du --max-depth=1 -h
ll:list all obejects in detail
lt: list all obejects in timing order
ln: link a source
cd -: alternate between recent two diretory
top: report cpu resource
df:report Disk usage
YY: copy current line
P: paste last copied line
DD: delete current line
x: delete selected word
ctrl + A: num +1
ctrl + X: num -1
u: draw back last operation
Q +"word"+"key board operation"+Q: ask VI to remeber the operation between QQ, to make it true num times just type "digital num @ word"
ctrl +v: vertical editing mode "diagonally select the rectangle area using cursor"
:1,$s/A/B/g: substitue all "A" by "B"
:1,.s/A/B/g: substitue "A" by "B" from first line to curruent line
:g/A: display all lines contains A
posted on 2010-06-11 18:10 Homography Matrix 阅读(311) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 举报