
SHA-2 Certificate Signing Request

2015-10-23 15:52  zhangpengc  阅读(903)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

To request an SSL certificate is now a SHA-2 Certificate Signing Request (CSR) is required. Using the MMC on a server environment or the certificate manager on a desktop environment allows you to generate a CSR with SHA-2 algorithm.

    1. Open the Local Machine Certificate Store on a server via the MMC (Start  →  Run →  MMC) or go on a desktop to C:\Windows\System32\certmgr.msc.
    2. Right-click on the Personal folder and select All tasks → Advanced operations → Create custom request.

    3. A window appears entitled  "Certificate Enrollment". Click Next.

    4. Leave everything at default and click  Next.  Note:  If you are requesting the certificate for TMG Server, you must  (No template) Legacy  choose.

    5. Click the button next to   Details, and then click Properties.

    6. In the tab  General  you type a  friendly name  in and go to the next tab.

    7. In the tab Subject enter the following data:

      Common name 
      Organization unit

      Click Add again before moving on to the next. When everything is added to the right side, go to the next tab.

    8. In the tab   Extensions, click the arrow to the right Extended Key Usage (application policies). When  Available  options, click  Server Authentication → Add. Do the same for  Client Authentication. Now go to the last tab.

    9. In de tab Private key klik rechts van Cryptographic Service Provider op het pijltje. Selecteer alleen RSA, Microsoft Software Key Storage Provider. Onder Key options selecteert u bij Key size: 2048 en vink Make private key exportable aan als u het certificaat wilt kunnen exporteren naar een .pfx bestand. Bij Select Hash Algorithm kunt u aangeven met welk algorithme de CSR versleuteld moet zijn. Deze is standaard SHA1, selecteer hier SHA2(56)
    10. Click Apply → Ok.

    11. Click  Next. In the next screen, click  Browse ...  to select the location where the CSR should be saved and give the file a name (for example: CSR) and click  Save.

    12. Click Finish.

    13. Copy the entire contents of the created CSR,  including start and finish lines, and go to the order page on our website to order the certificate.