rhel 6使用lxc报错 :no ns_cgroup option specified

That's a known problem.  You don't have to remove them, merely disable
them, by running "chkconfig cgconfig off" and "ckconfig cgred off" and
rebooting.  Then mount your cgroup on a common mount point.  I get the
impression from Serge and Daniel that this problem can't be solved with
that kernel because that kernel doesn't support clone_children so you
don't have any recourse.

This sounds like my "failed" case in testing with libcgroup enabled.

The fact that it's mounted on /cgroup and not /sys/fs/cgroup does not
bode well all all.

1) uname -a

2) chkconfig cgconfig

You probably need to add a line to your /etc/fstab long the lines of

cgroup  /sys/fs/cgroup    cgroup  defaults        0 0

Then run the commands:

chkconfig cgconfig off
chkconfig cgred off

The reboot (I have NOT had luck manually unmounting those cgroups and
remounting as a single mount point).

If I understand Serge's comments correctly, we can not get the
multipoint mounts to work even with the patched and updated lxc package
due to the lack of "clone_children" in that kernel, so you need to
switch a single mount-point mount to get lxc to work.  Then you don't
even need the multipoint patches to get it to work though you may have
tweaks to make.
posted @ 2012-05-21 15:45  zaleilynn  阅读(648)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报