ERROR: Code: Unknown Message: invalid AddTaskRequest.Description: value length must be at least 1 runes make: *** [Makefile:70: gcurld] Error 66 zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args=todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask data="'{\"notexisting\": true}'" gcurld grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -rpc-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -d '{"notexisting": true}' \ todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask Error invoking method "todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask": error getting request data: message type todo.v2.AddTaskRequest has no known field named notexisting make: *** [Makefile:70: gcurld] Error 1 zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/zgrpc-go-professionals$ make args=todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask data="'{\"description\": \"a task\"}'" gcurld grpcurl -cacert ./certs/ca_cert.pem \ -authority "" \ -reflect-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -rpc-header 'auth_token: authd' \ -d '{"description": "a task"}' \ todo.v2.TodoService.AddTask { "id": "1" }