

1. HDFS常用操作

1.1. 查询

1.1.1.  浏览器查询


1.1.2. 命令行查询

[yun@mini04 bin]$ hadoop fs -ls /


1.2. 上传文件

 1 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ cat test.info 
 2 111
 3 222
 4 333
 5 444
 6 555
 8 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -put test.info /   # 上传文件 
 9 [yun@mini05 software]$ ll -h
10 total 641M
11 -rw-r--r--  1 yun    yun  190M Jun  8 16:36 CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz
12 [yun@mini05 software]$ hadoop fs -put CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz /  # 上传文件
13 [yun@mini05 software]$ hadoop fs -ls / 
14 Found 2 items
15 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup  198811365 2018-06-10 09:04 /CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz
16 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup         21 2018-06-10 09:02 /test.info


1.2.1. 文件存放位置

 1 [yun@mini04 subdir0]$ pwd   # 根据之前的配置,总共3份相同的文件 
 2 /app/hadoop/tmp/dfs/data/current/BP-925531343-
 3 [yun@mini04 subdir0]$ ll -h  # 默认128M 切片 
 4 total 192M
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun   21 Jun 10 09:02 blk_1073741825
 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun   11 Jun 10 09:02 blk_1073741825_1001.meta
 7 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 128M Jun 10 09:04 blk_1073741826
 8 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 1.1M Jun 10 09:04 blk_1073741826_1002.meta
 9 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  62M Jun 10 09:04 blk_1073741827
10 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 493K Jun 10 09:04 blk_1073741827_1003.meta
11 [yun@mini04 subdir0]$ cat blk_1073741825
12 111
13 222
14 333
15 444
16 555
18 [yun@mini04 subdir0]$


1.2.2. 浏览器访问


1.3. 文件下载

 1 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ pwd
 2 /app/software/zhangliang
 3 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ ll
 4 total 0
 5 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -ls /
 6 Found 2 items
 7 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup  198811365 2018-06-10 09:04 /CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz
 8 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup         21 2018-06-10 09:02 /test.info
 9 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -get /test.info
10 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -get /CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz
11 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ ll
12 total 194156
13 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 198811365 Jun 10 09:10 CentOS-7.4_hadoop-2.7.6.tar.gz
14 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun        21 Jun 10 09:09 test.info
15 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$ cat test.info 
16 111
17 222
18 333
19 444
20 555
22 [yun@mini04 zhangliang]$


2. 简单案例

2.1. 准备数据

 1 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ pwd
 2 /app/software/zhangliang
 3 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ ll
 4 total 8
 5 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 33 Jun 10 09:43 test.info
 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 55 Jun 10 09:43 zhang.info
 7 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ cat test.info 
 8 111
 9 222
10 333
11 444
12 555
13 333
14 222
15 222
16 222
18 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ cat zhang.info 
19 zxcvbnm
20 asdfghjkl
21 qwertyuiop
22 qwertyuiop
23 111
24 qwertyuiop
25 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /wordcount/input
26 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -put test.info zhang.info /wordcount/input
27 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -ls /wordcount/input
28 Found 2 items
29 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup         37 2018-06-10 09:45 /wordcount/input/test.info
30 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup         55 2018-06-10 09:45 /wordcount/input/zhang.info


2.1. 运行分析

 1 [yun@mini04 mapreduce]$ pwd
 2 /app/hadoop/share/hadoop/mapreduce
 3 [yun@mini04 mapreduce]$ ll
 4 total 5000
 5 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun  545657 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-app-2.7.6.jar
 6 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun  777070 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-common-2.7.6.jar
 7 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 1558767 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-core-2.7.6.jar
 8 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun  191881 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs-2.7.6.jar
 9 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun   27830 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-hs-plugins-2.7.6.jar
10 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun   62954 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.7.6.jar
11 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 1561708 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient-2.7.6-tests.jar
12 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun   72054 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle-2.7.6.jar
13 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun  295697 Jun  8 16:36 hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.6.jar
14 drwxr-xr-x 2 yun yun    4096 Jun  8 16:36 lib
15 drwxr-xr-x 2 yun yun      30 Jun  8 16:36 lib-examples
16 drwxr-xr-x 2 yun yun    4096 Jun  8 16:36 sources
17 [yun@mini04 mapreduce]$ hadoop jar hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.6.jar wordcount /wordcount/input /wordcount/output  
18 18/06/10 09:46:09 INFO client.RMProxy: Connecting to ResourceManager at mini02/
19 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input paths to process : 2
20 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: number of splits:2
21 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO mapreduce.JobSubmitter: Submitting tokens for job: job_1528589937101_0002
22 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO impl.YarnClientImpl: Submitted application application_1528589937101_0002
23 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: The url to track the job: http://mini02:8088/proxy/application_1528589937101_0002/
24 18/06/10 09:46:10 INFO mapreduce.Job: Running job: job_1528589937101_0002
25 18/06/10 09:46:21 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1528589937101_0002 running in uber mode : false
26 18/06/10 09:46:21 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 0% reduce 0%
27 18/06/10 09:46:30 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 100% reduce 0%
28 18/06/10 09:46:36 INFO mapreduce.Job:  map 100% reduce 100%
29 18/06/10 09:46:37 INFO mapreduce.Job: Job job_1528589937101_0002 completed successfully
30 18/06/10 09:46:37 INFO mapreduce.Job: Counters: 49
31     File System Counters
32         FILE: Number of bytes read=113
33         FILE: Number of bytes written=368235
34         FILE: Number of read operations=0
35         FILE: Number of large read operations=0
36         FILE: Number of write operations=0
37         HDFS: Number of bytes read=311
38         HDFS: Number of bytes written=65
39         HDFS: Number of read operations=9
40         HDFS: Number of large read operations=0
41         HDFS: Number of write operations=2
42     Job Counters 
43         Launched map tasks=2
44         Launched reduce tasks=1
45         Data-local map tasks=2
46         Total time spent by all maps in occupied slots (ms)=12234
47         Total time spent by all reduces in occupied slots (ms)=3651
48         Total time spent by all map tasks (ms)=12234
49         Total time spent by all reduce tasks (ms)=3651
50         Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=12234
51         Total vcore-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=3651
52         Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all map tasks=12527616
53         Total megabyte-milliseconds taken by all reduce tasks=3738624
54     Map-Reduce Framework
55         Map input records=16
56         Map output records=15
57         Map output bytes=151
58         Map output materialized bytes=119
59         Input split bytes=219
60         Combine input records=15
61         Combine output records=9
62         Reduce input groups=8
63         Reduce shuffle bytes=119
64         Reduce input records=9
65         Reduce output records=8
66         Spilled Records=18
67         Shuffled Maps =2
68         Failed Shuffles=0
69         Merged Map outputs=2
70         GC time elapsed (ms)=308
71         CPU time spent (ms)=2700
72         Physical memory (bytes) snapshot=709656576
73         Virtual memory (bytes) snapshot=6343041024
74         Total committed heap usage (bytes)=473956352
75     Shuffle Errors
76         BAD_ID=0
77         CONNECTION=0
78         IO_ERROR=0
79         WRONG_LENGTH=0
80         WRONG_MAP=0
81         WRONG_REDUCE=0
82     File Input Format Counters 
83         Bytes Read=92
84     File Output Format Counters 
85         Bytes Written=65
86 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -ls /wordcount/output  
87 Found 2 items
88 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup          0 2018-06-10 09:46 /wordcount/output/_SUCCESS
89 -rw-r--r--   3 yun supergroup         65 2018-06-10 09:46 /wordcount/output/part-r-00000 
90 [yun@mini05 zhangliang]$ hadoop fs -cat /wordcount/output/part-r-00000  
91 111    2
92 222    4
93 333    2
94 444    1
95 555    1
96 asdfghjkl    1
97 qwertyuiop    3
98 zxcvbnm    1


3. 案例:开发shell采集脚本

3.1. 需求说明

  点击流日志每天都10T,在业务应用服务器上,需要准实时上传至数据仓库(Hadoop HDFS)上


3.2. 需求分析




3.3. web日志模拟


 1 # 必要的目录  
 2 # 模拟web服务器目录 /app/webservice 
 3 # 模拟web日志目录 /app/webservice/logs  
 4 # 模拟待上传文件存放的目录 /app/webservice/logs/up2hdfs  # 在这个目录上传到HDFS
 5 [yun@mini01 webservice]$ pwd
 6 /app/webservice
 7 [yun@mini01 webservice]$ ll
 8 total 360
 9 drwxrwxr-x 3 yun yun     39 Jun 14 17:40 logs
10 -rw-r--r-- 1 yun yun 367872 Jun 14 11:32 testlog.jar
11 # 运行jar包,打印日志
12 [yun@mini01 webservice]$ java -jar testlog.jar &  
13 ……………………
14 # 生成web日志查看
15 [yun@mini01 logs]$ pwd
16 /app/webservice/logs
17 [yun@mini01 logs]$ ll -hrt
18 total 460K
19 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:28 access.log.7
20 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:28 access.log.6
21 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:28 access.log.5
22 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:28 access.log.4
23 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:29 access.log.3
24 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:29 access.log.2
25 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun  11K Jun 14 17:29 access.log.1
26 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 9.6K Jun 14 17:29 access.log


3.4. Shell脚本执行

1 # 脚本测试
2 [yun@mini01 hadoop]$ pwd
3 /app/yunwei/hadoop
4 [yun@mini01 hadoop]$ ll 
5 -rwxrwxr-x 1 yun yun 2657 Jun 14 17:27 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh
6 [yun@mini01 hadoop]$ ./uploadFile2Hdfs.sh     
7 ………………


3.5. 查看结果

3.5.1. 脚本执行结果查看


 1 # web日志转移查看
 2 [yun@mini01 logs]$ pwd
 3 /app/webservice/logs
 4 [yun@mini01 logs]$ ll -hrt
 5 total 28K
 6 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 7.3K Jun 14 17:36 access.log    ### 表明日志已经转移
 7 drwxrwxr-x 2 yun yun  16K Jun 14 17:40 up2hdfs
 9 # 待上传文件存放的目录
10 [yun@mini01 up2hdfs]$ pwd
11 /app/webservice/logs/up2hdfs
12 [yun@mini01 up2hdfs]$ ll -hrt 
13 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:35 access.log.7_20180614174001_DONE
14 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:35 access.log.6_20180614174001_DONE
15 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:35 access.log.5_20180614174001_DONE
16 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:35 access.log.4_20180614174001_DONE
17 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:35 access.log.3_20180614174001_DONE
18 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:36 access.log.2_20180614174001_DONE
19 -rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 11K Jun 14 17:36 access.log.1_20180614174001_DONE
20 ## 文件以 DONE 结尾,表明已上传到HDFS



# shell脚本日志查看
[yun@mini01 log]$ pwd
[yun@mini01 log]$ ll
total 28
-rw-rw-r-- 1 yun yun 24938 Jun 14 17:40 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh.log
[yun@mini01 log]$ cat uploadFile2Hdfs.sh.log 
2018-06-14 17:40:08 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.1_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:10 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.2_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:12 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.3_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:14 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.4_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:16 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.5_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:18 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.6_20180614174001        ok
2018-06-14 17:40:20 uploadFile2Hdfs.sh access.log.7_20180614174001        ok


3.5.2. HDFS命令行上传文件查看

1 [yun@mini01 ~]$ hadoop fs -ls /data/webservice/20180614
2 Found 7 items
3 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.1_20180614174001
4 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.2_20180614174001
5 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.3_20180614174001
6 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.4_20180614174001
7 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.5_20180614174001
8 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.6_20180614174001
9 -rw-r--r--   2 yun supergroup      10268 2018-06-14 17:08 /data/webservice/20180614/access.log.7_20180614174001


3.5.3. 浏览器查看看

路径 : /data/webservice/20180614


3.6. 脚本加入定时任务

1 [yun@mini01 hadoop]$ crontab -l   
3 # WEB日志上传HDFS   每小时执行一次
4 00 */1 * * * /app/yunwei/hadoop/uploadFile2Hdfs.sh    >/dev/null 2>&1


3.7. 相关的脚本和jar包




posted on 2018-06-18 09:53  踏歌行666  阅读(984)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
