该文章是基于 Hadoop2.7.6_01_部署 进行的
1. 主机规划
主机名称 |
IP信息 |
内网IP |
操作系统 |
安装软件 |
备注:运行程序 |
mini01 | | |
CentOS 7.4 |
jdk、hadoop、zookeeper、hbase |
QuorumPeerMain、NameNode、HMaster |
mini02 | | |
CentOS 7.4 |
jdk、hadoop、zookeeper、hbase |
QuorumPeerMain、ResourceManager、HMaster |
mini03 | | |
CentOS 7.4 |
jdk、hadoop、zookeeper、hbase |
QuorumPeerMain、DataNode、NodeManager、HRegionServer |
mini04 | | |
CentOS 7.4 |
jdk、hadoop、zookeeper、hbase |
QuorumPeerMain、DataNode、NodeManager、HRegionServer |
mini05 | | |
CentOS 7.4 |
jdk、hadoop、zookeeper、hbase |
QuorumPeerMain、DataNode、NodeManager、HRegionServer |
2. Zookeeper部署
2.1. 配置信息
1 [yun@mini01 conf]$ pwd 2 /app/zookeeper/conf 3 [yun@mini01 conf]$ cat zoo.cfg 4 #单个客户端与单台服务器之间的连接数的限制,是ip级别的,默认是60,如果设置为0,那么表明不作任何限制。 5 maxClientCnxns=1500 6 # The number of milliseconds of each tick 7 tickTime=2000 8 # The number of ticks that the initial 9 # synchronization phase can take 10 initLimit=10 11 # The number of ticks that can pass between 12 # sending a request and getting an acknowledgement 13 syncLimit=5 14 # the directory where the snapshot is stored. 15 # do not use /tmp for storage, /tmp here is just 16 # example sakes. 17 # dataDir=/tmp/zookeeper 18 dataDir=/app/bigdata/zookeeper/data 19 # the port at which the clients will connect 20 clientPort=2181 21 # 22 # Be sure to read the maintenance section of the 23 # administrator guide before turning on autopurge. 24 # 25 # http://zookeeper.apache.org/doc/current/zookeeperAdmin.html#sc_maintenance 26 # 27 # The number of snapshots to retain in dataDir 28 #autopurge.snapRetainCount=3 29 # Purge task interval in hours 30 # Set to "0" to disable auto purge feature 31 #autopurge.purgeInterval=1 32 33 # leader和follow通信端口和投票选举端口 34 server.1=mini01:2888:3888 35 server.2=mini02:2888:3888 36 server.3=mini03:2888:3888 37 server.4=mini04:2888:3888 38 server.5=mini05:2888:3888
2.2. 添加myid文件
1 [yun@mini01 data]$ pwd 2 /app/bigdata/zookeeper/data 3 [yun@mini01 data]$ ll 4 total 4 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 2 May 26 14:36 myid 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 yun yun 232 Jun 27 14:54 version-2 7 [yun@mini01 data]$ cat myid # 其中mini01的myid 为1;mini02的myid 为2;mini03的myid 为3;mini04的myid 为4;mini05的myid 为5 8 1
2.3. 环境变量
1 [root@mini01 profile.d]# pwd 2 /etc/profile.d 3 [root@mini01 profile.d]# cat zk.sh 4 export ZK_HOME="/app/zookeeper" 5 export PATH=$ZK_HOME/bin:$PATH 6 7 [root@mini01 profile.d]# logout 8 [yun@mini01 conf]$ source /etc/profile # 重新加载环境变量
2.4. 启动zk服务
1 # 依次在启动mini01、mini02、mini03、mini04、mini05 zk服务 2 [yun@mini01 zookeeper]$ pwd 3 /app/zookeeper 4 [yun@mini01 zookeeper]$ zkServer.sh start 5 JMX enabled by default 6 Using config: /app/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg 7 Starting zookeeper ... STARTED
建议在 /app/zookeeper,因为在启动时,会有相关日志产生
1 [yun@mini01 zookeeper]$ pwd 2 /app/zookeeper 3 [yun@mini01 zookeeper]$ ll zookeeper.out 4 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 41981 Aug 6 17:24 zookeeper.out
2.5. 查询运行状态
1 # 其中mini01、mini02、mini04、mini05状态如下 2 [yun@mini01 zookeeper]$ zkServer.sh status 3 JMX enabled by default 4 Using config: /app/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg 5 Mode: follower 6 7 # 其中mini03 状态如下 8 [yun@mini03 zookeeper]$ zkServer.sh status 9 JMX enabled by default 10 Using config: /app/zookeeper/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg 11 Mode: leader
3. Hbase部署与配置修改
3.1. 软件部署
1 [yun@mini01 software]$ pwd 2 /app/software 3 [yun@mini01 software]$ tar xf hbase-2.0.0-bin.tar.gz 4 [yun@mini01 software]$ mv hbase-2.0.0 /app/ 5 [yun@mini01 software]$ cd 6 [yun@mini01 ~]$ ln -s hbase-2.0.0/ hbase
3.2. 环境变量
1 [root@mini01 profile.d]# pwd 2 /etc/profile.d 3 [root@mini01 profile.d]# cat hbase.sh # 也可以直接写在 /etc/profile 文件中 4 export HBASE_HOME="/app/hbase" 5 export PATH=$HBASE_HOME/bin:$PATH 6 7 [root@mini01 profile.d]# logout 8 [yun@mini01 hbase]$ source /etc/profile # 使用yun用户,并重新加载环境变量
3.3. hbase-env.sh 修改
1 [yun@mini01 conf]$ pwd 2 /app/hbase/conf 3 [yun@mini01 conf]$ cat hbase-env.sh 4 #!/usr/bin/env bash 5 ……………… 6 # The java implementation to use. Java 1.8+ required. 7 # export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0/ 8 export JAVA_HOME=${JAVA_HOME} 9 10 # Extra Java CLASSPATH elements. Optional. # hadoop配置文件的位置 11 # export HBASE_CLASSPATH= 12 export HBASE_CLASSPATH=${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/ 13 ……………… 14 # Tell HBase whether it should manage it's own instance of ZooKeeper or not. 15 # 如果使用独立安装的zookeeper这个地方就是false 16 # export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true 17 export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=false 18 ………………
3.4. hbase-site.xml 修改
1 [yun@mini01 conf]$ pwd 2 /app/hbase/conf 3 [yun@mini01 conf]$ cat hbase-site.xml 4 <?xml version="1.0"?> 5 <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="configuration.xsl"?> 6 <!-- 7 /** 8 * 9 ……………… 10 */ 11 --> 12 <configuration> 13 <property> 14 <name> hbase.master.port</name> <!-- hbasemaster的端口 --> 15 <value>16000</value> 16 </property> 17 <property> 18 <name>hbase.tmp.dir</name> <!-- hbase 临时存储 --> 19 <value>/app/hbase/tmp</value> 20 </property> 21 <property> 22 <name>hbase.master.maxclockskew</name> <!-- 时间同步允许的时间差 单位毫秒 --> 23 <value>180000</value> 24 </property> 25 <property> 26 <name>hbase.rootdir</name> 27 <value>hdfs://mini01:9000/hbase</value> <!-- hbase共享目录,持久化hbase数据 存放在对应的HDFS上 --> 28 </property> 29 <property> 30 <name>hbase.cluster.distributed</name> <!-- 是否分布式运行,false即为单机 --> 31 <value>true</value> 32 </property> 33 <property> 34 <name>hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort</name> <!-- zookeeper端口 --> 35 <value>2181</value> 36 </property> 37 <property> 38 <name>hbase.zookeeper.quorum</name> <!-- zookeeper地址 --> 39 <value>mini01,mini02,mini03,mini04,mini05</value> 40 </property> 41 <property> 42 <name>hbase.zookeeper.property.dataDir</name> <!-- zookeeper配置信息快照的位置 --> 43 <value>/app/hbase/tmp/zookeeper</value> 44 </property> 45 </configuration>
3.5. regionservers 修改
1 [yun@mini01 conf]$ pwd 2 /app/hbase/conf 3 [yun@mini01 conf]$ cat regionservers # 从机器的域名 4 mini03 5 mini04 6 mini05
4. Hbase的分发与启动
4.1. hbase分发到其他机器
将 /app/hbase-2.0.0 从mini01 分发到mini02【用于HA】、mini03、mini04、mini05
1 scp hbase-2.0.0 yun@mini02:/app 2 scp hbase-2.0.0 yun@mini03:/app 3 scp hbase-2.0.0 yun@mini04:/app 4 scp hbase-2.0.0 yun@mini05:/app
1 [yun@mini02 ~]$ pwd 2 /app 3 [yun@mini02 ~]$ ln -s hbase-2.0.0/ hbase
4.2. 启动程序
1 [yun@mini01 ~]$ start-hbase.sh 2 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 3 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hbase-2.0.0/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 4 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hadoop-2.7.6/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 5 SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. 6 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] 7 running master, logging to /app/hbase/logs/hbase-yun-master-mini01.out 8 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 9 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hbase-2.0.0/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 10 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hadoop-2.7.6/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 11 SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. 12 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] 13 mini05: running regionserver, logging to /app/hbase/bin/../logs/hbase-yun-regionserver-mini05.out 14 mini04: running regionserver, logging to /app/hbase/bin/../logs/hbase-yun-regionserver-mini04.out 15 mini03: running regionserver, logging to /app/hbase/bin/../logs/hbase-yun-regionserver-mini03.out
1 [yun@mini01 ~]$ jps 2 1808 SecondaryNameNode 3 1592 NameNode 4 6540 HMaster 5 4158 QuorumPeerMain 6 7998 Jps
1 [yun@mini04 ~]$ jps 2 2960 Jps 3 1921 QuorumPeerMain 4 1477 NodeManager 5 1547 DataNode 6 2333 HRegionServer
4.3. zk中的信息
1 [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 9] ls /hbase 2 [replication, meta-region-server, rs, splitWAL, backup-masters, table-lock, flush-table-proc, master-maintenance, online-snapshot, switch, master, running, draining, namespace, hbaseid, table]
1 [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 7] ls /hbase/rs 2 [mini03,16020,1533633829928, mini05,16020,1533633829675, mini04,16020,1533633829711]
4.4. 浏览器访问
1 http://mini01:16010
5. Hbase的HA
5.1. 启动另一个HMaster
1 [yun@mini02 ~]$ hbase-daemon.sh start master # 在mini02起一个 HMaster 2 running master, logging to /app/hbase/logs/hbase-yun-master-mini02.out 3 SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. 4 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hbase-2.0.0/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.25.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 5 SLF4J: Found binding in [jar:file:/app/hadoop-2.7.6/share/hadoop/common/lib/slf4j-log4j12-1.7.10.jar!/org/slf4j/impl/StaticLoggerBinder.class] 6 SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation. 7 SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory] 8 [yun@mini02 ~]$ 9 [yun@mini02 ~]$ jps 10 3746 Jps 11 1735 ResourceManager 12 2265 QuorumPeerMain 13 3643 HMaster
5.2. zk中的信息
1 [zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 3] ls /hbase/backup-masters 2 [mini02,16000,1533635137064]
5.3. 浏览器访问
1 http://mini02:16010