Kubernetes Applications


应用为用户提供完整的业务功能,由一个或多个特定功能的组件组成。一般来说,根据一个应用的功能以及与外部环境通信的方式,它可以由一个或多个 Kubernetes 工作负载(例如部署、有状态副本集和守护进程集)、服务和CRD等资源类型组成。



  • 应用会维护与其组件的级联关系,删除应用时会级联删除应用所有组件
  • 应用级健康检查



// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package v1beta1

import (

	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

// Constants for condition
const (
	// Ready => controller considers this resource Ready
	Ready = "Ready"
	// Qualified => functionally tested
	Qualified = "Qualified"
	// Settled => observed generation == generation + settled means controller is done acting functionally tested
	Settled = "Settled"
	// Cleanup => it is set to track finalizer failures
	Cleanup = "Cleanup"
	// Error => last recorded error
	Error = "Error"

	ReasonInit = "Init"

// Descriptor defines the Metadata and informations about the Application.
type Descriptor struct {
	// Type is the type of the application (e.g. WordPress, MySQL, Cassandra).
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Version is an optional version indicator for the Application.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`

	// Description is a brief string description of the Application.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Icons is an optional list of icons for an application. Icon information includes the source, size,
	// and mime type.
	Icons []ImageSpec `json:"icons,omitempty"`

	// Maintainers is an optional list of maintainers of the application. The maintainers in this list maintain the
	// the source code, images, and package for the application.
	Maintainers []ContactData `json:"maintainers,omitempty"`

	// Owners is an optional list of the owners of the installed application. The owners of the application should be
	// contacted in the event of a planned or unplanned disruption affecting the application.
	Owners []ContactData `json:"owners,omitempty"`

	// Keywords is an optional list of key words associated with the application (e.g. MySQL, RDBMS, database).
	Keywords []string `json:"keywords,omitempty"`

	// Links are a list of descriptive URLs intended to be used to surface additional documentation, dashboards, etc.
	Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"`

	// Notes contain a human readable snippets intended as a quick start for the users of the Application.
	// CommonMark markdown syntax may be used for rich text representation.
	Notes string `json:"notes,omitempty"`

// ApplicationSpec defines the specification for an Application.
type ApplicationSpec struct {
	// ComponentGroupKinds is a list of Kinds for Application's components (e.g. Deployments, Pods, Services, CRDs). It
	// can be used in conjunction with the Application's Selector to list or watch the Applications components.
	ComponentGroupKinds []metav1.GroupKind `json:"componentKinds,omitempty"`

	// Descriptor regroups information and metadata about an application.
	Descriptor Descriptor `json:"descriptor,omitempty"`

	// Selector is a label query over kinds that created by the application. It must match the component objects' labels.
	// More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors
	Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector,omitempty"`

	// AddOwnerRef objects - flag to indicate if we need to add OwnerRefs to matching objects
	// Matching is done by using Selector to query all ComponentGroupKinds
	AddOwnerRef bool `json:"addOwnerRef,omitempty"`

	// Info contains human readable key,value pairs for the Application.
	// +patchStrategy=merge
	// +patchMergeKey=name
	Info []InfoItem `json:"info,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"name"`

	// AssemblyPhase represents the current phase of the application's assembly.
	// An empty value is equivalent to "Succeeded".
	AssemblyPhase ApplicationAssemblyPhase `json:"assemblyPhase,omitempty"`

// ComponentList is a generic status holder for the top level resource
type ComponentList struct {
	// Object status array for all matching objects
	Objects []ObjectStatus `json:"components,omitempty"`

// ObjectStatus is a generic status holder for objects
type ObjectStatus struct {
	// Link to object
	Link string `json:"link,omitempty"`
	// Name of object
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Kind of object
	Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	// Object group
	Group string `json:"group,omitempty"`
	// Status. Values: InProgress, Ready, Unknown
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ConditionType encodes information on the condition
type ConditionType string

// Condition describes the state of an object at a certain point.
type Condition struct {
	// Type of condition.
	Type ConditionType `json:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=type,casttype=StatefulSetConditionType"`
	// Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
	Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=status,casttype=k8s.io/api/core/v1.ConditionStatus"`
	// The reason for the condition's last transition.
	// +optional
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=reason"`
	// A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
	// +optional
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=message"`
	// Last time the condition was probed
	// +optional
	LastUpdateTime metav1.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=lastProbeTime"`
	// Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
	// +optional
	LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=lastTransitionTime"`

// ApplicationStatus defines controller's the observed state of Application
type ApplicationStatus struct {
	// ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed. It corresponds to the
	// Object's generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server.
	// +optional
	ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=observedGeneration"`
	// Conditions represents the latest state of the object
	// +optional
	// +patchMergeKey=type
	// +patchStrategy=merge
	Conditions []Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,10,rep,name=conditions"`
	// Resources embeds a list of object statuses
	// +optional
	ComponentList `json:",inline,omitempty"`
	// ComponentsReady: status of the components in the format ready/total
	// +optional
	ComponentsReady string `json:"componentsReady,omitempty"`

// ImageSpec contains information about an image used as an icon.
type ImageSpec struct {
	// The source for image represented as either an absolute URL to the image or a Data URL containing
	// the image. Data URLs are defined in RFC 2397.
	Source string `json:"src"`

	// (optional) The size of the image in pixels (e.g., 25x25).
	Size string `json:"size,omitempty"`

	// (optional) The mine type of the image (e.g., "image/png").
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`

// ContactData contains information about an individual or organization.
type ContactData struct {
	// Name is the descriptive name.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Url could typically be a website address.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// Email is the email address.
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`

// Link contains information about an URL to surface documentation, dashboards, etc.
type Link struct {
	// Description is human readable content explaining the purpose of the link.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Url typically points at a website address.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

// InfoItem is a human readable key,value pair containing important information about how to access the Application.
type InfoItem struct {
	// Name is a human readable title for this piece of information.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Type of the value for this InfoItem.
	Type InfoItemType `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Value is human readable content.
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

	// ValueFrom defines a reference to derive the value from another source.
	ValueFrom *InfoItemSource `json:"valueFrom,omitempty"`

// InfoItemType is a string that describes the value of InfoItem
type InfoItemType string

const (
	// ValueInfoItemType const string for value type
	ValueInfoItemType InfoItemType = "Value"
	// ReferenceInfoItemType const string for ref type
	ReferenceInfoItemType InfoItemType = "Reference"

// InfoItemSource represents a source for the value of an InfoItem.
type InfoItemSource struct {
	// Type of source.
	Type InfoItemSourceType `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Selects a key of a Secret.
	SecretKeyRef *SecretKeySelector `json:"secretKeyRef,omitempty"`

	// Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
	ConfigMapKeyRef *ConfigMapKeySelector `json:"configMapKeyRef,omitempty"`

	// Select a Service.
	ServiceRef *ServiceSelector `json:"serviceRef,omitempty"`

	// Select an Ingress.
	IngressRef *IngressSelector `json:"ingressRef,omitempty"`

// InfoItemSourceType is a string
type InfoItemSourceType string

// Constants for info type
const (
	SecretKeyRefInfoItemSourceType    InfoItemSourceType = "SecretKeyRef"
	ConfigMapKeyRefInfoItemSourceType InfoItemSourceType = "ConfigMapKeyRef"
	ServiceRefInfoItemSourceType      InfoItemSourceType = "ServiceRef"
	IngressRefInfoItemSourceType      InfoItemSourceType = "IngressRef"

// ConfigMapKeySelector selects a key from a ConfigMap.
type ConfigMapKeySelector struct {
	// The ConfigMap to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The key to select.
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`

// SecretKeySelector selects a key from a Secret.
type SecretKeySelector struct {
	// The Secret to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The key to select.
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`

// ServiceSelector selects a Service.
type ServiceSelector struct {
	// The Service to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The optional port to select.
	Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"`
	// The optional HTTP path.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// Protocol for the service
	Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

// IngressSelector selects an Ingress.
type IngressSelector struct {
	// The Ingress to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The optional host to select.
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
	// The optional HTTP path.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// Protocol for the ingress
	Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

// ApplicationAssemblyPhase tracks the Application CRD phases: pending, succeeded, failed
type ApplicationAssemblyPhase string

// Constants
const (
	// Used to indicate that not all of application's components
	// have been deployed yet.
	Pending ApplicationAssemblyPhase = "Pending"
	// Used to indicate that all of application's components
	// have already been deployed.
	Succeeded = "Succeeded"
	// Used to indicate that deployment of application's components
	// failed. Some components might be present, but deployment of
	// the remaining ones will not be re-attempted.
	Failed = "Failed"

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:resource:categories=all,shortName=app
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Type",type=string,description="The type of the application",JSONPath=`.spec.descriptor.type`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Version",type=string,description="The creation date",JSONPath=`.spec.descriptor.version`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Owner",type=boolean,description="The application object owns the matched resources",JSONPath=`.spec.addOwnerRef`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Ready",type=string,description="Numbers of components ready",JSONPath=`.status.componentsReady`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type=date,description="The creation date",JSONPath=`.metadata.creationTimestamp`,priority=0

// Application is the Schema for the applications API
type Application struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   ApplicationSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status ApplicationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true

// ApplicationList contains a list of Application
type ApplicationList struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Items           []Application `json:"items"`

func init() {
	SchemeBuilder.Register(&Application{}, &ApplicationList{})

// StripVersion the version part of gv
func StripVersion(gv string) string {
	if gv == "" {
		return gv

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[vV][0-9].*`)
	// If it begins with only version, (group is nil), return empty string which maps to core group
	if re.MatchString(gv) {
		return ""

	return strings.Split(gv, "/")[0]
// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package v1beta1

import (

	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"

// Constants for condition
const (
	// Ready => controller considers this resource Ready
	Ready = "Ready"
	// Qualified => functionally tested
	Qualified = "Qualified"
	// Settled => observed generation == generation + settled means controller is done acting functionally tested
	Settled = "Settled"
	// Cleanup => it is set to track finalizer failures
	Cleanup = "Cleanup"
	// Error => last recorded error
	Error = "Error"

	ReasonInit = "Init"

// Descriptor defines the Metadata and informations about the Application.
type Descriptor struct {
	// Type is the type of the application (e.g. WordPress, MySQL, Cassandra).
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Version is an optional version indicator for the Application.
	Version string `json:"version,omitempty"`

	// Description is a brief string description of the Application.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Icons is an optional list of icons for an application. Icon information includes the source, size,
	// and mime type.
	Icons []ImageSpec `json:"icons,omitempty"`

	// Maintainers is an optional list of maintainers of the application. The maintainers in this list maintain the
	// the source code, images, and package for the application.
	Maintainers []ContactData `json:"maintainers,omitempty"`

	// Owners is an optional list of the owners of the installed application. The owners of the application should be
	// contacted in the event of a planned or unplanned disruption affecting the application.
	Owners []ContactData `json:"owners,omitempty"`

	// Keywords is an optional list of key words associated with the application (e.g. MySQL, RDBMS, database).
	Keywords []string `json:"keywords,omitempty"`

	// Links are a list of descriptive URLs intended to be used to surface additional documentation, dashboards, etc.
	Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"`

	// Notes contain a human readable snippets intended as a quick start for the users of the Application.
	// CommonMark markdown syntax may be used for rich text representation.
	Notes string `json:"notes,omitempty"`

// ApplicationSpec defines the specification for an Application.
type ApplicationSpec struct {
	// ComponentGroupKinds is a list of Kinds for Application's components (e.g. Deployments, Pods, Services, CRDs). It
	// can be used in conjunction with the Application's Selector to list or watch the Applications components.
	ComponentGroupKinds []metav1.GroupKind `json:"componentKinds,omitempty"`

	// Descriptor regroups information and metadata about an application.
	Descriptor Descriptor `json:"descriptor,omitempty"`

	// Selector is a label query over kinds that created by the application. It must match the component objects' labels.
	// More info: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/#label-selectors
	Selector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"selector,omitempty"`

	// AddOwnerRef objects - flag to indicate if we need to add OwnerRefs to matching objects
	// Matching is done by using Selector to query all ComponentGroupKinds
	AddOwnerRef bool `json:"addOwnerRef,omitempty"`

	// Info contains human readable key,value pairs for the Application.
	// +patchStrategy=merge
	// +patchMergeKey=name
	Info []InfoItem `json:"info,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"name"`

	// AssemblyPhase represents the current phase of the application's assembly.
	// An empty value is equivalent to "Succeeded".
	AssemblyPhase ApplicationAssemblyPhase `json:"assemblyPhase,omitempty"`

// ComponentList is a generic status holder for the top level resource
type ComponentList struct {
	// Object status array for all matching objects
	Objects []ObjectStatus `json:"components,omitempty"`

// ObjectStatus is a generic status holder for objects
type ObjectStatus struct {
	// Link to object
	Link string `json:"link,omitempty"`
	// Name of object
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
	// Kind of object
	Kind string `json:"kind,omitempty"`
	// Object group
	Group string `json:"group,omitempty"`
	// Status. Values: InProgress, Ready, Unknown
	Status string `json:"status,omitempty"`

// ConditionType encodes information on the condition
type ConditionType string

// Condition describes the state of an object at a certain point.
type Condition struct {
	// Type of condition.
	Type ConditionType `json:"type" protobuf:"bytes,1,opt,name=type,casttype=StatefulSetConditionType"`
	// Status of the condition, one of True, False, Unknown.
	Status corev1.ConditionStatus `json:"status" protobuf:"bytes,2,opt,name=status,casttype=k8s.io/api/core/v1.ConditionStatus"`
	// The reason for the condition's last transition.
	// +optional
	Reason string `json:"reason,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,4,opt,name=reason"`
	// A human readable message indicating details about the transition.
	// +optional
	Message string `json:"message,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,5,opt,name=message"`
	// Last time the condition was probed
	// +optional
	LastUpdateTime metav1.Time `json:"lastUpdateTime,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=lastProbeTime"`
	// Last time the condition transitioned from one status to another.
	// +optional
	LastTransitionTime metav1.Time `json:"lastTransitionTime,omitempty" protobuf:"bytes,3,opt,name=lastTransitionTime"`

// ApplicationStatus defines controller's the observed state of Application
type ApplicationStatus struct {
	// ObservedGeneration is the most recent generation observed. It corresponds to the
	// Object's generation, which is updated on mutation by the API Server.
	// +optional
	ObservedGeneration int64 `json:"observedGeneration,omitempty" protobuf:"varint,1,opt,name=observedGeneration"`
	// Conditions represents the latest state of the object
	// +optional
	// +patchMergeKey=type
	// +patchStrategy=merge
	Conditions []Condition `json:"conditions,omitempty" patchStrategy:"merge" patchMergeKey:"type" protobuf:"bytes,10,rep,name=conditions"`
	// Resources embeds a list of object statuses
	// +optional
	ComponentList `json:",inline,omitempty"`
	// ComponentsReady: status of the components in the format ready/total
	// +optional
	ComponentsReady string `json:"componentsReady,omitempty"`

// ImageSpec contains information about an image used as an icon.
type ImageSpec struct {
	// The source for image represented as either an absolute URL to the image or a Data URL containing
	// the image. Data URLs are defined in RFC 2397.
	Source string `json:"src"`

	// (optional) The size of the image in pixels (e.g., 25x25).
	Size string `json:"size,omitempty"`

	// (optional) The mine type of the image (e.g., "image/png").
	Type string `json:"type,omitempty"`

// ContactData contains information about an individual or organization.
type ContactData struct {
	// Name is the descriptive name.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Url could typically be a website address.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

	// Email is the email address.
	Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`

// Link contains information about an URL to surface documentation, dashboards, etc.
type Link struct {
	// Description is human readable content explaining the purpose of the link.
	Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`

	// Url typically points at a website address.
	URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`

// InfoItem is a human readable key,value pair containing important information about how to access the Application.
type InfoItem struct {
	// Name is a human readable title for this piece of information.
	Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`

	// Type of the value for this InfoItem.
	Type InfoItemType `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Value is human readable content.
	Value string `json:"value,omitempty"`

	// ValueFrom defines a reference to derive the value from another source.
	ValueFrom *InfoItemSource `json:"valueFrom,omitempty"`

// InfoItemType is a string that describes the value of InfoItem
type InfoItemType string

const (
	// ValueInfoItemType const string for value type
	ValueInfoItemType InfoItemType = "Value"
	// ReferenceInfoItemType const string for ref type
	ReferenceInfoItemType InfoItemType = "Reference"

// InfoItemSource represents a source for the value of an InfoItem.
type InfoItemSource struct {
	// Type of source.
	Type InfoItemSourceType `json:"type,omitempty"`

	// Selects a key of a Secret.
	SecretKeyRef *SecretKeySelector `json:"secretKeyRef,omitempty"`

	// Selects a key of a ConfigMap.
	ConfigMapKeyRef *ConfigMapKeySelector `json:"configMapKeyRef,omitempty"`

	// Select a Service.
	ServiceRef *ServiceSelector `json:"serviceRef,omitempty"`

	// Select an Ingress.
	IngressRef *IngressSelector `json:"ingressRef,omitempty"`

// InfoItemSourceType is a string
type InfoItemSourceType string

// Constants for info type
const (
	SecretKeyRefInfoItemSourceType    InfoItemSourceType = "SecretKeyRef"
	ConfigMapKeyRefInfoItemSourceType InfoItemSourceType = "ConfigMapKeyRef"
	ServiceRefInfoItemSourceType      InfoItemSourceType = "ServiceRef"
	IngressRefInfoItemSourceType      InfoItemSourceType = "IngressRef"

// ConfigMapKeySelector selects a key from a ConfigMap.
type ConfigMapKeySelector struct {
	// The ConfigMap to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The key to select.
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`

// SecretKeySelector selects a key from a Secret.
type SecretKeySelector struct {
	// The Secret to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The key to select.
	Key string `json:"key,omitempty"`

// ServiceSelector selects a Service.
type ServiceSelector struct {
	// The Service to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The optional port to select.
	Port *int32 `json:"port,omitempty"`
	// The optional HTTP path.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// Protocol for the service
	Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

// IngressSelector selects an Ingress.
type IngressSelector struct {
	// The Ingress to select from.
	corev1.ObjectReference `json:",inline"`
	// The optional host to select.
	Host string `json:"host,omitempty"`
	// The optional HTTP path.
	Path string `json:"path,omitempty"`
	// Protocol for the ingress
	Protocol string `json:"protocol,omitempty"`

// ApplicationAssemblyPhase tracks the Application CRD phases: pending, succeeded, failed
type ApplicationAssemblyPhase string

// Constants
const (
	// Used to indicate that not all of application's components
	// have been deployed yet.
	Pending ApplicationAssemblyPhase = "Pending"
	// Used to indicate that all of application's components
	// have already been deployed.
	Succeeded = "Succeeded"
	// Used to indicate that deployment of application's components
	// failed. Some components might be present, but deployment of
	// the remaining ones will not be re-attempted.
	Failed = "Failed"

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true
// +kubebuilder:resource:categories=all,shortName=app
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Type",type=string,description="The type of the application",JSONPath=`.spec.descriptor.type`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Version",type=string,description="The creation date",JSONPath=`.spec.descriptor.version`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Owner",type=boolean,description="The application object owns the matched resources",JSONPath=`.spec.addOwnerRef`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Ready",type=string,description="Numbers of components ready",JSONPath=`.status.componentsReady`,priority=0
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:name="Age",type=date,description="The creation date",JSONPath=`.metadata.creationTimestamp`,priority=0

// Application is the Schema for the applications API
type Application struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

	Spec   ApplicationSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
	Status ApplicationStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`

// +kubebuilder:object:root=true

// ApplicationList contains a list of Application
type ApplicationList struct {
	metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
	metav1.ListMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
	Items           []Application `json:"items"`

func init() {
	SchemeBuilder.Register(&Application{}, &ApplicationList{})

// StripVersion the version part of gv
func StripVersion(gv string) string {
	if gv == "" {
		return gv

	re := regexp.MustCompile(`^[vV][0-9].*`)
	// If it begins with only version, (group is nil), return empty string which maps to core group
	if re.MatchString(gv) {
		return ""

	return strings.Split(gv, "/")[0]

对应CRD为app.k8s.io_applications.yaml,通过配置文件可以查看application资源的apiGroups、apiVersions 和 resources 以及资源的 scope信息,可以看到资源scope是Namespaced。  

# Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

apiVersion: apiextensions.k8s.io/v1
kind: CustomResourceDefinition
    api-approved.kubernetes.io: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/application/pull/2
    controller-gen.kubebuilder.io/version: v0.4.0
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: applications.app.k8s.io
  group: app.k8s.io
    - all
    kind: Application
    listKind: ApplicationList
    plural: applications
    - app
    singular: application
  scope: Namespaced
  - additionalPrinterColumns:
    - description: The type of the application
      jsonPath: .spec.descriptor.type
      name: Type
      type: string
    - description: The creation date
      jsonPath: .spec.descriptor.version
      name: Version
      type: string
    - description: The application object owns the matched resources
      jsonPath: .spec.addOwnerRef
      name: Owner
      type: boolean
    - description: Numbers of components ready
      jsonPath: .status.componentsReady
      name: Ready
      type: string
    - description: The creation date
      jsonPath: .metadata.creationTimestamp
      name: Age
      type: date
    name: v1beta1
kubectl apply -f app.k8s.io_applications.yaml 


3.1 创建应用

在zmc-test namespcace下创建应用test-app,这里注意应用资源元数据里面的app.kubernetes.io/version和app.kubernetes.io/name这两个标签,它们在应用资源类型中特别重要,应用和其组件的关联关系都是通过这两个标签的维护的。addOwnerRef字段为true的话应用会维护和其所有组件的级联删除关系。componentKinds字段表示当前应用的组件只能包含componentKinds中定义的资源类型。

    "apiVersion": "app.k8s.io/v1beta1",
    "kind": "Application",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "test-app",
        "namespace": "zmc-test",
        "labels": {   //通过判断当前namespace下所有属于componentKinds的资源实例是否包含以下两个标签与应用维护关联关系
            "app.kubernetes.io/version": "v1",
            "app.kubernetes.io/name": "test-app"
    "spec": {
        "selector": {
            "matchLabels": {
                "app.kubernetes.io/version": "v1",
                "app.kubernetes.io/name": "test-app"
        "addOwnerRef": true,   //维护和其所有组件的级联删除关系
        "componentKinds": [    //当前应用只能包含如下资源类型
                "group": "",
                "kind": "Service"
                "group": "apps",
                "kind": "Deployment"
                "group": "apps",
                "kind": "StatefulSet"
                "group": "extensions",
                "kind": "Ingress"
                "group": "servicemesh.zmc.io",
                "kind": "Strategy"
                "group": "servicemesh.zmc.io",
                "kind": "ServicePolicy"

3.2 创建应用组件


  "app.kubernetes.io/version": "v1",
  "app.kubernetes.io/name": "test-app"

3.3 application_controller.go维护应用和其组件关系

首先需要在kubernetes集群中运行application工程或者将application_controller.go加入到一个contoller manager的项目里,运行过程本文忽略,下面来剖析下application_controller.go源码,application_contoller.go依赖conditio.go和status.go




注意:下文中的组件指的都是当前应用的所有组件,例如当前示例应用test app,其组件有2个(一个deployment资源实例和一个service资源实例)

// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package controllers

import (

	apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	utilerrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/errors"
	ctrl "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime"

	appv1beta1 "sigs.k8s.io/application/api/v1beta1"

const (
	loggerCtxKey = "logger"

// ApplicationReconciler reconciles a Application object
type ApplicationReconciler struct {
	Mapper meta.RESTMapper
	Log    logr.Logger
	Scheme *runtime.Scheme

// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=app.k8s.io,resources=applications,verbs=get;list;watch;create;update;patch;delete
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=app.k8s.io,resources=applications/status,verbs=get;update;patch
// +kubebuilder:rbac:groups=*,resources=*,verbs=list;get;update;patch;watch

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) Reconcile(req ctrl.Request) (ctrl.Result, error) {
	rootCtx := context.Background()
	logger := r.Log.WithValues("application", req.NamespacedName)
	ctx := context.WithValue(rootCtx, loggerCtxKey, logger)

	var app appv1beta1.Application
	err := r.Get(ctx, req.NamespacedName, &app)
	if err != nil {
		if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return ctrl.Result{}, nil
		return ctrl.Result{}, err

	// Application is in the process of being deleted, so no need to do anything.
	if app.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		return ctrl.Result{}, nil

	resources, errs := r.updateComponents(ctx, &app)
	newApplicationStatus := r.getNewApplicationStatus(ctx, &app, resources, &errs)

	newApplicationStatus.ObservedGeneration = app.Generation
	if equality.Semantic.DeepEqual(newApplicationStatus, &app.Status) {
		return ctrl.Result{}, nil
	err = r.updateApplicationStatus(ctx, req.NamespacedName, newApplicationStatus)
	return ctrl.Result{}, err

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) updateComponents(ctx context.Context, app *appv1beta1.Application) ([]*unstructured.Unstructured, []error) {
	var errs []error
	resources := r.fetchComponentListResources(ctx, app.Spec.ComponentGroupKinds, app.Spec.Selector, app.Namespace, &errs)

	if app.Spec.AddOwnerRef {
		ownerRef := metav1.NewControllerRef(app, appv1beta1.GroupVersion.WithKind("Application"))
		*ownerRef.Controller = false
		if err := r.setOwnerRefForResources(ctx, *ownerRef, resources); err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, err)
	return resources, errs

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) getNewApplicationStatus(ctx context.Context, app *appv1beta1.Application, resources []*unstructured.Unstructured, errList *[]error) *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus {
	objectStatuses := r.objectStatuses(ctx, resources, errList)
	errs := utilerrors.NewAggregate(*errList)

	//应用是否就绪  就绪组件个数
 	aggReady, countReady := aggregateReady(objectStatuses)

	newApplicationStatus := app.Status.DeepCopy()
	newApplicationStatus.ComponentList = appv1beta1.ComponentList{
		Objects: objectStatuses,
	newApplicationStatus.ComponentsReady = fmt.Sprintf("%d/%d", countReady, len(objectStatuses))
	if errs != nil {
		setReadyUnknownCondition(newApplicationStatus, "ComponentsReadyUnknown", "failed to aggregate all components' statuses, check the Error condition for details")
	} else if aggReady {
		setReadyCondition(newApplicationStatus, "ComponentsReady", "all components ready")
	} else {
		setNotReadyCondition(newApplicationStatus, "ComponentsNotReady", fmt.Sprintf("%d components not ready", len(objectStatuses)-countReady))

	if errs != nil {
		setErrorCondition(newApplicationStatus, "ErrorSeen", errs.Error())
	} else {

	return newApplicationStatus

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) fetchComponentListResources(ctx context.Context, groupKinds []metav1.GroupKind, selector *metav1.LabelSelector, namespace string, errs *[]error) []*unstructured.Unstructured {
	logger := getLoggerOrDie(ctx)
	var resources []*unstructured.Unstructured

	if selector == nil {
		logger.Info("No selector is specified")
		return resources

	for _, gk := range groupKinds {
		mapping, err := r.Mapper.RESTMapping(schema.GroupKind{
			Group: appv1beta1.StripVersion(gk.Group),
			Kind:  gk.Kind,
		if err != nil {
			logger.Info("NoMappingForGK", "gk", gk.String())

		list := &unstructured.UnstructuredList{}
		if err = r.Client.List(ctx, list, client.InNamespace(namespace), client.MatchingLabels(selector.MatchLabels)); err != nil {
			logger.Error(err, "unable to list resources for GVK", "gvk", mapping.GroupVersionKind)
			*errs = append(*errs, err)

		for _, u := range list.Items {
			resource := u
			resources = append(resources, &resource)
	return resources

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) setOwnerRefForResources(ctx context.Context, ownerRef metav1.OwnerReference, resources []*unstructured.Unstructured) error {
	logger := getLoggerOrDie(ctx)
	for _, resource := range resources {
		ownerRefs := resource.GetOwnerReferences()
		ownerRefFound := false
		for i, refs := range ownerRefs {
			if ownerRef.Kind == refs.Kind &&
				ownerRef.APIVersion == refs.APIVersion &&
				ownerRef.Name == refs.Name {
				ownerRefFound = true
				if ownerRef.UID != refs.UID {
					ownerRefs[i] = ownerRef

		if !ownerRefFound {
			ownerRefs = append(ownerRefs, ownerRef)
		err := r.Client.Update(ctx, resource)
		if err != nil {
			// We log this error, but we continue and try to set the ownerRefs on the other resources.
			logger.Error(err, "ErrorSettingOwnerRef", "gvk", resource.GroupVersionKind().String(),
				"namespace", resource.GetNamespace(), "name", resource.GetName())
	return nil

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) objectStatuses(ctx context.Context, resources []*unstructured.Unstructured, errs *[]error) []appv1beta1.ObjectStatus {
	logger := getLoggerOrDie(ctx)
	var objectStatuses []appv1beta1.ObjectStatus
	for _, resource := range resources {
		os := appv1beta1.ObjectStatus{
			Group: resource.GroupVersionKind().Group,
			Kind:  resource.GetKind(),
			Name:  resource.GetName(),
			Link:  resource.GetSelfLink(),
		s, err := status(resource)
		if err != nil {
			logger.Error(err, "unable to compute status for resource", "gvk", resource.GroupVersionKind().String(),
				"namespace", resource.GetNamespace(), "name", resource.GetName())
			*errs = append(*errs, err)
		os.Status = s
		objectStatuses = append(objectStatuses, os)
	return objectStatuses

func aggregateReady(objectStatuses []appv1beta1.ObjectStatus) (bool, int) {
	countReady := 0
	for _, os := range objectStatuses {
		if os.Status == StatusReady {
	if countReady == len(objectStatuses) {
		return true, countReady
	return false, countReady

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) updateApplicationStatus(ctx context.Context, nn types.NamespacedName, status *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus) error {
	if err := retry.RetryOnConflict(retry.DefaultRetry, func() error {
		original := &appv1beta1.Application{}
		if err := r.Get(ctx, nn, original); err != nil {
			return err
		original.Status = *status
		if err := r.Client.Status().Update(ctx, original); err != nil {
			return err
		return nil
	}); err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("failed to update status of Application %s/%s: %v", nn.Namespace, nn.Name, err)
	return nil

func (r *ApplicationReconciler) SetupWithManager(mgr ctrl.Manager) error {
	return ctrl.NewControllerManagedBy(mgr).

func getLoggerOrDie(ctx context.Context) logr.Logger {
	logger, ok := ctx.Value(loggerCtxKey).(logr.Logger)
	if !ok {
		panic("context didn't contain logger")
	return logger


// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package controllers

import (

	appsv1 "k8s.io/api/apps/v1"
	batchv1 "k8s.io/api/batch/v1"
	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	policyv1beta1 "k8s.io/api/policy/v1beta1"

// Constants defining labels
const (
	StatusReady      = "Ready"
	StatusInProgress = "InProgress"
	StatusUnknown    = "Unknown"
	StatusDisabled   = "Disabled"

func status(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	gk := u.GroupVersionKind().GroupKind()
	switch gk.String() {
	case "StatefulSet.apps":
		return stsStatus(u)
	case "Deployment.apps":
		return deploymentStatus(u)
	case "ReplicaSet.apps":
		return replicasetStatus(u)
	case "DaemonSet.apps":
		return daemonsetStatus(u)
	case "PersistentVolumeClaim":
		return pvcStatus(u)
	case "Service":
		return serviceStatus(u)
	case "Pod":
		return podStatus(u)
	case "PodDisruptionBudget.policy":
		return pdbStatus(u)
	case "ReplicationController":
		return replicationControllerStatus(u)
	case "Job.batch":
		return jobStatus(u)
		return statusFromStandardConditions(u)

// Status from standard conditions
func statusFromStandardConditions(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	condition := StatusReady

	// Check Ready condition
	_, cs, found, err := getConditionOfType(u, StatusReady)
	if err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err
	if found && cs == corev1.ConditionFalse {
		condition = StatusInProgress

	// Check InProgress condition
	_, cs, found, err = getConditionOfType(u, StatusInProgress)
	if err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err
	if found && cs == corev1.ConditionTrue {
		condition = StatusInProgress

	return condition, nil

// Statefulset
func stsStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	sts := &appsv1.StatefulSet{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, sts); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if sts.Status.ObservedGeneration == sts.Generation &&
		sts.Status.Replicas == *sts.Spec.Replicas &&
		sts.Status.ReadyReplicas == *sts.Spec.Replicas &&
		sts.Status.CurrentReplicas == *sts.Spec.Replicas {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// Deployment
func deploymentStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	deployment := &appsv1.Deployment{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, deployment); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	replicaFailure := false
	progressing := false
	available := false

	for _, condition := range deployment.Status.Conditions {
		switch condition.Type {
		case appsv1.DeploymentProgressing:
			if condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue && condition.Reason == "NewReplicaSetAvailable" {
				progressing = true
		case appsv1.DeploymentAvailable:
			if condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
				available = true
		case appsv1.DeploymentReplicaFailure:
			if condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
				replicaFailure = true

	if deployment.Status.ObservedGeneration == deployment.Generation &&
		deployment.Status.Replicas == *deployment.Spec.Replicas &&
		deployment.Status.ReadyReplicas == *deployment.Spec.Replicas &&
		deployment.Status.AvailableReplicas == *deployment.Spec.Replicas &&
		deployment.Status.Conditions != nil && len(deployment.Status.Conditions) > 0 &&
		(progressing || available) && !replicaFailure {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// Replicaset
func replicasetStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	rs := &appsv1.ReplicaSet{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, rs); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	replicaFailure := false
	for _, condition := range rs.Status.Conditions {
		switch condition.Type {
		case appsv1.ReplicaSetReplicaFailure:
			if condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue {
				replicaFailure = true
	if rs.Status.ObservedGeneration == rs.Generation &&
		rs.Status.Replicas == *rs.Spec.Replicas &&
		rs.Status.ReadyReplicas == *rs.Spec.Replicas &&
		rs.Status.AvailableReplicas == *rs.Spec.Replicas && !replicaFailure {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// Daemonset
func daemonsetStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	ds := &appsv1.DaemonSet{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, ds); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if ds.Status.ObservedGeneration == ds.Generation &&
		ds.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled == ds.Status.NumberAvailable &&
		ds.Status.DesiredNumberScheduled == ds.Status.NumberReady {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// PVC
func pvcStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	pvc := &corev1.PersistentVolumeClaim{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, pvc); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if pvc.Status.Phase == corev1.ClaimBound {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// Service
func serviceStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	service := &corev1.Service{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, service); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err
	stype := service.Spec.Type

	if stype == corev1.ServiceTypeClusterIP || stype == corev1.ServiceTypeNodePort || stype == corev1.ServiceTypeExternalName ||
		stype == corev1.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer && isEmpty(service.Spec.ClusterIP) &&
			len(service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0 && !hasEmptyIngressIP(service.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// Pod
func podStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	pod := &corev1.Pod{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, pod); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	for _, condition := range pod.Status.Conditions {
		if condition.Type == corev1.PodReady && (condition.Reason == "PodCompleted" || condition.Status == corev1.ConditionTrue) {
			return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

// PodDisruptionBudget
func pdbStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	pdb := &policyv1beta1.PodDisruptionBudget{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, pdb); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if pdb.Status.ObservedGeneration == pdb.Generation &&
		pdb.Status.CurrentHealthy >= pdb.Status.DesiredHealthy {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

func replicationControllerStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	rc := &corev1.ReplicationController{}
	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, rc); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if rc.Status.ObservedGeneration == rc.Generation &&
		rc.Status.Replicas == *rc.Spec.Replicas &&
		rc.Status.ReadyReplicas == *rc.Spec.Replicas &&
		rc.Status.AvailableReplicas == *rc.Spec.Replicas {
		return StatusReady, nil
	return StatusInProgress, nil

func jobStatus(u *unstructured.Unstructured) (string, error) {
	job := &batchv1.Job{}

	if err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.FromUnstructured(u.Object, job); err != nil {
		return StatusUnknown, err

	if job.Status.StartTime == nil {
		return StatusInProgress, nil

	return StatusReady, nil

func hasEmptyIngressIP(ingress []corev1.LoadBalancerIngress) bool {
	for _, i := range ingress {
		if isEmpty(i.IP) {
			return true
	return false

func isEmpty(s string) bool {
	return len(strings.TrimSpace(s)) == 0

func getConditionOfType(u *unstructured.Unstructured, conditionType string) (string, corev1.ConditionStatus, bool, error) {
	conditions, found, err := unstructured.NestedSlice(u.Object, "status", "conditions")
	if err != nil || !found {
		return "", corev1.ConditionFalse, false, err

	for _, c := range conditions {
		condition, ok := c.(map[string]interface{})
		if !ok {
		t, found := condition["type"]
		if !found {
		condType, ok := t.(string)
		if !ok {
		if condType == conditionType {
			reason := condition["reason"].(string)
			conditionStatus := condition["status"].(string)
			return reason, corev1.ConditionStatus(conditionStatus), true, nil
	return "", corev1.ConditionFalse, false, nil


// Copyright 2020 The Kubernetes Authors.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package controllers

import (
	corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
	metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
	appv1beta1 "sigs.k8s.io/application/api/v1beta1"

func setReadyCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, reason, message string) {
	setCondition(appStatus, appv1beta1.Ready, corev1.ConditionTrue, reason, message)

// NotReady - shortcut to set ready condition to false
func setNotReadyCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, reason, message string) {
	setCondition(appStatus, appv1beta1.Ready, corev1.ConditionFalse, reason, message)

// Unknown - shortcut to set ready condition to unknown
func setReadyUnknownCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, reason, message string) {
	setCondition(appStatus, appv1beta1.Ready, corev1.ConditionUnknown, reason, message)

// setErrorCondition - shortcut to set error condition
func setErrorCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, reason, message string) {
	setCondition(appStatus, appv1beta1.Error, corev1.ConditionTrue, reason, message)

// clearErrorCondition - shortcut to set error condition
func clearErrorCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus) {
	setCondition(appStatus, appv1beta1.Error, corev1.ConditionFalse, "NoError", "No error seen")

func setCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, ctype appv1beta1.ConditionType, status corev1.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) {
	var c *appv1beta1.Condition
	for i := range appStatus.Conditions {
		if appStatus.Conditions[i].Type == ctype {
			c = &appStatus.Conditions[i]
	if c == nil {
		addCondition(appStatus, ctype, status, reason, message)
	} else {
		// check message ?
		if c.Status == status && c.Reason == reason && c.Message == message {
		now := metav1.Now()
		c.LastUpdateTime = now
		if c.Status != status {
			c.LastTransitionTime = now
		c.Status = status
		c.Reason = reason
		c.Message = message

func addCondition(appStatus *appv1beta1.ApplicationStatus, ctype appv1beta1.ConditionType, status corev1.ConditionStatus, reason, message string) {
	now := metav1.Now()
	c := appv1beta1.Condition{
		Type:               ctype,
		LastUpdateTime:     now,
		LastTransitionTime: now,
		Status:             status,
		Reason:             reason,
		Message:            message,
	appStatus.Conditions = append(appStatus.Conditions, c)

3.4 查看应用详情及其组件详情



apiVersion: app.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Application
  creationTimestamp: "2021-12-27T01:50:54Z"
  generation: 1
    app.kubernetes.io/name: test-app
    app.kubernetes.io/version: v1
    manager: cb-controller-manager
    operation: Update
    time: "2021-12-27T01:50:54Z"
  name: test-app
  namespace: zmc-test
  resourceVersion: "1873685"
  selfLink: /apis/app.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/zmc-test/applications/test-app
  uid: f9c4d23a-b5a8-40a9-b046-eea3a40e11dc
  addOwnerRef: true
  - group: ""
    kind: Service
  - group: apps
    kind: Deployment
  - group: apps
    kind: StatefulSet
  - group: extensions
    kind: Ingress
  - group: servicemesh.zmc.io
    kind: Strategy
  - group: servicemesh.zmc.io
    kind: ServicePolicy
      app.kubernetes.io/name: test-app
      app.kubernetes.io/version: v1
  - kind: Service
    link: /api/v1/namespaces/zmc-test/services/nginx
    name: nginx
    status: Ready
  - group: apps
    kind: Deployment
    link: /apis/apps/v1/namespaces/zmc-test/deployments/nginx-v1
    name: nginx-v1
    status: Ready
  componentsReady: 2/2
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-12-27T01:50:58Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2021-12-27T01:50:58Z"
    message: all components ready
    reason: ComponentsReady
    status: "True"
    type: Ready
  - lastTransitionTime: "2021-12-27T01:50:54Z"
    lastUpdateTime: "2021-12-27T01:50:54Z"
    message: No error seen
    reason: NoError
    status: "False"
    type: Error
  observedGeneration: 1



  - apiVersion: app.k8s.io/v1beta1
    blockOwnerDeletion: true
    controller: false
    kind: Application
    name: app-1227-v1
    uid: f9c4d23a-b5a8-40a9-b046-eea3a40e11dc


posted @ 2021-12-29 21:41  人艰不拆_zmc  阅读(1278)  评论(5编辑  收藏  举报