import csv import pickle import logging import numpy as np from sklearn.svm import SVR logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Model(object): def __init__(self): pass def _get_data(self, filename): training_data = csv.reader(open('data/%s' % filename, 'rb')) logging.info('Training Finish Position') y = [] # Target to train on X = [] # Features for i, row in enumerate(training_data): # Skip the first row since it's the headers if i == 0: continue # Get the target y.append(float(row[-1])) # Get the features data = np.array( [float(_ if len(str(_)) > 0 else 0) for _ in row[5:-1]] ) X.append(data) return X, y def train(self): clf = SVR(C=1.0, epsilon=0.1, cache_size=1000) X, y, = self._get_data('training-2016-12-01-2017-02-28.csv') # Fit the model clf.fit(X, y) # Pickle the model so we can save and reuse it s = pickle.dumps(clf) # Save the model to a file f = open('finish_pos.model', 'wb') f.write(s) f.close() def predict(self): f = open('finish_pos.model', 'rb') clf = pickle.loads(f.read()) f.close() validation_data = csv.reader( open('data/validation-2017-03-01-2017-03-31.csv', 'rb') ) races = {} for i, row in enumerate(validation_data): if i == 0: continue race_id = row[1] finish_pos = float(row[-1]) if race_id not in races: races[race_id] = [] if finish_pos < 1: continue data = np.array([ float(_ if len(str(_)) > 0 else 0) for _ in row[5:-1] ]) data = data.reshape(1, -1) morning_line = row[0].split('-') morning_line = float(morning_line[0]) / float(morning_line[1]) races[race_id].append( { 'entry_id': row[0], 'data': data, 'prediction': None, 'finish_pos': finish_pos, 'odds': morning_line } ) for race_id, horses in races.iteritems(): for horse in horses: horse['prediction'] = clf.predict( horse['data'] ) tests = [ 'SVR - Baseline', 'SVR - All Races', 'SVR - 1 Offset', 'SVR - 2 Offset', 'SVR - Std', 'SVR - 2 Offset + Std' ] print('Test Name\tNum Races\tWins\tWPS') for test in tests: num_races = 0 num_correct_pred_win = 0 num_correct_pred_wps = 0 for race_id, horses in races.iteritems(): if len(horses) < 2: continue diff = horses[1]['prediction'] - horses[0]['prediction'] std = np.std([x['prediction'] for x in horses]) if test == 'SVR - Baseline': horses.sort(key=lambda x: x['odds']) else: horses.sort(key=lambda x: x['prediction']) if test == 'SVR - 1 Offset' and diff < 1.0: continue if test == 'SVR - 2 Offset' and diff < 2.0: continue if test == 'SVR - Std' and std < 1.4: continue if test == 'SVR - 2 Offset + Std' and ( std < 1.4 or diff < 2.0 ): continue num_races += 1 if horses[0]['finish_pos'] == 1: num_correct_pred_win += 1 if horses[0]['finish_pos'] in [1, 2, 3]: num_correct_pred_wps += 1 print('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s' % ( test, num_races, num_correct_pred_win, num_correct_pred_wps )) if __name__ == '__main__': trn = Model() trn.train() trn.predict()