


转自: http://android.yaohuiji.com/archives/2624 标题里已经把这个意思表达清楚了,两个参数意思一样,只是某大仙觉得match_parent更贴切,于是从2.2开始你两个词都可以用。那么如果考虑低版本的使用情况你就需要用fill_parent了。 下面是两者相同的证据,看android.view.ViewGroup里的静态嵌套类LayoutParams中的代码: public static final int FILL_PARENT = -1; /** * Special value for the height or width requested by a View. * MATCH_PARENT means that the view wants to be as big as its parent, * minus the parent's padding, if any. Introduced in API Level 8. */ public static final int MATCH_PARENT = -1; /** * Special value for the height or width requested by a View. * WRAP_CONTENT means that the view wants to be just large enough to fit * its own internal content, taking its own padding into account. */