1 Replace
string sayHello = "Hello World!"; Console.WriteLine(sayHello); sayHello = sayHello.Replace("Hello", "张涛"); Console.WriteLine(sayHello); Hello World! 张涛 World!
2.ToLower() 全部小写
string songLyrics = "You say goodbye, and I say hello"; Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.Contains("goodbye")); Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.Contains("greetings")); True False string songLyrics = "You say goodbye, and I say hello"; Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.StartsWith("You")); Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.StartsWith("goodbye")); Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.EndsWith("hello")); Console.WriteLine(songLyrics.EndsWith("goodbye")); True False True False
4. IndexOf() 可能无法确定列表是否包含某项,因此,应始终检查 IndexOf 返回的索引。 如果索引为 -1,表明找不到相应项。
var names = new List<string> { "<name>", "Ana", "Felipe" }; names.Add("Maria"); names.Add("Bill"); names.Remove("Ana"); var index = names.IndexOf("Felipe"); if (index != -1) Console.WriteLine($"The name {names[index]} is at index {index}"); var notFound = names.IndexOf("Not Found"); Console.WriteLine($"When an item is not found, IndexOf returns {notFound}"); The name Felipe is at index 1 When an item is not found, IndexOf returns -1
5. Sort() 还可以对列表中的项进行排序。 Sort 方法按正常顺序(按字母顺序,如果是字符串的话)对列表中的所有项进行排序