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[~/incoming]$>etl gpg --passphrase /home/etlrun/decrypt_passphrase.pw --decrypt 20230116.pgp
gpg: public key decryption failed: Permission denied
gpg: decryption failed: No secret key


Below action fixes the above error:

(The tty command basically prints the file name of the terminal connected to standard input.)

[~/incoming]$>chmod o+rw `tty`
[~/incoming]$>etl gpg --passphrase /home/etlrun/decrypt_passphrase.pw --decrypt 20230116.pgp
gpg: public key decryption failed: Operation cancelled
gpg: decryption failed: No secret key

This time, a dialogue window appears, saying:

Please enter the passphrase to unlock the OpenPGP secret key:


Below command can decrypt the file successfully:

[~/incoming]$>etl gpg --trust-model always --no-secmem-warning  --batch  --yes  --passphrase-file /home/etlrun/decrypt_passphrase.pw --pinentry-mode loopback --decrypt-file 20230116.pgp

The order of the parameters matters.

If use --decrypt without --output, the decrypted files will be written to standard output.


[~/incoming]$>etl gpg -r ebnrun --trust-model always --no-secmem-warning --batch --yes --output test.txt.pgp --encrypt test.txt


--encrypt encrypt a single file, so can be used with --output 

--eycrypt-file encrypts multiple files, so can not be used with --output

posted on 2023-02-03 14:19  ZhangZhihuiAAA  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报