第一册:lesson sixty three。

原文: Thank you docter.

A:How's Jim today?

B:Better, thank you docter.

A:Can I see him ,please?

B:Certainy docter, come upstairs.

A:You look very well , Jim. You are better now. But you mustn't get up yet. You must stay in bed for another two days. 

A:The boy mustn't go to school .And he mustn't eat rich food. 

B:Does he has a temperature ,docter.

A:No he doesn't. Must he stay in bed?

B:He must remain in bed for another two days.He can get up for two hours each day,but you must keep the room warm.

B:Where's Mr C  this evening.

A:He is in bed docter. Can you see him please? He has a bad cold too.



remain:  保持不变  。  remain  in bed   卧床 ,不起身。

rich: 油腻的。

you mustn't  :  你不应该。。。

posted @ 2019-03-19 14:54  张玉昊  阅读(157)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报