C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>oflash.exe leds.bin
| Flash Programmer v1.5.4 for OpenJTAG of www.100ask.net |
| OpenJTAG is a USB to JTAG & RS232 tool based FT2232 |
| This programmer supports both of S3C24X0 & S3C6410 |
| Author: Email/MSN(thisway.diy@163.com), QQ(17653039) |
1. oflash, run with cfg.txt or prompt
2. oflash [file], write [file] to flash with prompt
3. oflash [-f config_file]
4. oflash [jtag_type] [cpu_type] [flash_type] [read_or_write] [offset] [file]
Select the JTAG type:
0. OpenJTAG
1. Dongle JTAG(parallel port) //并口
2. Wiggler JTAG(parallel port) //并口
Enter the number: 0
Select the CPU:
0. S3C2410
1. S3C2440
2. S3C6410
Enter the number: 1
device: 4 "2232C"
deviceID: 0x14575118
SerialNumber: FTDAx43UA
Description: USB<=>JTAG&RS232 AS3C2440 detected, cpuID = 0x0032409d
[Main Menu]
0:Nand Flash prog 1:Nor Flash prog 2:Memory Rd/Wr 3:Exit
Select the function to test:0
[NAND Flash JTAG Programmer]
nand_maf_id = 0xec, nand_dev_id = 0xda
Scan nand flash:
Device 0: NAND 256MiB 3,3V 8-bit, sector size 128 KiB
Total size: 256 MiB
0:Nand Flash Program 1:Nand Flash Print BlkPage 2:Exit
Select the function to test :0
[NAND Flash Writing Program]
Source size: 0xa8
Available target block number: 0~2047
Input target block number:0
target start block number =0
target size (0x20000*1) =0x20000
C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop>oflash.exe 0 1 0 0 0 leds.bin //直接输入