C 标准库 - string.h之memcmp使用
- Compare two blocks of memory.
- Compares the first num bytes of the block of memory pointed by ptr1 to the first num bytes pointed by ptr2, returning zero if they all match or a value different from zero representing which is greater if they do not.
Notice that, unlike strcmp, the function does not stop comparing after finding a null character.- 把存储区 lhs 和存储区 的前 count 个字节进行比较。
- 比较 lhs 和 rhs 所指向对象的首 count 个字节。比较按字典序进行。
- 结果的符号是在被比较对象中相异的首对字节的值(都转译成 unsigned char )的差。
- 若在 lhs 和 rhs 所指向的任一对象结尾后出现访问,则行为未定义。若 lhs 或 rhs 为空指针则行为未定义。
int memcmp( const void* lhs, const void* rhs, size_t count );
- Pointer to block of memory.
- 指向内存块的指针。
- Pointer to block of memory.
- 指向内存块的指针。
- Number of bytes to compare.
- 要被比较的字节数。
Return Value
Returns an integral value indicating the relationship between the content of the memory blocks:
- < 0 the first byte that does not match in both memory blocks has a lower value in lhs than in rhs (if evaluated as unsigned char values)
- 如果返回值 < 0,则表示 lhs 小于 rhs
- 0 the contents of both memory blocks are equal
- 如果返回值 > 0,则表示 lhs 小于 rhs
- > 0 the first byte that does not match in both memory blocks has a greater value in lhs than in rhs (if evaluated as unsigned char values)
- 如果返回值 = 0,则表示 lhs 等于 rhs
// Created by zhangrongxiang on 2018/2/8 16:57
// File memcmp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//C 库函数 int memcmp(const void *str1, const void *str2, size_t n)) 把存储区 str1 和存储区 str2 的前 n 个字节进行比较。
typedef struct {
char *name;
} Stu;
int main() {
char *str = "abc";
char *str2 = "abC";
int cmp = memcmp(str, str2, strlen(str) > strlen(str2) ? strlen(str) : strlen(str2));
printf("%d\n", cmp); // windows mingw -> 1 linux gcc 32
int i = 0;
int i2 = 10;
cmp = memcmp(&i, &i2, sizeof(int));
printf("%d\n", cmp);//windows mingw -> -1 linux gcc -10
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(short));//2
Stu stu = {.name = "zing"};
Stu stu2 = {.name = "zing"};
Stu stu3 = {.name = "Zing"};
Stu stu4 = {.name = "aing"};
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(Stu)); //8
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(stu.name)); //8
printf("%d\n", (int) strlen(stu.name)); //4
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(char *)); //8
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(int *)); //8
printf("%d\n", (int) sizeof(long *)); //8
cmp = memcmp(&stu, &stu2, sizeof(Stu));
printf("struct %d \n", cmp);//0
cmp = memcmp(&stu, &stu3, sizeof(Stu));
//printf("struct %d \n", cmp);//-5 具有不确定性 --> 内存对齐知识
cmp = memcmp(stu.name, stu3.name, sizeof(Stu));
printf("struct %d \n", cmp); // windows mingw -> -1 linux gcc 32
cmp = memcmp(stu.name, stu4.name, sizeof(Stu));
printf("struct %d \n", cmp); // windows mingw -> -1 linux gcc 25
cmp = memcmp(&"abC", &"abc", sizeof(char *));
printf("%d\n", cmp);//-32
printf("a -> %d;A -> %d \n", 'a', 'A');//a -> 97;A -> 65
printf("z -> %d;a -> %d \n", 'z', 'a');//z -> 122;a -> 97
return 0;
- http://zh.cppreference.com/w/c/string/byte/memcmp
- http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstring/memcmp/
- http://www.runoob.com/cprogramming/c-function-memcmp.html