# 2.1:编写用户登录接口 #1、输入账号密码完成验证,验证通过后输出"登录成功" #2、可以登录不同的用户 #3、同一账号输错三次锁定,(提示:锁定的用户存入文件中,这样才能保证程序关闭后,该用户仍然被锁定) user_name=input('请输入用户名: ') password=input('请输入密码: ') tag = True count=0 with open('pwd.txt',mode='rt',encoding='utf-8') as file1,\ open('lock.txt',mode='rt',encoding='utf-8') as file2: for i in file2: lock_name,lock_pwd=i.strip().split(':') if user_name==lock_name : print('该账号已被冻结') tag = False break else: continue while tag: for j in file1: name,pwd=j.strip().split(':') if user_name==name and password==pwd: print('登录成功') tag=False else: print('登录失败!') count+=1 if count==3: print('失败三次') with open('lock.txt',mode='at',encoding='utf-8')as file3: res=('{}:{}\n'.format(user_name,password)) file3.write(res) tag=False break else: user_name = input('请再次输入用户名: ') password = input('请再次输入密码: ')
# 2.2:编写程序实现用户注册后,可以登录, # 提示: while True: msg = """ 0 退出 1 登录 2 注册 """ print(msg) cmd = input('请输入命令编号>>: ').strip() if not cmd.isdigit(): print('必须输入命令编号的数字') continue if cmd == '0': break elif cmd == '1': n = 0 tag = True while tag: user_name = input('请输入用户名: ') password = input('请输入密码: ') with open('pwd.txt', mode='rt', encoding='utf-8')as file1: for i in file1: name, pwd = i.strip().split(':') if user_name == name and password == pwd: print('登录成功!') tag = False break else: print('账号或密码错误!') n += 1 if n == 3: tag = False break elif cmd == '2': user_name = input('请输入注册id:') password = input('请输入注册密码: ') with open('pwd.txt', mode='at', encoding='utf-8')as file2: res = ('{}:{}\n'.format(user_name, password)) file2.write(res) print('注册成功!') break else: print('输入的命令不存在')