AVFoundation 框架初探究(一)
我准备在这个系列当中总结一下AVFoundation这个框架,从最基本的入手,一点点的学习这个框架里面的每一个类,争取把这个框架里面的基本的类都有一个涉及到。我也是看着《AVFoundation 开发秘籍》开始学习这个框架。
这个系列的几篇文章的Demo都在 (点击下载Demo)后面文章的Demo也在这里,需要的可以一起下载看看。
在《AVFoundation开发秘籍》书中有这样一段描述,AVFoundation是苹果在iOS和OS X系统中用于处理基于时间的媒体数据的框架。这句话也就说明了它的一个基本的作用,在项目中你嵌入H5也照样能播放视频,但涉及到视频的采集(比如说微信的短视频拍摄)时候你就只能乖乖的去利用AVFoundation了。
AVFoundation是封装在 Core Avdio 、Core Media 、Core Animition 等这些个层次之上的,它里面还包括一个音频类,在上层就是我们常用的UIKit了,再往上层图上面写的是media Play其实就是我们熟悉的AVKit层,AVKit及方便的简化了媒体应用创建的过程 。AVKit 这个视频播放的部分相信大家都比较熟悉了,我们就不在这里多说了,在前面我们说过一部分关于它,我们在后面重点说说它其他的方面。
1、 Core Avdio 处理所有音频事件,为所有音频以及MIDI(Musical Instrument Digital Interface 乐器数字接口)内容的录制、播放等提供了接口。设置可以针对音频信号进行完全控制,并通过Audio Units来构建一些复杂的音频处理,它是由多个框架整合在一起的。看着这么多内容感觉这个框架我们都能学习一大堆东西,我们接着往下总结先。
2、Core Media 是提供音频样本和视频帧处理等的API
3、Core Animition 动画相关框架, 封装了支持OpenGL和OpenGL ES功能的ObjC各种类.。AVFoundation可以利用CoreAnimation让开发者能够在视频的编辑和播放过程中添加动画和图片效果。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 | // 简单的语音测试 -( void )speakHintMessage{ // 这样子可以简单的播放一段语音 AVSpeechSynthesizer * synthesizer = [[AVSpeechSynthesizer alloc]init]; // Utterance 表达方式 AVSpeechSynthesisVoice * voice = [AVSpeechSynthesisVoice voiceWithLanguage:@ "zh-CN" ]; AVSpeechUtterance * utterance = [[AVSpeechUtterance alloc]initWithString:@ "准备了猪,开始录制视频了" ]; utterance.rate = 1.5; // 这个是播放速率 默认1.0 utterance.voice = voice; utterance.pitchMultiplier = 0.8; // 可在播放待定语句时候改变声调 utterance.postUtteranceDelay = 0.1; // 语音合成器在播放下一条语句的时候有短暂的停顿 这个属性指定停顿的时间 [synthesizer speakUtterance:utterance]; /* "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978a0b0] Language: th-TH", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x977a450] Language: pt-BR", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x977a480] Language: sk-SK", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978ad50] Language: fr-CA", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978ada0] Language: ro-RO", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x97823f0] Language: no-NO", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978e7b0] Language: fi-FI", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978af50] Language: pl-PL", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978afa0] Language: de-DE", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978e390] Language: nl-NL", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b030] Language: id-ID", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b080] Language: tr-TR", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b0d0] Language: it-IT", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b120] Language: pt-PT", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b170] Language: fr-FR", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b1c0] Language: ru-RU", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b210] Language: es-MX", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b2d0] Language: zh-HK", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b320] Language: sv-SE", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b010] Language: hu-HU", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b440] Language: zh-TW", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b490] Language: es-ES", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b4e0] Language: zh-CN", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b530] Language: nl-BE", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b580] Language: en-GB", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b5d0] Language: ar-SA", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b620] Language: ko-KR", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b670] Language: cs-CZ", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b6c0] Language: en-ZA", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978aed0] Language: en-AU", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978af20] Language: da-DK", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b810] Language: en-US", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b860] Language: en-IE", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b8b0] Language: hi-IN", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b900] Language: el-GR", "[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice 0x978b950] Language: ja-JP" ) */ // 通过这个方法可以看到整个支持的会话的列表,信息如上输出 NSLog (@ "目前支持的语音列表:%@" ,[AVSpeechSynthesisVoice speechVoices]); } |
AVAudioPlayer也是在我们要说的 AV Foundation 框架里面,这个类的实例提供了简单的从文本或者是内存中播放一音频的功能,虽然API很简单,但是它提供的功能却是很强大的,并且在macOS和是iOS系统中经常被作为实现音频播放的最佳的选择。
AVAudioPlayer构建与CoreServices中的C-based Audio Queue Services 的最顶层,所以他可以提供你在 Audio Queue Services 中所能找到的核心功能,比如播放。循环甚至是音频的计量,使用的时候它提供了非常友好的OC的接口,除非你需要从网络流中播放音频,需要访问原始音频样本或者需要非常低的延时,否则AVAudioPlayer都能胜任。
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Will overwrite a file at the specified url if a file exists. - (nullable instancetype)initWithURL:(NSURL *)url format:(AVAudioFormat *)format error:(NSError **)outError API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12), ios(10.0), watchos(4.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos); // prepareToRecord 准备去记录,它的作用和前面AVAudioPlayer的也是类似的,可以看看前面的注释 methods that return BOOL return YES on success and NO on failure. - (BOOL)prepareToRecord; creates the file and gets ready to record. happens automatically on record. // 开始记录 类似与AVAudioPlayer的play方法 - (BOOL)record; start or resume recording to file. // 在将来的某个特殊的你设置的时间点开始记录 - (BOOL)recordAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0); start recording at specified time in the future. time is an absolute time based on and greater than deviceCurrentTime. // 在某一段时间之后开始记录 - (BOOL)recordForDuration:(NSTimeInterval) duration; record a file of a specified duration. the recorder will stop when it has recorded this length of audio // 在某一个时间点的某一段时间之后开始记录 - (BOOL)recordAtTime:(NSTimeInterval)time forDuration:(NSTimeInterval) duration NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0); record a file of a specified duration starting at specified time. time is an absolute time based on and greater than deviceCurrentTime. // 下面是暂停和停止的方法,这两个比较好理解 - (void)pause; pause recording - (void)stop; stops recording. closes the file. // 删除记录,调用这个方法之前必须保证 recorder 是 stop 状态 - (BOOL)deleteRecording; delete the recorded file. recorder must be stopped. returns NO on failure. // 下面是一些属性 properties // 是否在记录 @property(readonly, getter=isRecording) BOOL recording; is it recording or not? // 保存记录音频文件的URL @property(readonly) NSURL *url; URL of the recorded file // these settings are fully valid only when prepareToRecord has been called @property(readonly) NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *settings; //10.0之后的属性, AVAudioFormat 音频格式注意是只读 this object is fully valid only when prepareToRecord has been called @property(readonly) AVAudioFormat *format API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.12), ios(10.0), watchos(4.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(tvos); // 代理 the delegate will be sent messages from the AVAudioRecorderDelegate protocol @property(assign, nullable) id<AVAudioRecorderDelegate> delegate; // 下面的currentTime和deviceCurrentTime在前面也是解释过,按照理解AVAudioPlayer的理解就没问题 get the current time of the recording - only valid while recording @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval currentTime; get the device current time - always valid @property(readonly) NSTimeInterval deviceCurrentTime NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(6_0); // meteringEnabled 也是和AVAudioPlayer相同 // 需要注意的前面也有提过,注意这个属性以及下面两个方法之间的必要关系。 至于方法是干什么的我们不在解释,前面AVAudioPlayer也有 @property(getter=isMeteringEnabled) BOOL meteringEnabled; turns level metering on or off. default is off. - (void)updateMeters; call to refresh meter values - (float)peakPowerForChannel:(NSUInteger)channelNumber; returns peak power in decibels for a given channel - (float)averagePowerForChannel:(NSUInteger)channelNumber; returns average power in decibels for a given channel The channels property lets you assign the output to record specific channels as described by AVAudioSession's channels property This property is nil valued until set. The array must have the same number of channels as returned by the numberOfChannels property. @property(nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSArray<AVAudioSessionChannelDescription *> *channelAssignments NS_AVAILABLE(10_9, 7_0); Array of AVAudioSessionChannelDescription objects // 代理 代理需要注意的地方我们不再说了。这个代理和前面AVAudioPlayer的完全类似 注意点也是类似,有不理解的可以往前面翻 @protocol AVAudioRecorderDelegate <NSObject> @optional audioRecorderDidFinishRecording:successfully: is called when a recording has been finished or stopped. This method is NOT called if the recorder is stopped due to an interruption. - (void)audioRecorderDidFinishRecording:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder successfully:(BOOL)flag; if an error occurs while encoding it will be reported to the delegate. - (void)audioRecorderEncodeErrorDidOccur:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder error:(NSError * __nullable)error; #if TARGET_OS_IPHONE // 下面的方法也是被AVAudioSession替换掉,这个我们在下面的介绍中会说AVAudioSession这个类 AVAudioRecorder INTERRUPTION NOTIFICATIONS ARE DEPRECATED - Use AVAudioSession instead. audioRecorderBeginInterruption: is called when the audio session has been interrupted while the recorder was recording. The recorded file will be closed. - (void)audioRecorderBeginInterruption:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_2, 8_0); audioRecorderEndInterruption:withOptions: is called when the audio session interruption has ended and this recorder had been interrupted while recording. Currently the only flag is AVAudioSessionInterruptionFlags_ShouldResume. - (void)audioRecorderEndInterruption:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder withOptions:(NSUInteger)flags NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(6_0, 8_0); - (void)audioRecorderEndInterruption:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder withFlags:(NSUInteger)flags NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(4_0, 6_0); audioRecorderEndInterruption: is called when the preferred method, audioRecorderEndInterruption:withFlags:, is not implemented. - (void)audioRecorderEndInterruption:(AVAudioRecorder *)recorder NS_DEPRECATED_IOS(2_2, 6_0); */ |
AVAudioSession 我们也是需要了解的,通过它可以实现对App当前上下文音频资源的控制,比如插拔耳机、接电话、是否和其他音频数据混音等,经常我们遇到的一些问题,比如下面的这些:
1 2 | /* returns singleton instance */ + (AVAudioSession*)sharedInstance; |
1 | - ( BOOL )setActive:( BOOL )active error:( NSError * _Nullable *)outError; |
通过上面这个方法我们就可以激活AVAudioSession,当然是设置YES激活,错误的话可以通过error的localizedDescription属性去查看。因为AVAudioSession会影响其他App的表现,当自己App的Session被激活,其他App的就会解除激活,那就有这样一个问题,如何要让自己的Session解除激活后恢复其他App Session的激活状态呢?下面这个方法能解决我们的问题:
1 | - ( BOOL )setActive:( BOOL )active withOptions:(AVAudioSessionSetActiveOptions)options error:( NSError **)outError |
三: category
1 2 | /* get session category. Examples: AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, etc. */ @property ( readonly ) NSString *category; |
1 | @property ( readonly ) NSArray < NSString *> *availableCategories; |
1 2 3 4 5 6 | /* set session category */ - ( BOOL )setCategory:( NSString *)category error:( NSError **)outError; /* set session category with options */ - ( BOOL )setCategory:( NSString *)category withOptions:(AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions)options error:( NSError **)outError NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (6_0); /* set session category and mode with options */ - ( BOOL )setCategory:( NSString *)category mode:( NSString *)mode options:(AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions)options error:( NSError **)outError NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (10_0); |
四: AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions
为什么这个我们单独拿出来说说呢,因为这个CategoryOptions的内容有点和category异曲同工的感觉,点击进入看一下这个:AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions 源码如下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | typedef NS_OPTIONS ( NSUInteger , AVAudioSessionCategoryOptions) { /* MixWithOthers is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, and AVAudioSessionCategoryMultiRoute */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers = 0x1, /* DuckOthers is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryAmbient, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, and AVAudioSessionCategoryMultiRoute */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDuckOthers = 0x2 , /* AllowBluetooth is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord and AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth __TVOS_PROHIBITED __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED = 0x4, /* DefaultToSpeaker is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker __TVOS_PROHIBITED __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED = 0x8, /* InterruptSpokenAudioAndMixWithOthers is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord, AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback, and AVAudioSessionCategoryMultiRoute */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionInterruptSpokenAudioAndMixWithOthers NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (9_0) = 0x11, /* AllowBluetoothA2DP is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetoothA2DP NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (10_0) = 0x20, /* AllowAirPlay is only valid with AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord */ AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowAirPlay NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (10_0) __WATCHOS_PROHIBITED = 0x40, } NS_AVAILABLE_IOS (6_0); |
1、AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionMixWithOthers : 如果确实用的AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback实现的一个背景音,但是呢,又想和QQ音乐并存,那么可以在AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayback类别下在设置这个选项,就可以实现共存了。
4、AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker: 如果在VoIP模式下,希望默认打开免提功能,需要设置这个选项。
1 | @property ( readonly ) NSArray < NSString *> *availableModes; |
1、AVAudioSessionModeDefault 每种类别默认的就是这个模式,所有要想还原的话,就设置成这个模式。
2、AVAudioSessionModeVoiceChat 主要用于VoIP场景,此时系统会选择最佳的输入设备,比如插上耳机就使用耳机上的麦克风进行采集。此时有个副作用,他会设置类别的选项为"AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth"从而支持蓝牙耳机。
3、AVAudioSessionModeVideoChat 主要用于视频通话,比如QQ视频、FaceTime。时系统也会选择最佳的输入设备,比如插上耳机就使用耳机上的麦克风进行采集并且会设置类别的选项为"AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionAllowBluetooth" 和 "AVAudioSessionCategoryOptionDefaultToSpeaker"。
4、AVAudioSessionModeGameChat 适用于游戏App的采集和播放,比如“GKVoiceChat”对象,一般不需要手动设置
1 | - ( BOOL )setMode:( NSString *)mode error:( NSError **)outError |
1、AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeKey: 取值为AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeBegan表示中断开始,我们应该暂停播放和采集,取值为AVAudioSessionInterruptionTypeEnded表示中断结束,我们可以继续播放和采集。
2、AVAudioSessionInterruptionOptionKey: 当前只有一种值AVAudioSessionInterruptionOptionShouldResume表示此时也应该恢复继续播放和采集。
而将其他App占据AudioSession的时候用AVAudioSessionSilenceSecondaryAudioHintNotification来进行通知。其回调回来的userInfo键为:AVAudioSessionSilenceSecondaryAudioHintTypeKey 可能包含的值如下:
1、AVAudioSessionSilenceSecondaryAudioHintTypeBegin: 表示其他App开始占据Session
2、AVAudioSessionSilenceSecondaryAudioHintTypeEnd: 表示其他App开始释放Session
AVAudioSessionRouteChangeNotification 就是我们前面说的线路改变时候发出的通知。我们最后就把这个通知里面info参数AVAudioSessionRouteChangeReasonKey对应的值列举出来,也就是把改变的原因列举出来:
通过上面的这些内容,我们就对AVFoundation有了一个基本的了解,基础的东西也是《AV Foundation 开发秘籍》第一二章的大致内容就总结完了,后面的内容我们会再接着总结。
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