进入正题:ckeditor_3.4.1+ckfinder_aspnet_2.0.1 有需要的点击下载(目前是最新版),注意下载ckfinder的时候一定要选择.net版本。

我在VS2005+xp 环境下进行测试。VS2008 10版本是否能正常调用,我不太清楚,有待大家测试!
ckeditor删除多余文件后结构如下图所示 在lang文件夹下删除那些不需要语言文件,后缀名为.js我们只留下 cn.js zh-cn.js 和en.js三个即可


同时将瘦身后的ckeditor 和ckfinder 添加进来,大致结构如下图所示(在实际网站应用中,你可以修改默认文件夹名称防止被别人猜解目录搞破坏):

bin 文件夹下的CKfinder.dll 在CKfinder/bin/debug 文件夹下有,直接添加引用即可自动生成bin文件夹。
02 |
config.language = 'zh-cn' ; |
04 |
config.toolbar_Full = [ |
05 |
[ 'Source' , '-' , 'Save' , 'NewPage' , 'Preview' , '-' , 'Templates' ], |
06 |
[ 'Cut' , 'Copy' , 'Paste' , 'PasteText' , 'PasteFromWord' , '-' , 'Print' , 'SpellChecker' , 'Scayt' ], |
07 |
[ 'Undo' , 'Redo' , '-' , 'Find' , 'Replace' , '-' , 'SelectAll' , 'RemoveFormat' ], |
08 |
[ 'Form' , 'Checkbox' , 'Radio' , 'TextField' , 'Textarea' , 'Select' , 'Button' , 'ImageButton' , 'HiddenField' ], |
10 |
[ 'Bold' , 'Italic' , 'Underline' , 'Strike' , '-' , 'Subscript' , 'Superscript' ], |
11 |
[ 'NumberedList' , 'BulletedList' , '-' , 'Outdent' , 'Indent' , 'Blockquote' ], |
12 |
[ 'JustifyLeft' , 'JustifyCenter' , 'JustifyRight' , 'JustifyBlock' ], |
13 |
[ 'Link' , 'Unlink' , 'Anchor' ], |
14 |
[ 'Image' , 'Flash' , 'Table' , 'HorizontalRule' , 'Smiley' , 'SpecialChar' , 'PageBreak' ], |
16 |
[ 'Styles' , 'Format' , 'Font' , 'FontSize' ], |
17 |
[ 'TextColor' , 'BGColor' ] |
说明:config.skin 后面是皮肤,默认ckeditor提供三个皮肤;
config.language 后面是默认语言 我们设置为 zh-cn;
config.toolbar_full 后面是工具按钮的栏;
新建一个aspx文件 在HTML代码的head 部分加入<script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script>(这个必需)
在div部分加入 <asp:TextBox ID="txtContent" class="ckeditor" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server"></asp:TextBox> 运行即可看到ckeditor编辑器了
获取编辑器的值插入数据库 则TextBox.Text即可,绑定的话直就从数据库读取<asp:TextBox ID="txtContent" class="ckeditor" TextMode="MultiLine" Text='<%# Bind("info") %>' runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
提示:在插入类似'时候ASPX页面提示客户端(*)中检测到有潜在危险的 Request.Form 值。在页面HTML代码第一行加入validateRequest="false"或者修改web.config文件即可,但这不是最安全的做法,可能存在提交非法数据和跨站的危险,这里不做深入探讨。


那么接下来我们修改下cdeditor下面的config.js 在函数内加入如下代码:
1 |
config.filebrowserBrowseUrl = 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html' ; |
2 |
config.filebrowserImageBrowseUrl = 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Image' ; |
3 |
config.filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl = 'ckfinder/ckfinder.html?Type=Flash' ; |
4 |
config.filebrowserUploadUrl = 'ckfinder/core/connector/aspx/connector.aspx?command=QuickUpload&type=Files' ; |
5 |
config.filebrowserImageUploadUrl = 'ckfinder/core/connector/aspx/connector.aspx?command=QuickUpload&type=Image' ; |
6 |
config.filebrowserFlashUploadUrl = 'ckfinder/core/connector/aspx/connector.aspx?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash' ; |
说明:config.filebrowser* 为上传文件时调用的ckfinder connector.aspx文件相应路径,这个根据您的网站文件结构修改,仅为测试我没有修改文件夹名称。


那我们来修改下找到ckfinder下面的config.ascx文件编辑 找到public override bool CheckAuthentication() 方法将return false;修改为 return true;
(这里需要说明一下,这样修改不安全,可以导致任何人上传文件,那么你可以先判断session 或者通过其他的手段达到一般用户不能非法上传,具体不再赘述)
本文只讲调用 所以就没有写的那么严格,修改后代码如下:
01 |
public override bool CheckAuthentication() |
还是在这个文件内找到 public override void SetConfig() 方法里面的 BaseUrl = "~/UploadFiles/"; 后面的目录根据自己的项目结构写,我单独建立了个UploadFiles文件夹存放上传文件。

在syntaxhighlight文件夹下分别添加 dialogs、images、lang文件夹和一个JS文件 plugin.js
1 |
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( "syntaxhighlight" ,{requires:[ "dialog" ],lang:[ "cn" ],init: function (a){ var b= "syntaxhighlight" ; |
1 |
var c=a.addCommand(b, new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand(b)); |
1 |
c.modes={wysiwyg:1,source:1}; |
1 |
c.canUndo= false ;a.ui.addButton( "Code" ,{label:a.lang.syntaxhighlight.title,command:b,icon: this .path+ "images/syntaxhighlight.gif" }); |
1 |
CKEDITOR.dialog.add(b, this .path+ "dialogs/syntaxhighlight.js" )}}); |
dialogs文件夹下添加syntaxhighlight.js文件 内容如下
008 |
CKEDITOR.dialog.add( "syntaxhighlight" , function (c){ |
010 |
f=f.replace(/<br>/g, "\n" ); |
011 |
f=f.replace(/&/g, "&" ); |
012 |
f=f.replace(/</g, "<" ); |
013 |
f=f.replace(/>/g, ">" ); |
014 |
f=f.replace(/ "/g,'" '); |
020 |
f.hideControls= false ; |
024 |
f.firstLineChecked= false ; |
026 |
f.highlightChecked= false ; |
028 |
f.lang= null ;f.code= "" ; |
034 |
if (i.indexOf( "brush" )>-1){ |
035 |
var g=/brush:[ ]{0,1}(\w*)/.exec(i); |
036 |
if (g!= null &&g.length>0){h.lang=g[1].replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "" )}} |
037 |
if (i.indexOf( "gutter" )>-1){h.hideGutter= true } |
038 |
if (i.indexOf( "toolbar" )>-1){h.hideControls= true } |
039 |
if (i.indexOf( "collapse" )>-1){h.collapse= true } |
040 |
if (i.indexOf( "first-line" )>-1){ var g=/first-line:[ ]{0,1}([0-9]{1,4})/.exec(i); |
041 |
if (g!= null &&g.length>0&&g[1]>1){h.firstLineChecked= true ;h.firstLine=g[1]}} |
042 |
if (i.indexOf( "highlight" )>-1){ |
043 |
if (i.match(/highlight:[ ]{0,1}\[[0-9]+(,[0-9]+)*\]/)){ |
044 |
var f=/highlight:[ ]{0,1}\[(.*)\]/.exec(i); |
045 |
if (f!= null &&f.length>0){h.highlightChecked= true ;h.highlight=f[1]} |
047 |
if (i.indexOf( "ruler" )>-1){h.showColumns= true } |
048 |
if (i.indexOf( "wrap-lines" )>-1){h.noWrap= true } |
053 |
var f= "brush:" +g.lang+ ";" ; |
054 |
if (g.hideGutter){f+= "gutter:false;" } |
055 |
if (g.hideControls){f+= "toolbar:false;" } |
056 |
if (g.collapse){f+= "collapse:true;" } |
057 |
if (g.showColumns){f+= "ruler:true;" } |
058 |
if (g.noWrap){f+= "wrap-lines:false;" } |
059 |
if (g.firstLineChecked&&g.firstLine>1){f+= "first-line:" +g.firstLine+ ";" } |
060 |
if (g.highlightChecked&&g.highlight!= "" ){f+= "highlight: [" +g.highlight.replace(/\s/gi, "" )+ "];" } |
064 |
title:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.title, |
068 |
var i= this .getParentEditor(); |
069 |
var h=i.getSelection(); |
070 |
var g=h.getStartElement(); |
071 |
var k=g&&g.getAscendant( "pre" , true ); |
076 |
f=b(k.getAttribute( "class" )); |
082 |
var h= this .getParentEditor(); |
083 |
var g=h.getSelection(); |
084 |
var f=g.getStartElement(); |
085 |
var k=f&&f.getAscendant( "pre" , true ); |
087 |
this .commitContent(i); |
089 |
var l=CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml( '<pre class="' +j+ '">' +a(i.code)+ "</pre>" , h.document); |
099 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.sourceTab, |
106 |
labelLayout: "horizontal" , |
107 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.langLbl, |
109 |
widths:[ "25%" , "75%" ], |
110 |
items:[[ "Bash (Shell)" , "bash" ],[ "C#" , "csharp" ],[ "C++" , "cpp" ],[ "CSS" , "css" ],[ "Delphi" , "delphi" ],[ "Diff" , "diff" ],[ "Groovy" , "groovy" ],[ "Javascript" , "jscript" ],[ "Java" , "java" ],[ "Java FX" , "javafx" ],[ "Perl" , "perl" ],[ "PHP" , "php" ],[ "Plain (Text)" , "plain" ],[ "Python" , "python" ],[ "Ruby" , "ruby" ],[ "Scala" , "scala" ],[ "SQL" , "sql" ],[ "VB" , "vb" ],[ "XML/XHTML" , "xml" ]], |
111 |
setup: function (f){ if (f.lang){ this .setValue(f.lang)}}, |
112 |
commit: function (f){f.lang= this .getValue()}}] |
118 |
setup: function (f){ if (f.code){ this .setValue(f.code)}}, |
119 |
commit: function (f){f.code= this .getValue()}} |
123 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.advancedTab, |
129 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.hideGutter+ "</strong>" |
133 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.hideGutterLbl, |
134 |
setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.hideGutter)}, |
135 |
commit: function (f){f.hideGutter= this .getValue()} |
138 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.hideControls+ "</strong>" |
142 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.hideControlsLbl, |
143 |
setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.hideControls)}, |
144 |
commit: function (f){f.hideControls= this .getValue()} |
147 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.collapse+ "</strong>" |
151 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.collapseLbl, |
152 |
setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.collapse)}, |
153 |
commit: function (f){f.collapse= this .getValue()} |
156 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.showColumns+ "</strong>" |
160 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.showColumnsLbl, |
161 |
setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.showColumns)}, |
162 |
commit: function (f){f.showColumns= this .getValue()} |
165 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.lineWrap+ "</strong>" |
169 |
label:c.lang.syntaxhighlight.lineWrapLbl, |
170 |
setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.noWrap)}, |
171 |
commit: function (f){f.noWrap= this .getValue()} |
174 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.lineCount+ "</strong>" |
179 |
{type: "checkbox" ,id: "lc_toggle" ,label: "" ,setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.firstLineChecked)},commit: function (f){f.firstLineChecked= this .getValue()} |
181 |
{type: "text" ,id: "default_lc" ,style: "width: 15%;" ,label: "" ,setup: function (f){ if (f.firstLine>1){ this .setValue(f.firstLine)}},commit: function (f){ if ( this .getValue()&& this .getValue()!= "" ){f.firstLine= this .getValue()}} |
186 |
html: "<strong>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.highlight+ "</strong>" |
191 |
{type: "checkbox" ,id: "hl_toggle" ,label: "" ,setup: function (f){ this .setValue(f.highlightChecked)},commit: function (f){f.highlightChecked= this .getValue()} |
193 |
{type: "text" ,id: "default_hl" ,style: "width: 40%;" ,label: "" ,setup: function (f){ if (f.highlight!= null ){ this .setValue(f.highlight)}},commit: function (f){ if ( this .getValue()&& this .getValue()!= "" ){f.highlight= this .getValue()}} |
202 |
{type: "html" ,html: "<i>" +c.lang.syntaxhighlight.highlightLbl+ "</i>" |
lang 文件夹下添加 一个en.js 和cn.js文件
01 |
CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'syntaxhighlight' , 'cn' , |
10 |
hideGutterLbl: '隐藏分割线和行号' , |
11 |
hideControls: '隐藏工具栏' , |
12 |
hideControlsLbl: '隐藏浮动工具栏' , |
14 |
collapseLbl: '默认折叠代码块 (需要启用工具栏)' , |
16 |
lineWrapLbl: '关闭自动换行' , |
18 |
autoLinksLbl: '不自动转换超链接' , |
21 |
highlightLbl: '输入以逗号分隔的行号, 如 <em>3,10,15</em>.' |
en.js 代码
01 |
CKEDITOR.plugins.setLang( 'syntaxhighlight' , 'en' , |
05 |
title: 'Add or update a code snippet' , |
06 |
sourceTab: 'Source code' , |
07 |
langLbl: 'Select language' , |
08 |
advancedTab: 'Advanced' , |
09 |
hideGutter: 'Hide gutter' , |
10 |
hideGutterLbl: 'Hide gutter & line numbers.' , |
11 |
hideControls: 'Hide controls' , |
12 |
hideControlsLbl: 'Hide code controls at the top of the code block.' , |
14 |
collapseLbl: 'Collapse the code block by default. (controls need to be turned on)' , |
15 |
showColumns: 'Show columns' , |
16 |
showColumnsLbl: 'Show row columns in the first line.' , |
17 |
lineWrap: 'Disable line wrapping' , |
18 |
lineWrapLbl: 'Switch off line wrapping.' , |
19 |
lineCount: 'Default line count' , |
20 |
highlight: 'Highlight lines' , |
21 |
highlightLbl: 'Enter a comma seperated lines of lines you want to highlight, eg <em>3,10,15</em>.' |
1 |
config.extraPlugins = 'syntaxhighlight' ; |
2 |
config.toolbar_Full.push([ 'Code' ]); |
在网站你觉得合适的位置添加一个scripts和styles 文件夹里面分别存放给代码着色的JS代码和CSS样式表(代码太长我不贴上来了,你可以去网上搜一下)
01 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shCore.js" ></ script > |
02 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushBash.js" ></ script > |
03 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushCpp.js" ></ script > |
04 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushCSharp.js" ></ script > |
05 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushCss.js" ></ script > |
06 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushDelphi.js" ></ script > |
07 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushDiff.js" ></ script > |
08 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushGroovy.js" ></ script > |
09 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushJava.js" ></ script > |
10 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushJScript.js" ></ script > |
11 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushPhp.js" ></ script > |
12 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushPlain.js" ></ script > |
13 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushPython.js" ></ script > |
14 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushRuby.js" ></ script > |
15 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushScala.js" ></ script > |
16 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushSql.js" ></ script > |
17 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushVb.js" ></ script > |
18 |
< script type = "text/javascript" src = "scripts/shBrushXml.js" ></ script > |
19 |
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "styles/shCore.css" /> |
20 |
< link type = "text/css" rel = "stylesheet" href = "styles/shThemeDefault.css" /> |
21 |
< script type = "text/javascript" > |
22 |
SyntaxHighlighter.config.clipboardSwf = 'scripts/clipboard.swf'; |
23 |
SyntaxHighlighter.all(); |
