Problem: You want to create a set data structure.
Solution: Wrap a struct around a map. Create set functions on the struct.
A set is an unordered data structure that has only unique elements. It implements the mathematical concept of a finite set and the operations around it. The basic functions associated with sets include:
• Add a new element to the set.
• Remove an existing element from the set.
• Check if the set is empty.
• Get the size of the set.
• Check if an element is a member of a given set.
• Given two or more sets, the union of the sets is the set that consists of elements that are in any of those sets.
• Given two or more sets, the intersection of sets is the set that consists of elements that are in all the sets.
• Given two sets A and B, the difference A – B consists of elements that are in set A but not set B.
• Given two sets A and B, check if every element in set B is in set A.
Map keys are unordered and are also unique so it’s no surprise that you implement Set with a map. In this implementation, the key is the element in the set, while you don’t care about the value at all.
However, because you’re using a map to represent a set, you need to use a separate function to create a new set. This is because maps need to be initialized before they can be used:
type Set struct { elements map[any]bool } func NewSet() Set { return Set{elements: make(map[any]bool)} } func (s *Set) Add(el any) { s.elements[el] = false } func (s *Set) Remove(el any) { delete(s.elements, el) } func (s *Set) Size() int { return len(s.elements) } func (s *Set) IsEmpty() bool { return s.Size() == 0 } func (s *Set) List() (list []any) { for k := range s.elements { list = append(list, k) } return } func (s Set) Has(el any) (ok bool) { _, ok = s.elements[el] return } func (s *Set) Copy() (u Set) { u = NewSet() for k := range s.elements { u.Add(k) } return } func Union(sets ...Set) (u Set) { u = sets[0].Copy() for _, set := range sets[1:] { for k := range set.elements { u.Add(k) } } return } func Intersect(sets ...Set) (i Set) { i = sets[0].Copy() for k := range i.elements { for _, set := range sets[1:] { if !set.Has(k) { i.Remove(k) } } } return } func (s Set) Difference(t Set) Set { for k := range t.elements { if s.Has(k) { delete(s.elements, k) } } return s } func (s Set) IsSubset(t Set) bool { for k := range s.elements { if !t.Has(k) { return false } } return true }
func main() { s := NewSet() a := &s for i := 1; i <= 10; i++ { s.Add(i) } for i := 6; i <= 10; i++ { a.Remove(i) } fmt.Println(s) fmt.Println(s.Size()) fmt.Println(s.IsEmpty()) fmt.Println(s.List()) fmt.Println(s.Has(1)) fmt.Println(a.Has(1)) c := s.Copy() c.Add(11) u := Union(s, c) i := Intersect(s, c) fmt.Println(i.IsSubset(u)) d := c.Difference(s) fmt.Println(d) }
zzh@ZZHPC:/zdata/Github/ztest$ go run main.go {map[1:false 2:false 3:false 4:false 5:false]} 5 false [2 4 5 1 3] true true true {map[11:false]}