hw_File = "C:\\Users\\zwx318792\\Desktop\\xls_test\\huawei.xls" #获得一个操作工作簿的对象 rb_hw = open_excel(hw_File) < object at 0x036CC7F0> #获得工作簿所有的sheet个数 rb_hw.nsheets 20 #获得所有工作簿名字 rb_hw.sheet_names() ['Basic Info', '51.010-2', '51.010-4', '34.123-2', '34.121-2', '36.521-2', '36.523-2', '31.121', '31.124', '34.171', '37.571-3', '34.229', 'MMS', 'SUPL', 'FUMO', 'DM', 'NFC', 'VT', 'AT', 'ChangeRecord']
#获得一个sheet对象,它是用来操作sheet的 sheet = rb_hw.sheets()[1] sheet = rb_hw.sheet_by_index(1) <xlrd.sheet.Sheet object at 0x039158B0> #sheet名称 '51.010-2' #sheet行 sheet.nrows 1109 #sheet列 sheet.ncols 13
#行内容 sheet.row(109) [text:'A.1/105', number:105.0, text:'EGPRS Multislot Class10', text:'3GPP\xa0TS\xa005.02| B.1\n3GPP TS 45.002| B.1', text:'R99', text:'O', text:'yes | no', text:'No', text:'TSPC_Type_EGPRS_Multislot_Class10', empty:'', text:'是', text:'EGPRS', text:'协议'] #得到的是cell对象组成的列表 #列内容 sheet.col(2) [xt:'A.25.1/17', text:'A.25.1/18', text:'A.25.1/19', text:'A.25.1/20', text:'A.25.1/21', text:'A.25.1/22', text:'A.25.1/23', text:'A.25.1/24', text:'A.25.1/25', text:'A.25.1/26', text:'A.25.1/27', text:'A.25.1/28', text:'A.25.1/29', text:'A.25.1/30', text:'A.25.1/31', text:'A.25.1/32', text:'A.25.1/33', text:'A.25.1/34', text:'A.25.1/35', text:'A.25.1/36', text:'A.25.1/37', text:'A.25.1/38', text:'A.25.1/39', text:'A.25.1/40', text:'A.25.1/41', text:'A.25.1/42', text:'A.25.1/43', text:'A.25.1/44', text:'A.25.1/45', text:'A.25.1/46', empty:'', empty:'', empty:'', empty:'', empty:'', text:'A.27/1', text:'A.27/2', text:'A.27/3', text:'A.27/4', text:'R', text:'R1', text:'R2', text:'R3', text:'R4', text:'R5', text:'R6', text:'R7', text:'R8', text:'R9', text:'R10', text:'R11', text:'R12'] #得到的是cell对象组成的列表 #获得某行(列)某几个单元格的内容 row = sheet.row_slice(0,1,6) print(row) [text:'3GPP TS 51.010-2', empty:'', empty:'', empty:'', text:'V12.5.0'] col = sheet.col_slice(3,5,7) print(col) [text:'3GPP TS 05.05| 2\n3GPP TS 45.005| 2\n\n', text:'3GPP TS 05.05| 2\n3GPP TS 45.005| 2\n\n'] #得到的是cell对象组成的列表 #我们还可以单独获得行(列表)的某个单元格的值或者type row = sheet.row_values(0,1,6) print(row) ['3GPP TS 51.010-2', '', '', '', 'V12.5.0'] row = sheet.row_types(2,3,4) print(row) array('B', [0]) col = sheet.col_values(2,3,5) print(col) ['Type of Mobile Station', 'Feature "A" is used for "applicability" that is referenced in 51.010-2 for many test cases.\r\nYou will find the description in Annex B of this specification.'] col = sheet.col_types(2,3,5) print(col) [1, 1]
#获得一个cell对象,这个对象时用来操作单元格的 cell = sheet.cell(109,7) print(cell) text:'No' #获得单元格的类型 print(cell.ctype) sheet.cell_type(109,7) 1 #获得单元格的内容 print(cell.value) sheet.cell_value(109,7) 'No' #序列转为单元格命名 cell = cellname(2,2) print(cell) C3 cell = cellnameabs(2,2) print(cell) $C$3 cell = colname(3) print(cell)