

fabric discover 服务发现命令行


  • saveConfig
  • peers
  • config
  • endorsers
  • 命令行用法如下所示:
    usage: discover [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]
    Command line client for fabric discovery service
      --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
      --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration from
      --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies the TLS peer's certificate
      --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path that is used when the peer enforces client authentication
      --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is used when the peer enforces client authentication
      --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign messages sent to the peer
      --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to authenticate the messages sent to the peer
      --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the CA(s) that issued its user certificate
      help [<command>...]
        Show help.
      peers [<flags>]
        Discover peers
      config [<flags>]
        Discover channel config
      endorsers [<flags>]
        Discover chaincode endorsers
        Save the config passed by flags into the file specified by --configFile

    要持久化配置,需要通过标识 –configFile提供配置文件名,连同子命令saveConfig一起执行:

  • discover --configFile conf.yaml --peerTLSCA tls/ca.crt --userKey msp/keystore/ea4f6a38ac7057b6fa9502c2f5f39f182e320f71f667749100fe7dd94c23ce43_sk --userCert msp/signcerts/User1\@org1.example.com-cert.pem  --MSP Org1MSP saveConfig



usage: discover [<flags>] <command> [<args> ...]

Command line client for fabric discovery service

  --help                   Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  --configFile=CONFIGFILE  Specifies the config file to load the configuration from
  --peerTLSCA=PEERTLSCA    Sets the TLS CA certificate file path that verifies the TLS peer's certificate
  --tlsCert=TLSCERT        (Optional) Sets the client TLS certificate file path that is used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --tlsKey=TLSKEY          (Optional) Sets the client TLS key file path that is used when the peer enforces client authentication
  --userKey=USERKEY        Sets the user's key file path that is used to sign messages sent to the peer
  --userCert=USERCERT      Sets the user's certificate file path that is used to authenticate the messages sent to the peer
  --MSP=MSP                Sets the MSP ID of the user, which represents the CA(s) that issued its user certificate

  help [<command>...]
    Show help.

  peers [<flags>]
    Discover peers

  config [<flags>]
    Discover channel config

  endorsers [<flags>]
    Discover chaincode endorsers

    Save the config passed by flags into the file specified by --configFile

posted on 2019-12-26 19:23  启程去流浪  阅读(794)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报