<template> <div :style="{ padding: '0 0 32px 32px' }"> <h4 :style="{ marginBottom: '20px' }">{{ title }}</h4> <v-chart :data="data" :height="height" :force-fit="true" :scale="scale" :onClick="handleClick" > <v-tooltip/> <v-axis/> <v-legend/> <v-bar position="x*y" :color="colorType" :adjust="adjust" label="y"/> <!-- <v-bar position="x*y" :color="['type',['#27727B','#E52A1C','#F4E001']]" :adjust="adjust"/> --> </v-chart> </div> </template> <script> import { DataSet } from '@antv/data-set' import { ChartEventMixins } from './mixins/ChartMixins' // 先自定义一些颜色可选择 const colorList = ["#C1232B","#B5C334","#FCCE10","#E87C25","#27727B", "#FE8463","#9BCA63","#FAD860","#F3A43B","#60C0DD",'#E52A1C', "#D7504B","#C6E579","#F4E001","#F0805A","#26C0C0"]; export default { name: 'BarMultid', mixins: [ChartEventMixins], props: { title: { type: String, default: '' }, dataSource: { type: Array, default: () => [ { type: '已处理', 'Jan.': 18.9, 'Feb.': 28.8, 'Mar.': 39.3, 'Apr.': 81.4, 'May': 47, 'Jun.': 20.3, 'Jul.': 24, 'Aug.': 35.6 }, { type: '未处理', 'Jan.': 12.4, 'Feb.': 23.2, 'Mar.': 34.5, 'Apr.': 99.7, 'May': 52.6, 'Jun.': 35.5, 'Jul.': 37.4, 'Aug.': 42.4 }, { type: '已上报', 'Jan.': 12.4, 'Feb.': 23.2, 'Mar.': 34.5, 'Apr.': 99.7, 'May': 52.6, 'Jun.': 35.5, 'Jul.': 37.4, 'Aug.': 42.4 } ] }, fields: { type: Array, default: () => ['Jan.', 'Feb.', 'Mar.', 'Apr.', 'May', 'Jun.', 'Jul.', 'Aug.'] //default: () => [] }, // 别名,需要的格式:[{field:'name',alias:'姓名'}, {field:'sex',alias:'性别'}] aliases: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, height: { type: Number, default: 254 }, }, data() { return { adjust: [{ type: 'dodge', marginRatio: 1 / 32 }] } }, created() { this.colorType = this.getColorType() }, computed: { data() { const dv = new DataSet.View().source(this.dataSource) dv.transform({ type: 'fold', fields: this.fields, key: 'x', value: 'y' }) // bar 使用不了 - 和 / 所以替换下 let rows = => { if (typeof row.x === 'string') { row.x = row.x.replace(/[-/]/g, '_') } return row }) // 替换别名 rows.forEach(row => { for (let item of this.aliases) { if (item.field === row.type) { row.type = item.alias break } } }) return rows }, scale() { return [ { type: 'cat', dataKey: 'x' } ] } }, methods: { // 获取随机选中三种颜色 getColorType(){ var arrNew=[]; var returnArrNew=[]; for(var i=0;i<3;i++) { var _num = Math.floor(Math.random()*colorList.length) var mm = colorList[_num]; colorList.splice(_num,1) arrNew.push(mm) } returnArrNew.push("type") returnArrNew.push(arrNew) console.log("returnArrNew===",returnArrNew) return returnArrNew }, handleClick(val){ let type = if(this.title){ if(this.title==='预警统计'){ if(type && type==='已处理'){ this.$router.push({ path: '/monitor/warningHandleLog' }); }else{ this.$router.push({ path: '/monitor/warningMessage' }); } }else if(this.title==='周报统计'){ if(type && type==='已处理'){ this.$router.push({ path: '/monitor/weeklyFinish' }); }else{ this.$router.push({ path: '/monitor/weeklyMessage' }); } } } } } } </script> <style scoped> </style>
<template> <div :style="{ padding: '0 0 32px 32px' }"> <h4> <div style="text-align: left;">{{ title }}</div> <div style="text-align: right;">总数:{{ total }}</div> </h4> <v-chart :force-fit="true" :height="height" :data="data" :scale="scale" :onClick="handleClick" > <v-tooltip /> <v-axis /> <v-legend /> <!-- shape="smooth" 设置是平滑曲线,如果没有,默认折线图 --> <v-line position="days*y" color="x" label="y" shape="smooth" :color="color"/> <v-point position="days*y" color="x" :size="4" :v-style="style" :shape="'circle'" :color="color"/> </v-chart> </div> </template> <script> import { DataSet } from '@antv/data-set' import { ChartEventMixins } from './mixins/ChartMixins' import moment from 'dayjs' export default { name: 'LineChartSingle', mixins: [ChartEventMixins], props: { title: { type: String, default: '' }, total: { type: String, default: '' }, dataSource: { type: Array, default: () => [ {days:moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),num:0} ] }, type: { type: String, default: 'type' }, fields: { type: Array, default: () => [] }, // 别名,需要的格式:[{field:'name',alias:'姓名'}, {field:'sex',alias:'性别'}] aliases:{ type: Array, default: () => [] }, height: { type: Number, default: 254 }, }, data() { return { sourceData:[], scale: [{ type: 'cat', dataKey: 'x', min: 0, max: 1 }], style: { stroke: '#fff', lineWidth: 1 } } }, created() { // 获取随机颜色 this.color = this.randomRgb() }, computed: { data() { if(this.dataSource.length == 0){ this.sourceData = [{days:moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'),num:0}] }else{ this.sourceData = this.dataSource } const dv = new DataSet.View().source(this.sourceData) dv.transform({ type: 'fold', fields: this.fields, key: 'x', value: 'y' }) let rows = dv.rows // // 替换别名 rows.forEach(row => { for (let item of this.aliases) { if (item.field === row.x) { row.x = item.alias break } } }) return rows } }, methods: { // 随机颜色设置 randomRgb() { let R = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); let G = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); let B = Math.floor(Math.random() * 255); return "rgb("+ R + "," + G + "," + B + ")"; } } } </script> <style scoped> </style>