Oracle中本行记录和上一行记录进行比较lead over 函数处理
1 select rownum 序号 , 2 ld.comcode 分公司, 3 'B2B' 来源, 4 ed.tranno 银行交易号, 5 (select bb.newcontno 6 from b2b_contno bb 7 where trim(bb.oldcontno) = trim(lc.contno)) 保单号新, 8 lc.contno 保单号旧, 9 lc.appntname 投保人, 10 ms.pol_status 保单状态, 11 ed.makedate 客户申请日期, 12 ms.UPD_DATE 保全受理日期, 13 lead(to_char(ed.fingetamt),(select count(*)-1 from EdorAPDetail),null) over (partition by lc.contno order by lc.contno) as 购买总金额, 14 ea.accountcode 基金代码, 15 (select b.CODE_DES from bankandinsurercodemapping b where b.COMCode = 'ICBC' 16 and b.CODETYPE = 'accounttype' and trim(b.BANK_CODE) = trim(ea.accountcode)) 基金名称, 17 ea.accountpercent 购买比例, 18 '现金' 支付方式, 19 ed.bankcode 银行代码, 20 ed.accnumber 账号, 21 ed.bak1 户名, 22 营业单位, 23 la.agentcom 代理人编号, 24 代理人姓名, 25 ed.appntphone 投保人电话 26 from lccont lc, --日志表 27 lacom la, --银行代理机构表 28 edoraddinsure ed, --保全业务表 29 ldcom ld, --保险分公司表 30 B2B_ITF_T_POL_MST ms, --ODS推数表 31 EdorAPDetail ea 32 33 where ed.funcflag in (1020) 34 and lc.agentcom = la.agentcom 35 and ld.comcode = la.managecom 36 and ms.comp_code=ld.comcode 37 38 and trim(ed.bankcode) = trim(lc.newbankcode) 39 and ed.bankcode='0011' 40 41 and trim(lc.contno) = trim(ed.contno) 42 and trim(ms.pol_no) = trim(ed.contno) 43 and trim(ea.contno) = trim(ed.contno)
lead(to_char(ed.fingetamt),(select count(*)-1 from EdorAPDetail),null) over (partition by lc.contno order by lc.contno) as 购买总金额,
心得:Oracle中lead (mm,1,null) over(partition by bb order by tt)函数。本行记录和上一行记录比较,partition by lc.contno相同的话,就给ed.fingetamt置空。并按某某顺序。