radl (三) (转)


        仔细想了一下,我觉得一篇step by step的随笔似乎是不必要的,由于RDLC报表设计时的简易性,任何有报表经验的人都可以在摸索后很容易就掌握其报表的设计方法。本来在这篇随笔中想谈一下对RDLC报表文件的解析,但是MISGoldPrinter的作者flygoldfish(长流支流)已经对这方面进行了详细的总结(见http://blog.csdn.net/flygoldfish/archive/2005/12/16/554035.aspx),长江支流对报表非常有研究,建议大家到他的Blog上看看,不过我觉得他实现的金质打印通完全可以用RDLC报表中的内容所替代,这只是个人意见,希望以后能见到他的更多作品。

        另外,我手头有一份RDL规范(Report Definition Language Specification),非常值得阅读,推荐给大家https://files.cnblogs.com/waxdoll/RDLCS.rar。两幅截图:




        Microsoft   use RDL as the linch pin in its new Reporting Services. Even MS Managers admit that Reporting Services’ success is dependent on adoption of RDL by third party BI ISVs. But Microsoft   has consistently taken markets away from its BI partners and ISVs. Free Reporting Services is just the latest which starts with free OLAP Server, free Analytical/Data Mining Services, and a rash of free client side OLAP to Office 2003 utilities and templates.
Now Microsoft  will argue that its just expanding the BI markets. ISV and BI vendors will have to decide if they want to help Microsoft  “expand the BI markets”. So far Cognos has said it will support RDL at some time in the future; while Business Objects/Crystal says it is considering RDL. Curiously, except for Computerworld, the XML and BI community of publications have been virtually silent about RDL - neither its virtues/weaknesses nor the dilemma it poses to Microsoft’s “BI partners” have made the usually boisterous trade press. 
posted @ 2007-12-10 10:04  黑星  阅读(294)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报