张高兴的 Windows 10 IoT 开发笔记:0.96 寸 I2C OLED

This is a Windows 10 IoT Core project on the Raspberry Pi 2/3, coded by C#.




  • SDA - Pin3
  • SCL - Pin5
  • VCC - 5V
  • GND - GND



What Contains

In OLED.cs file

/// <summary>
/// Initialize the OLED
/// </summary>
public async Task InitializeAsync();

/// <summary>
/// Show character on OLED
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">x-coordinate</param>
/// <param name="y">y-coordinate / 8 !!!</param>
/// <param name="width">Character Width</param>
/// <param name="height">Character Height</param>
/// <param name="charData">Character Data (common-cathode, column-row, and reverse ou
public void ShowChar(int x, int y, byte width, byte height, byte[] charData);

/// <summary>
/// Send command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">Command</param>
private void WriteCommand(byte command);

/// <summary>
/// Send the data which you want to show on the OLED
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data">Data</param>
public void WriteData(byte data);

/// <summary>
/// Set start point (cursor)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">x-coordinate</param>
/// <param name="y">y-coordinate / 8 !!!</param>
public void SetPoint(int x, int y);

/// <summary>
/// Fill the OLED with data (input 0xFF to fill, 0x00 to clear)
/// </summary>
public void FillScreen(byte data1, byte data2);

/// <summary>
/// Cleanup
/// </summary>
public void Dispose();

/// <summary>
/// Init command
/// </summary>
private void InitCommand();

How to Use

  • First, you need to create a OLED object. After that you should call InitializeAsync() to initialize.
OLED oled = new OLED();
await oled.InitializeAsync();
  • Secondly
oled.ShowChar(0, 0, 16, 16, bytes);
  • If you want to close the sensor, call Dispose().
posted @ 2018-01-10 15:49  张高兴  阅读(641)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报