group by 字段名 with ROLLUP
SELECT 网站名称, 姓名 ,SUM(产品数)as 产品数 from( SELECT f.Url as 网站名称, e.Name AS 姓名,a.OrderNumber ,SUM(b.Quality)as 产品数 FROM tb_order(nolock) as a left join tb_OrderList as b on b.OrderID=a.ID left join tb_WebSitePromotion as c on c.WebSiteInfoID=a.WebSiteInfoID and c.SpreadTypeID=2 and c.StartDate<= a.AuditingTime and a.AuditingTime<=ISNULL(c.EndDate,GETDATE()) left join tb_Employee as e on e.ID=c.EmployeeID left join tb_WebSiteInfo as f on f.ID=a.WebSiteInfoID WHERE a.Flag in(1,3,5) AND a.Auditing =2and a.MoneyRate is not null and a.MoneyRate>0 and len(isnull(e.Name,'') )>0 and AuditingTime>='2013-04-01' GROUP BY e.Name ,a.OrderNumber,f.Url ) as h group by 姓名,网站名称 WITH ROLLUP order by 姓名 desc
分组统计姓名相同,加一行合并总数, 最后在来一个总合计