
1 引言



2 脚本结构



       1. 解析IP地址。

       2. 设置线程。

       3. 执行压力测试,也被称为运行阶段。

       4. 完成测试。




       总结一下:wrk一次运行过程有1.resolve IP阶段;2. setUp阶段;3. running阶段(分为init、request、reponse);4.done阶段; 在上述的几个阶段中,都有对应的变量或方法提供调用。

3 不同阶段的方法和变量



wrk = { scheme = "http", host = "localhost", port = nil, method = "GET", path = "/", headers = {}, body = nil, thread = <userdata>, }


function wrk.format(method, path, headers, body) wrk.format returns a HTTP request string containing the passed parameters merged with values from the wrk table.

       wrk.lookup方法:返回一个表,其中包含主机和服务对的所有已知地址。这对应于POSIX getaddrinfo()函数。

function wrk.lookup(host, service) wrk.lookup returns a table containing all known addresses for the host and service pair. This corresponds to the POSIX getaddrinfo() function.


function wrk.connect(addr) wrk.connect returns true if the address can be connected to, otherwise it returns false. The address must be one returned from wrk.lookup().


global setup -- called during thread setup global init -- called when the thread is starting global delay -- called to get the request delay global request -- called to generate the HTTP request global response -- called with HTTP response data global done -- called with results of run



        只能通过get()/ set()方法设置或获取线程运行时需要的全局变量,变量值可以是布尔值,nil,数字和字符串值或表的值。


function setup(thread) The setup phase begins after the target IP address has been resolved and all threads have been initialized but not yet started. setup() is called once for each thread and receives a userdata object representing the thread. thread.addr - get or set the thread's server address thread:get(name) - get the value of a global in the thread's env thread:set(name, value) - set the value of a global in the thread's env thread:stop() - stop the thread Only boolean, nil, number, and string values or tables of the same may be transfered via get()/set() and thread:stop() can only be called while the thread is running.




wrk -c3 -d1s -t2 -s /scripts/debug.lua http://$APP1_PRIVATE_IP:3000 -- debug true


        request()需要为每个请求返回HTTP对象。在此函数中,我们可以修改method,headers,path,和 body。可以使用wrk.format()辅助函数来生成请求对象。比如:

return wrk.format(method, path, headers, body)


Running function init(args) function delay() function request() function response(status, headers, body) The running phase begins with a single call to init(), followed by a call to request() and response() for each request cycle. The init() function receives any extra command line arguments for the script which must be separated from wrk arguments with "--". delay() returns the number of milliseconds to delay sending the next request. request() returns a string containing the HTTP request. Building a new request each time is expensive, when testing a high performance server one solution is to pre-generate all requests in init() and do a quick lookup in request(). response() is called with the HTTP response status, headers, and body. Parsing the headers and body is expensive, so if the response global is nil after the call to init() wrk will ignore the headers and body.




function done(summary, latency, requests) The done() function receives a table containing result data, and two statistics objects representing the per-request latency and per-thread request rate. Duration and latency are microsecond values and rate is measured in requests per second.

-- minimum value seen 延时最小值 latency.max -- maximum value seen 延时最大值 latency.mean -- average value seen 延时平均值 latency.stdev -- standard deviation 延时标准差 latency:percentile(99.0) -- 99th percentile value 第99%的值 latency[i] -- raw value and count 请求i的原始延迟数据 summary = { duration = N, -- run duration in microseconds 运行持续时间(以微秒为单位) requests = N, -- total completed requests 完成的请求总数 bytes = N, -- total bytes received 接受的总字节数 errors = { connect = N, -- total socket connection errors socket连接错误的总数目 read = N, -- total socket read errors socket读取错误的总数目 write = N, -- total socket write errors socket写入错误的总数目 status = N, -- total HTTP status codes > 399 HTTp状态码大于399的总数目 timeout = N -- total request timeouts 所有请求的超时时间总和 } }

4 Post请求示例


[root@iQOO-Z1 pyy]# mkdir scripts [root@iQOO-Z1 pyy]# vi scripts/post.lua


wrk.method = "POST" wrk.body = '{"username":"admin","password":"123456"}' wrk.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json" response = function(status, headers, body) print(body) --调试用,正式测试时需要关闭,因为解析response非常消耗资源 end


# -v 数据卷挂载,将本地目录与wrk容器内目录共享; `pwd` 代表当前目录 docker run --rm -v `pwd`/scripts:/scripts williamyeh/wrk -c1 -t1 -d1s -s /scripts/post.lua http://xxx.xx.xx.xx:port/url




[root@iQOO-Z1 pyy]# vi login_test.sh # content docker run --rm -v `pwd`/scripts:/scripts williamyeh/wrk -c$1 -t$2 -d$3 -s /scripts/post.lua http://xx.x.xx.xx:port/login [root@iQOO-Z1 pyy]# chmod +x login_test.sh [root@iQOO-Z1 pyy]# ./login_test.sh 1 1 1s






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