nlp入门(二) :商品信息可视化与文本分析实战
源码请到:自然语言处理练习: 学习自然语言处理时候写的一些代码 (
数据来源:麦卡里价格建议挑战Mercari Price Suggestion Challenge | Kaggle
# 设置pandas显示配置 pd.set_option('display.max_columns', 1000) pd.set_option('display.width', 1000) pd.set_option('display.max_colwidth', 1000) train = pd.read_csv('data/train.tsv', sep='\t') test = pd.read_csv('data/test.tsv', sep='\t') # 查看数据集大小 print(train.shape) print(test.shape) # 查看数据集列名 print(train.dtypes) # 查看数据集前几行 print(train.head()) # 查看商品价格信息 print(train.price.describe())
2.1 对价格进行对数变换,比较变换后价格的分布情况
# 对价格进行对数变换,比较转换前和转换后的分布情况 plt.subplot(1, 2, 1) (train['price']).plot.hist(bins=50, figsize=(20, 10), edgecolor='white', range=[0, 250]) plt.xlabel('price+', fontsize=17) plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=17) plt.tick_params(labelsize=15) plt.title('Price Distribution - Training Set', fontsize=17) plt.subplot(1, 2, 2) np.log(train['price'] + 1).plot.hist(bins=50, figsize=(20, 10), edgecolor='white') plt.xlabel('log(price+1)', fontsize=17) plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=17) plt.tick_params(labelsize=15) plt.title('Log(Price) Distribution - Training Set', fontsize=17)
2.2 包邮对价格的影响
# 运费承担:大概有55%卖家承担运费 print(train.shipping.value_counts() / len(train))
# 看下运费不同情况下的价格变化(包邮的价格贵一些) prc_shipBySeller = train.loc[train.shipping == 0, 'price'] prc_shipByBuyer = train.loc[train.shipping == 1, 'price'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20, 10)) ax.hist(np.log(prc_shipBySeller + 1), color='#8CB4E1', alpha=1.0, bins=50, label='Price when Seller pays Shipping') ax.hist(np.log(prc_shipByBuyer + 1), color='#007D00', alpha=0.7, bins=50, label='Price when Buyer pays Shipping') ax.set(title='Histogram Comparison', ylabel='% of Dataset in Bin') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('log(price+1)', fontsize=17) plt.ylabel('frequency', fontsize=17) plt.title('Price Distribution by Shipping Type', fontsize=17) plt.tick_params(labelsize=15)
2.3 商品类别对价格的影响
# 商品类别划分 print('There are %d unique values in the category column' % train['category_name'].nunique()) print(train['category_name'].value_counts()[:5]) print('There are %d items that do not have a label' % train['category_name'].isnull().sum())
# 商品类别太多了,合并一下 def split_cat(text): try: return text.split("/") except: return "No Label", "No Label", "No Label" train['general_cat'], train['subcat_1'], train['subcat_2'] = zip(*train['category_name'].apply(lambda x: split_cat(x))) print(train.head()) test['general_cat'], test['subcat_1'], test['subcat_2'] = zip(*test['category_name'].apply(lambda x: split_cat(x))) print('There are %d unique general_cat' % train['general_cat'].nunique()) print('There are %d unique first sub-categories' % train['subcat_1'].nunique()) print('There are %d unique second sub-categories' % train['subcat_2'].nunique())
# 主类别分布情况 x = train['general_cat'].value_counts().index.values.astype('str') y = train['general_cat'].value_counts().values pct = [('%.2f' % (v * 100)) + '%' for v in (y / len(train))] tracel = go.Bar(x=x, y=y, text=pct) layout = dict(title="Number of Items by Main Category", yaxis=dict(title='Count'), xaxis=dict(title='Category')) fig = dict(data=[tracel], layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
# 前15个子类别分布情况 x = train['subcat_1'].value_counts().index.values.astype('str')[:15] y = train['subcat_1'].value_counts().values[:15] pct = [('%.2f' % (v * 100)) + '%' for v in (y / len(train))][:15] tracel = go.Bar(x=x, y=y, text=pct, marker=dict(color=y, colorscale='Portland', showscale=True, reversescale=False)) layout = dict(title="Number of Items by Sub Category(Top 15)", yaxis=dict(title='Count'), xaxis=dict(title='SubCategory')) fig = dict(data=[tracel], layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
# 不同类型商品价格浮动区间 general_cats = train['general_cat'].unique() x = [train.loc[train['general_cat'] == cat, 'price'] for cat in general_cats] data = [go.Box(x=np.log(x[i] + 1), name=general_cats[i]) for i in range(len(general_cats))] layout = dict(title='Price Distribution by General Category', yaxis=dict(title='Frequency'), xaxis=dict(title='Category')) fig = dict(data=data, layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
2.4 品牌分布情况
# 前10品牌名称的数据分布 x = train['brand_name'].value_counts().index.values.astype('str')[:10] y = train['brand_name'].value_counts().values[:10] tracel = go.Bar(x=x, y=y, marker=dict(color=y, colorscale='Portland', showscale=True, reversescale=False)) layout = dict(title="Top 10 Brand by Number of Items", yaxis=dict(title='Count'), xaxis=dict(title='Brand Name')) fig = dict(data=[tracel], layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
2.5 商品描述长度对商品的影响
# 商品描述对价格的影响 def wordCount(text): try: text = text.lower() regex = re.compile('[' + re.escape(string.punctuation) + '0-9\\r\\t\\n]') txt = regex.sub(' ', text) words = [w for w in txt.split(" ") if w not in stop_words.STOP_WORDS and len(w) > 3] return len(words) except: return 0 train['desc_len'] = train['item_description'].apply(lambda x: wordCount(x)) test['desc_len'] = test['item_description'].apply(lambda x: wordCount(x)) print(train.head()) df = train.groupby('desc_len')['price'].mean().reset_index() tracel = go.Scatter(x=df['desc_len'], y=np.log(df['price'] + 1), mode='lines+markers', name='lines+markers') layout = dict(title='Average Log(Price) by Description Length', yaxis=dict(title='Average Log(Price)'), xaxis=dict(title='Description Length')) fig = dict(data=[tracel], layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
3.1 统计常用关键字
print(train.item_description.isnull().sum()) # 去掉缺失值 train = train[pd.notnull(train['item_description'])] # 提取每种品牌的描述关键词 tokenize ='tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle') cat_desc = dict() for cat in general_cats: text = ' '.join(train.loc[train['general_cat'] == cat, 'item_description'].values) cat_desc[cat] = tokenize.tokenize(text) # 统计常用关键词 flat_lst = [item for sublist in list(cat_desc.values()) for item in sublist] allWordsCount = Counter(flat_lst) all_top10 = allWordsCount.most_common(20) x = [w[0] for w in all_top10] y = [w[1] for w in all_top10] tracel = go.Bar(x=x, y=y) layout = dict(title='Word Frequency', yaxis=dict(title='Count'), xaxis=dict(title='Word')) fig = dict(data=[tracel], layout=layout) py.iplot(fig)
3.2 分别展示不同商品的关键字
# 展示不同商品的关键词 stop = set(stopwords.words('english')) def tokenize(text): try: regex = re.compile('[' + re.escape(string.punctuation) + '0-9\\r\\t\\n]') text = regex.sub(' ', text) tokens_ = [word_tokenize(s) for s in sent_tokenize(text)] tokens = [] for token_by_sent in tokens_: tokens += token_by_sent tokens = list(filter(lambda t: t.lower() not in stop, tokens)) filtered_tokens = [w for w in tokens if'[a-zA-Z]', w)] filtered_tokens = [w.lower() for w in filtered_tokens if len(w) >= 3] return filtered_tokens except TypeError as e: print(text, e) train['tokens'] = train['item_description'].map(tokenize) test['tokens'] = test['item_description'].map(tokenize) train.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) test.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) for description, tokens in zip(train['item_description'].head(), train['tokens'].head()): print('description:', description) print('tokens:', tokens) print()
cat_desc = dict() for cat in general_cats: text = ' '.join(train.loc[train['general_cat'] == cat, 'item_description'].values) cat_desc[cat] = tokenize(text) cat_desc100 = dict() for key, value in cat_desc.items(): cat_desc100[key] = Counter(value).most_common() def generate_wordcloud(tup): wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color='white', max_words=50, max_font_size=40, random_state=42).generate(str(tup)) return wordcloud fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(cat_desc100) // 2 + 1, 2, figsize=(30, 15)) for i, (key, cat) in enumerate(cat_desc100.items()): ax = axes[i // 2, i % 2] ax.imshow(generate_wordcloud(cat), interpolation='bilinear') ax.axis('off') ax.set_title("%s Top 100" % key, fontsize=12)
# tf-idf vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(min_df=10, max_features=180000, tokenizer=tokenize, ngram_range=(1, 2)) all_desc = np.append(train['item_description'].values, test['item_description'].values) vz = vectorizer.fit_transform(list(all_desc)) print(vz.shape) tfidf = dict(zip(vectorizer.get_feature_names_out(), vectorizer.idf_)) tfidf = pd.DataFrame(columns=['tfidf']).from_dict(dict(tfidf), orient='index') tfidf.columns = ['tfidf'] print(tfidf.sort_values(by=['tfidf'], ascending=True).head(10)) print(tfidf.sort_values(by=['tfidf'], ascending=False).head(10))
trn = train.copy() tst = test.copy() trn['is_train'] = 1 tst['is_train'] = 0 sample_sz = 15000 # 采样 combined_df = pd.concat([trn, tst]) combined_sample = combined_df.sample(n=sample_sz) vz_sample = vectorizer.fit_transform(list(combined_sample['item_description'])) # SVD 降维 n_comp = 30 svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=n_comp, random_state=42) svd_tfidf = svd.fit_transform(vz_sample) # t-SNE降维 tsne_model = TSNE(n_components=2, verbose=1, random_state=42, n_iter=500) tsne_tfidf = tsne_model.fit_transform(svd_tfidf) plot_tfidf = bp.figure(width=700, height=600, title='tf-idf clustring of the item description', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover', x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) combined_sample.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) tfidf_df = pd.DataFrame(tsne_tfidf, columns=['x', 'y']) tfidf_df['description'] = combined_sample['item_description'] tfidf_df['tokens'] = combined_sample['tokens'] tfidf_df['category'] = combined_sample['general_cat'] plot_tfidf.scatter(x='x', y='y', source=tfidf_df, alpha=0.7) hover = hover.tooltips = {'description': '@description', 'tokens': '@tokens', 'category': '@category'} show(plot_tfidf)
5.1 使用聚类算法对上面数据的点可以进行分类
# 聚类分堆 num_clusters = 10 kmeans_model = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=num_clusters, init='k-means++', n_init=1, init_size=10000, batch_size=1000, verbose=0, max_iter=1000) kmeans_clusters = kmeans_model.predict(vz_sample) kmeans_distances = kmeans_model.transform(vz_sample) tsne_kmeans = tsne_model.fit_transform(kmeans_distances) kmeans_df = pd.DataFrame(tsne_kmeans, columns=['x', 'y']) kmeans_df['cluster'] = kmeans_clusters kmeans_df['description'] = combined_sample['item_description'] kmeans_df['category'] = combined_sample['general_cat'] plot_kmeans = bp.figure(width=700, height=600, title='KMeans clustering of the description', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover', x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) print(kmeans_clusters) colormap = {'0': 'red', '1': 'green', '2': 'blue', '3': 'black', '4': 'yellow', '5': 'pink', '6': 'purple', '7': 'grey', '8': 'brown', '9': 'orange'} def get_color(num): if num == 0: return 'red' elif num == 1: return 'green' elif num == 2: return 'blue' elif num == 3: return 'black' elif num == 4: return 'yellow' elif num == 5: return 'pink' elif num == 6: return 'purple' elif num == 7: return 'grey' elif num == 8: return 'brown' elif num == 9: return 'orange' color = pd.Series(kmeans_clusters).apply(get_color) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=kmeans_df['x'], y=kmeans_df['y'], color=color, description=kmeans_df['description'], category=kmeans_df['category'], cluster=kmeans_df['cluster'])) plot_kmeans.scatter(x='x', y='y', color='color', source=source) hover = hover.tooltips = {'description': '@description', 'category': '@category', 'cluster': '@cluster'} show(plot_kmeans)
5.2 LDA主题模型分类
# LDA分堆 cvectorizer = CountVectorizer(min_df=4, max_features=180000, tokenizer=tokenize, ngram_range=(1, 2)) cvz = cvectorizer.fit_transform(combined_sample['item_description']) lda_model = LatentDirichletAllocation(n_components=10, learning_method='online', max_iter=20, random_state=42) X_topics = lda_model.fit_transform(cvz) # 获取主题 n_top_words = 10 topic_summaries = [] topic_word = lda_model.components_ vocab = cvectorizer.get_feature_names_out() for i, topic_dist in enumerate(topic_word): topic_words = np.array(vocab)[np.argsort(topic_dist)][:-(n_top_words + 1):-1] topic_summaries.append(' '.join(topic_words)) print('Topic {}:{}'.format(i, '|'.join(topic_words))) tsne_lda = tsne_model.fit_transform(X_topics) unnormalized = np.matrix(X_topics) doc_topic = unnormalized / unnormalized.sum(axis=1) lda_keys = [] for i, tweet in enumerate(combined_sample['item_description']): lda_keys += [doc_topic[i].argmax()] lda_df = pd.DataFrame(tsne_lda, columns=['x', 'y']) lda_df['description'] = combined_sample['item_description'] lda_df['category'] = combined_sample['general_cat'] lda_df['topic'] = lda_keys lda_df['topic'] = lda_df['topic'].map(int) plot_lda = bp.figure(width=700, height=600, title='LDA topic visualization', tools='pan, wheel_zoom, box_zoom, reset, hover', x_axis_type=None, y_axis_type=None, min_border=1) source = ColumnDataSource( data=dict(x=lda_df['x'], y=lda_df['y'], color=color, description=lda_df['description'], topic=lda_df['topic'], category=lda_df['category'])) plot_lda.scatter(x='x', y='y', color='color', source=source) hover = hover.tooltips = {'description': '@description', 'topic': '@topic', 'category': '@category'} show(plot_lda)
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