USACO2021 Dec.银组/USACO 2021 December Contest, Silver 题解
T1 Closest Cow Wins
Farmer John owns a long farm along the highway that can be considered somewhat
like a one-dimensional number line. Along the farm, there are grassy
patches (); the -th patch is located at position
and has an associated tastiness value ().
Farmer John's nemesis, Farmer Nhoj, has already situated his cows
() at locations . All of these
locations are distinct integers in the range .
Farmer John needs to pick () locations (not
necessarily integers) for his cows to be located. These must be distinct from
those already occupied by the cows of Farmer Nhoj, but it is possible for
Farmer John to place his cows at the same locations as grassy patches.
Whichever farmer owns a cow closest to a grassy patch can claim ownership of
that patch. If there are two cows from rival farmers equally close to the
patch, then Farmer Nhoj claims the patch.
Given the locations of Farmer Nhoj's cows and the locations and tastiness values
of the grassy patches, determine the maximum total tastiness Farmer John's cows
can claim if optimally positioned.
Farmer John 沿着一条高速公路拥有一个很长的农场,可以被看作类似于一维数轴。沿着农场有 K 块草地(1≤K≤2⋅105);第 i 块草地位于位置 pi 并具有美味值 ti(0≤ti≤109)。Farmer John 的死对头 Farmer Nhoj 已经将他的 M 头奶牛(1≤M≤2⋅105)放在了位置 f1…fM 。所有这些 K+M 个位置均是 [0,109] 范围内的不同整数。
Farmer John 需要选择 N
)个位置(不一定是整数)放置他的奶牛。这些位置必须与 Farmer Nhoj 的奶牛已经占用的位置不同,但是 Farmer John 可以将他的奶牛放在与草地相同的位置。
拥有最靠近某个草地的奶牛的农夫拥有这一草地。如果来自两方农夫的两头奶牛距这一草地相等,则 Farmer Nhoj 拥有该草地。
给定 Farmer Nhoj 的奶牛的位置以及草地的位置和美味值,求 Farmer John 的奶牛以最优方式放置时可以达到的最大总美味值。
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define N 200010
struct Node
int x, y;
bool operator <(const Node &A) const { return x<A.x; }
struct node { int x, y; }a[N];
int n, m, i, j, k;
int op, opx, s[N], f[N], ans, nw;
int len, nx, nlen, l, r, id;
bool cmp(node x, node y) { return x.x<y.x; }
int findx(int x) {
if(a[n].x<x) return 1e17;
int l=1, r=n, mid;
while(l<r) {
if(a[mid].x<x) l=mid+1;
else r=mid;
return l;
int findy(int x) {
if(a[1].x>x) return -1e17;
int l=1, r=n, mid;
while(l<r) {
if(a[mid].x<x) l=mid;
else r=mid-1;
return l;
signed main() {
scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &n, &m, &k);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)
scanf("%lld%lld", &a[i].x, &a[i].y), a[i].x*=2;
sort(a+1, a+n+1, cmp);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i) s[i]=s[i-1]+a[i].y;
for(i=1; i<=m; ++i) scanf("%lld", &f[i]), f[i]*=2;
sort(f+1, f+m+1);
f[0]=-1e17; f[m+1]=1e17;
for(id=0; id<=m; ++id) {
l=findx(f[id]); r=findy(f[id+1]);
if(l>r) continue;
len=f[id+1]-f[id]; nw=0;
for(i=j=l; i<=r; ++i) {
for(; j<=r; ++j)
if((a[j].x-a[i].x)*2>=len) break;
nw=max(nw, s[j-1]-s[i-1]);
t.x=nw; t.y=s[r]-s[l-1]-t.x; q.push(t);
for(i=1; i<=k; ++i) {; q.pop();
ans+=t.x; t.x=t.y; t.y=0;
printf("%lld", ans);
return 0;
T2 Connecting Two Barns
Farmer John's farm consists of a set of fields ,
conveniently numbered . Between these fields are bi-directed
paths , each connecting a pair of fields.
The farm contains two barns, one in field 1 and the other in field . Farmer
John would like to ensure that there is a way to walk between the two barns
along some series of paths. He is willing to build up to two new paths to
accomplish this goal. Due to the way the fields are situated, the cost of
building a new path between fields and is .
Please help Farmer John determine the minimum cost needed such that barns
and become reachable from each-other.
Farmer John 的农场由 块田地()组成,编号为 。在这些田地之间有 条双向道路(),每条道路连接两块田地。
农场有两个牛棚,一个在田地 1 中,另一个在田地 中。Farmer John 希望确保有一种方式可以沿着一组道路在两个牛棚之间行走。 他愿意建造至多两条新道路来实现这一目标。由于田地的位置因素,在田地 和 之间建造新道路的花费是 。
请帮助 Farmer John 求出使得牛棚 和 可以相互到达所需要的最小花费。
在1号田所在的块与 号田所在的块直接相连。
通过一个中转块,在1号田所在的块与 号田所在的块与这个中转块相连。
要注意的是,我们要枚举中转块的点,因为这最多只有 个点,只会二分 次。枚举1号块或 号块的点容易超时。
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define N 100010
int n, m, i, j, k;
set<int>::iterator it, jt, kt;
int f[N], p[N], u, v, a, b, ans, t;
int fa(int x) { return f[x]==x ? x : f[x]=fa(f[x]); }
int pingfang(int x) { return x*x; }
int len(int x, int y) {
int ans=1e18;
for(it=s[x].begin(); it!=s[x].end(); ++it) {
if(jt!=s[y].end()) ans=min(ans, pingfang((*jt)-*it));
if(jt!=s[y].begin()) ans=min(ans, pingfang((*(--jt))-*it));
return ans;
signed main()
scanf("%lld", &t);
scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i) f[i]=i;
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i) s[i].clear();
for(i=1; i<=m; ++i)
scanf("%lld%lld", &u, &v), f[fa(u)]=fa(v);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i) s[fa(i)].insert(i);
a=f[1]; b=f[n]; ans=len(a, b);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i)
if(f[i]==a||f[i]==b||f[i]!=i) continue;
ans=min(ans, len(i, a)+len(i, b));
printf("%lld\n", ans);
return 0;
T3 Convoluted Intervals
The cows are hard at work trying to invent interesting new games to play. One of
their current endeavors involves a set of intervals
(), where the th interval starts at position on
the number line and ends at position . Both and are
integers in the range , where .
To play the game, Bessie chooses some interval (say, the th interval) and her
cousin Elsie chooses some interval (say, the th interval, possibly the same
as Bessie's interval). Given some value , they win if
For every value of in the range , please count the number of
ordered pairs for which Bessie and Elsie can win the game.
奶牛们正在努力尝试发明有趣的新游戏来玩。他们目前的工作之一与一组 个区间()有关,其中第 个区间从数轴上的 位置开始,并在位置 结束。 和 均为 范围内的整数,其中 。
这个游戏的玩法是,Bessie 选择某个区间(假设是第 个区间),而她的表妹 Elsie 选择某个区间(假设是第 个区间,可能与 Bessie 所选的的区间相同)。给定某个值 ,如果 ,则她们获胜。
对范围 内的每个值 ,请计算使得 Bessie 和 Elsie 可以赢得游戏的有序对 的数量。
用差分思想考虑,所有 的地方+1,所以 的地方减1。
然而这是 ,但我们发现 的值域很小,所以我们可以用桶存起来,然后按值域遍历即可,就变成 。
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define N 5010
int n, m, i, j, k;
int a[N], b[N], x[N], y[N], c[N*2];
signed main()
scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &m);
for(i=1; i<=n; ++i) scanf("%lld%lld", &j, &k), x[j]++, y[k]++;
for(i=0; i<=m; ++i)
for(j=0; j<=m; ++j)
c[i+j]+=x[i]*x[j], c[i+j+1]-=y[i]*y[j];
for(i=k=0; i<=2*m; ++i) printf("%lld\n", k+=c[i]);
return 0;
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