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Retry Pattern

Transient faults occur when a momentary loss of service functionality self-corrects. The retry pattern in gRPC enables us to retry a failed call automatically and thus is perfect for transient faults such as these:
 Instant network failures
 Temporarily unavailable services
 Resource exhaustion of service due to load

gRPC has an interception mechanism that allows you to implement your interceptor and configure the gRPC client to apply the interceptor to all gRPC calls. Using the same strategy, we can execute interceptors on the gRPC server side before the request is passed to actual business logic. gRPC middleware is a good place to define the retry pattern and apply it to all gRPC calls on the client side instead of duplicating retry logic for each type of client call. Thanks to the gRPC ecosystem, a GitHub organization contains notable, community-maintained projects related to gRPC for resiliency. We will use the gRPC retry module (http://mng.bz/XNV9) of go-grpc-middleware (https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/go-grpc-middleware) to apply retry logic to our gRPC calls.

In gRPC, there are two types of interceptor usage, WithUnaryInterceptor and WithStreamingInterceptor for unary and streaming (http://mng.bz/yQop) connections, respectively. As in listing 6.3, you can use UnaryClientInterceptor with or without values; if you don’t pass a value, it will use default values for retry, or you can override them by using additional configurations such as WithCodes, WithMax, or WithBackoff. Keep in mind that the gRPC retry configuration is handled via the grpc_retry package.

WithCodes is used for deciding when to retry, and its default value is the total of the Unavailable and ResourceExhausted lists. Unavailable code is the default since retrying until the service becomes available is beneficial for the client to recover the gRPC call once the dependent service becomes available. In the same way, ResourceExhausted is a default because the client might have performed multiple calls that caused the server to apply throttling. For this kind of case, the server will remove throttling, and the client will succeed on the next calls performed by the retry. With these defaults, the retry pattern is applied only if you get Unavailable or ResourceExhausted from the service call.

The WithMax parameter helps to set a maximum limit for retries during interservice communication. If the dependent service becomes available earlier, the client will not retry until the maximum count; it will stop once the client starts to get a response code other than Unavailable or ResourceExhausted.

WithBackoff requires a function to specify back-off functionality between retries. In our example, BackoffLinear is used, which means there is a one-second wait time between retries. There are other options, such as BackoffExponential, in which the timeout interval on the next retry is multiplied by two, compared to the current timeout interval. Other options are BackoffLinearWithJitter and BackoffExponentialWithJitter, in which the next timeout interval is decided randomly. This randomness reduces the collision of gRPC calls clients make. See http://mng.bz/MB1Q for the details of backoff strategies.

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