ReferenceQueue源代码里面很好的展示了java队列的实现思路, 以及多线程观察者的实现思路
入队的时候, 调用notify()方法
remove方法调用的时候,如果对列不为空, 出队列, 方法结束, 否则调用wait()方法(这里notify和wait()使用的监视器都是ReferenceQueue.class)
remove(long), remove(), remove()方法调用wait(0)(wait参数为0, 表示一直等待), remove(long timeout), 这里参数代表超时时间, 超过时间没有获取到,就结束啦(return null) , 这里超时的实现也很特殊,详见下面贴出来的代码吧
public synchronized Reference<? extends T> remove(long timeoutMillis) throws InterruptedException { if (timeoutMillis < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0: " + timeoutMillis); } if (head != null) { return poll(); } // avoid overflow: if total > 292 years, just wait forever if (timeoutMillis == 0 || (timeoutMillis > Long.MAX_VALUE / NANOS_PER_MILLI)) { do { wait(0); } while (head == null); return poll(); } // guaranteed to not overflow long nanosToWait = timeoutMillis * NANOS_PER_MILLI; int timeoutNanos = 0; // wait until notified or the timeout has elapsed long startTime = System.nanoTime(); while (true) { wait(timeoutMillis, timeoutNanos); if (head != null) { break; } long nanosElapsed = System.nanoTime() - startTime; long nanosRemaining = nanosToWait - nanosElapsed; if (nanosRemaining <= 0) { break; } timeoutMillis = nanosRemaining / NANOS_PER_MILLI; timeoutNanos = (int) (nanosRemaining - timeoutMillis * NANOS_PER_MILLI); } return poll(); }
synchronized void enqueue(Reference<? extends T> reference) {
//对列为空,那么直接将head指向新的入队元素 if (tail == null) { head = reference; } else { //对列不为空, 新元素放入队尾 tail.queueNext = reference; } // The newly enqueued reference becomes the new tail, and always // points to itself. tail = reference; //队尾指向后移 tail.queueNext = reference; notify(); }
public synchronized Reference<? extends T> poll() { if (head == null) { //空对列返回null return null; } Reference<? extends T> ret = head; if (head == tail) {//head == tail也是空对列 tail = null; head = null; } else { //不是空对列, head指向后移 head = head.queueNext; } ret.queueNext = null; return ret; }