
I usually use the Fusion Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe from a Visual Studio command prompt or Fusion Log Viewer from the start menu) - my standard setup is:

  • Open Fusion Log Viewer
  • Click settings
  • Check the Enable custom log path checkbox
  • Enter the location you want logs to get written to, for example, c:\FusionLogs (Important: make sure that you have actually created this folder in the file system.)
  • Make sure that the right level of logging is on (I sometimes just select Log all binds to disk just to make sure things are working right)
  • Click OK
  • Set the log location option to Custom

Remember to turn of logging off once you're done!

posted on 2013-02-18 16:37  一路前行  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报