一、Myeclipse10修改字体 MyEclipse10是基于Eclipse3.7内核,但在Eclipse的Preferences-〉general-〉Appearance->Colors and Fonts 中并没有找到Courier New字体,它采用的是Consolas字体,中文看着非常小非常别扭,在Windows7下,系统自带虽然有Courier New字体,但是并没有激活显示,需要手动激活,才能在软件中使用 激活方法如下: 在win7的控制面板->字体,找到Courier New,右键,显示。 Courier 常规 ,右键,显示。 window-->preferences-->搜索font-->Color and Font-->Basic-->Text Font-->Edit--> Courier New-->常规-->小三
二、myeclipse修改jsp、xml默认打开方式 window-->preferences-->General-->Editors-->File Associations-->选择File Type--> Associated editors选择默认的打开方式(Default)
三、Myeclipse修改编译兼容级别_Compiler compliance Level Window-->Preferences-->Java-->Compiler --> Compiler compliance Level-->1.6
四、修改Myeclipse编码方式:text+jsp 1. window-->preferences-->搜索JSP-->Myeclipse-->Files and Editors-->JSP-->encoding-->UTF-8 2. window-->preferences-->General-->Workspace-->Text file encoding-->Other-->UTF-8
五、myeclipse修改Jboss内存大小 myeclipse菜单栏:Preferences-->搜索Jboss-->Jboss4.X下-->JDK--Optional java VM arguments加入如下代码: -Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m
七 、关闭updating indexes Window > Preferences > Myeclipse Enterprise Workbench > Maven4Myeclipse > Maven> 禁用Download repository index updates on startup 。
- Automatic Updates Scheduler //自动升级调度
- MyEclipse QuickSetup //快速启动
- MyEclipse Derby //derby是一个开源数据库的名字
- MyEclipse EASIE Geronimo 1//同色都是应用服务器的名字
- MyEclipse EASIE Geronimo 2
- MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 2
- MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 3
- MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 4
- MyEclipse EASIE JBOSS 5
- MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 4
- MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 5
- MyEclipse EASIE Jetty 6
- MyEclipse EASIE Jetty
- MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS 3
- MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS 4
- MyEclipse EASIE JOnAS
- MyEclipse EASIE JRun 4
- MyEclipse EASIE JRun
- MyEclipse EASIE Oracle 10 AS
- MyEclipse EASIE Oracle 9 AS
- MyEclipse EASIE Oracle AS
- MyEclipse EASIE Orion 1
- MyEclipse EASIE Orion 2
- MyEclipse EASIE Resin 2
- MyEclipse EASIE Resin 3
- MyEclipse EASIE Resin
- MyEclipse EASIE Sun 8.x
- MyEclipse EASIE Sun 8
- MyEclipse EASIE Sun 9
- MyEclipse EASIE Glassfish 2
- MyEclipse EASIE Glassfish 1
- MyEclipse EASIE Sun One
- MyEclipse EASIE MyEclipse Tomcat 6 Server
- MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 4
- MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 5
- MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat 6
- MyEclipse EASIE Tomcat
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 10
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 6
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 7
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 8
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic 9
- MyEclipse EASIE WebLogic
- MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 5
- MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 6.1
- MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 6
- MyEclipse EASIE WebSphere 4
- MyEclipse Examples //样例
- MyEclipse Memory Monitor //内存监控
- MyEclipse Tapestry Integration //插件集成
- MyEclipse JSP Debug Tooling //jsp调试插件
- MyEclipse File Creation Wizards //文件创建程序
- ICEfaces Integration for MyEclipse //基于Ajax的JSF开发框架()
- MyEclipse Backward Compatibility //后台功能
- MyEclipse Perspective Plug-in //透视图插件
- Pluse Collaboration Control Center //Eclipse的网页管理中心
- eclipse-cs 4.x.x -> 5.0.0 Migration Plug-in //Eclipse插件兼容组件
- Mozilla Debug UI Plug-in(Incubation) //Mozilla调试插件(Mozilla是一款浏览器)
- Dynamic Languages ToolKit Core UI //对入PHP等动态语言支持的用户接口
- WTP Webservice UI Plug-in //Web 服务视图插件
- JavaServer Faces Tools - Core //jsf工具核心包
- Automatic Updates Scheduler //自动更新
- Service policy //Web提供的服务性能目标定义,自动管理
- Atfdebug Plug-in(Incubation) //动态语言的调试工具
- Auxiliary Web Module Support for MeEclipse// 辅助的Web模块支持.(可能是Struts等文件自动添加)
- JSF Editor Preview Support for MyEclipse//jsf编辑器
打开 myeclipse.ini -startup ../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0.101.R34x_v20081125.jar --launcher.library ../Common\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.0.101.R34x_v20080731 -clean -configuration configuration -vm C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Genuitec\Common\binary\\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll -vmargs -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=64m
以上是我的myeclipse.ini,需要修改是 -Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize,-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize, 将这三项的值调大,但并不是越大越好,曾经在相同的条件下做过测试(内存2GB),-Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize的值为384m时比512m时要快(视具体的计算机而定), -Xmx,-XX:MaxPermSize 的值设为同样大小且两者之和不能超出你的计算机本身的内存大小
1.首先下载SVN包:svn-1.6 2.解压SVN包,然后找到其中的两个文件夹:features 和 plugins 3.随意建一个文件夹(位置和名称自己定就好了,我的是E:\myEclipsePlugin\svn),然后把第二步的解压好的features 和 plugins放到这个文件夹下 4.找到myeclipse的安装目录,下面有一个configuration\org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator\ 文件。现在需要做的就是在该文件内添加的东西 5.添加的内容用下面的类生成:
import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * MyEclipse9 插件配置代码生成器 */ public class PluginConfigCreator { public PluginConfigCreator() { } public void print(String path) { List<String> list = getFileList(path); if (list == null) { return; } int length = list.size(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { String result = ""; String thePath = getFormatPath(getString(list.get(i))); File file = new File(thePath); if (file.isDirectory()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) { print(thePath); continue; } String[] filenames = fileName.split("_"); String filename1 = filenames[0]; String filename2 = filenames[1]; result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "/" + fileName + "\\,4,false"; System.out.println(result); } else if (file.isFile()) { String fileName = file.getName(); if (fileName.indexOf("_") < 0) { continue; } int last = fileName.lastIndexOf("_");// 最后一个下划线的位置 String filename1 = fileName.substring(0, last); String filename2 = fileName.substring(last + 1, fileName .length() - 4); result = filename1 + "," + filename2 + ",file:/" + path + "/" + fileName + ",4,false"; System.out.println(result); } } } public List<String> getFileList(String path) { path = getFormatPath(path); path = path + "/"; File filePath = new File(path); if (!filePath.isDirectory()) { return null; } String[] filelist = filePath.list(); List<String> filelistFilter = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < filelist.length; i++) { String tempfilename = getFormatPath(path + filelist[i]); filelistFilter.add(tempfilename); } return filelistFilter; } public String getString(Object object) { if (object == null) { return ""; } return String.valueOf(object); } public String getFormatPath(String path) { path = path.replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); path = path.replaceAll("//", "/"); return path; } public static void main(String[] args) { /*你的SVN的features 和 plugins复制后放的目录*/ String plugin = "F:\\MyEclipse10.0\\myEclipsePlugin\\svn"; new PluginConfigCreator().print(plugin); } }