.net core 调用打印机打印pdf文件 FreeSpire.PDF
声明:我用的是core 3.1测试的
1 [HttpPost("[action]")] 2 public async Task<IActionResult> PrintPDF() 3 { 4 bool printedOK = true; 5 string printErrorMessage = ""; 6 try 7 { 8 PdfDocument pdf = new PdfDocument("E:/Project/Testzq.pdf");//pdf file complete path 9 pdf.PrintSettings.PrinterName = "NPIAA6432 (HP LaserJet MFP M132snw)";//printer complete name 10 pdf.PrintSettings.DocumentName = "testDocumentName";//display name 11 pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize = new System.Drawing.Printing.PaperSize("A4", 8, 11);//The size of the paper, in hundredths of an inch. 12 pdf.PrintSettings.SetPaperMargins(2, 2, 2, 2); 13 pdf.PrintSettings.SelectSinglePageLayout(Spire.Pdf.Print.PdfSinglePageScalingMode.FitSize, true); 14 //_logger.LogDebug($"Paper Size - Width:{pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize.Width} Height:{pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize.Height} Name:{pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize.PaperName} Kind:{pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize.Kind} RawKind:{pdf.PrintSettings.PaperSize.RawKind}"); 15 pdf.Print();//execute print 16 } 17 catch (Exception ex) 18 { 19 printErrorMessage = "Printing Error: " + ex.ToString(); 20 printedOK = false; 21 } 22 23 return null; 24 }