nginx 安装三方包重新编译
sudo -s
apt-get source nginx
apt-get build-dep nginx
wget ''
tar -xzvf v0.23rc2
#rename directory to make it easier to remember later.
mv agentzh-chunkin-* chunkin
#this next one of course will change depending on which repo/version you are using.
cd nginx-1.0.14/
vim debian/rules
#See the ./configure section (for both "override_dh_auto_build": and "configure_debug:")
#At this point it's a good idea to have a idea of what you will need of modules/addons. remove any lines you don't need.
#The current last item in the ./configure section needs to have '\' added.
#Then add this: --add-module=../chunkin
cd ..
#the next one of course will change according to version/build
dpkg -i nginx_1.0.14-1~lucid_i386.deb
#verify install with nginx -V see that add-module=../chunkin is in the configurea arguemnts list