xenserver 备份和还原
1. 备份和还原xenserver host系统
# xe host-backup file-name=[name.xbk] -s [ip] -u [username] -pw [password]
# xe host-backup file-name=redhat.xbk -s -u root -pw 123456
-s : 备份服务器地址或名称
# xe host-restore file-name=[name.xbk] -s [ip] -u [username] -pw [password]
# xe host-restore file-name=redhat.xbk
2. 备份和还原xenserver vm虚拟机
# xe vm-export vm=[vm_uuid] filename=[filename.xva]
首先保证vm状态(expected: halted, suspended)
# xe vm-list
uuid ( RO) : 0d166725-92a8-f3a7-2817-48df158129c5
name-label ( RW): redhat
power-state ( RO): running
uuid ( RO) : e99ae4b3-e585-4b58-bc52-41e3d133c717
name-label ( RW): Control domain on host: xenserver-nxhzbzto
power-state ( RO): running
# xe vm-export vm=0d166725-92a8-f3a7-2817-48df158129c5 filename=export.xva
# xe vm-export vm=0d166725-92a8-f3a7-2817-48df158129c5 filename=export.xva --metadata
# xe vm-import filename=[filename.xva]
# xe vm-import filename=export.xva
3. 备份和还原pool中的metadata
# xe pool-dump-database file-name=[name]
# xe pool-restore-database file-name=[name] dry-run=true
4. 快照snapshot
# xe vm-snapshot vm=[vm_uuid] new-name-label=[name]
# xe vm-snapshot vm=0d166725-92a8-f3a7-2817-48df158129c5 new-name-label=redhat.snapshot
# xe snapshot-list
# xe snapshot-revert snapshot-uuid=[snapshot_uuid]
# xe snapshot-revert snapshot-uuid=eb4d60ce-b1f5-ae62-0d40-df45b7b0b319
# xe snapshot-uninstall snapshot-uuid=[snapshot_uuid]
# xe snapshot-uninstall snapshot-uuid=eb4d60ce-b1f5-ae62-0d40-df45b7b0b319
The following items are about to be destroyed
VM : eb4d60ce-b1f5-ae62-0d40-df45b7b0b319 (redhat.snapshot)
VDI: 810e4090-e9c4-4028-86a4-1a988572ef5e (redhat 0)
Type 'yes' to continue
# xe snapshot-destroy snapshot-uuid=[snapshot_uuid]
# xe snapshot-destroy snapshot-uuid=eb4d60ce-b1f5-ae62-0d40-df45b7b0b319
# xe snapshot-export-to-template snapshot-uuid=[snapshot_uuid] filename=[name.xva]
# xe snapshot-export-to-template snapshot-uuid=eb4d60ce-b1f5-ae62-0d40-df45b7b0b319 filename=snapshot.xva
Export succeeded
# xe vm-import filename=[name.xva]
# xe vm-import filename=snapshot.xva
5. 模版template
# xe template-list
# xe template-uninstall template-uuid=d57e868f-1d95-f60a-957e-d4f571bb2205
The following items are about to be destroyed
VM : f32d55cb-37e6-6534-7099-651cd77f7b3d (redhat (1))
VDI: 45746899-9fbd-4e48-9b3d-70a1aadfa817 (redhat 0)
VDI: 9b6e4792-57d8-4cfa-b8a2-80435236dfae (Suspend image)
Type 'yes' to continue
All objects destroyed
6. vm挂起状态
# xe snapshot-reset-powerstate uuid=[uuid] force=true
# xe snapshot-reset-powerstate uuid=f32d55cb-37e6-6534-7099-651cd77f7b3d force=true