
参照宋叶志的《Fortran95 2003 科学计算与工程》

  1 module tri_eq
  2 !---------------------------------------------module comment
  3 !  Author  :  Huang zc
  4 !  Date    :  2017-6-27
  5 !-----------------------------------------------------------
  6 !  Description:
  7 !    Solve upper triangular system with back-substitution
  8 !    Solve lower triangular system with forward-substitution
  9 !-----------------------------------------------------------
 10 !  
 11 contains
 13 subroutine uptri(A,b)
 14 !---------------------------------------- subroutine comment
 15 !  Purpose  :  Solve Ax=b where A is upper triangular
 16 !              solution is stored in b
 17 !-----------------------------------------------------------
 18 !  Input:
 19 !       1.A(N,N) : coefficient matrix
 20 !       2.b(N)   : right-hand side vector
 21 !  Output:
 22 !       1.b(N)      : solution of matrix equation
 23 !---------------------------------------------define variable
 24 implicit none
 25 integer,parameter::iwp = selected_real_kind(15)
 26 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::A(:,:)
 27 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::b(:)
 28 integer::i,j,N
 29 real(iwp)::tmp
 30 !-------------------------------------------------------------
 31 N = size(b)
 32 !--------------------------------------------print information
 33 print*,"   Subroutine uptri is being called......"
 34 print*,"   Input upper triangular matrix and rhs vector:..."
 35 do i = 1,N
 36     do j = 1,N
 37         write(*,"(f10.4)",advance="no")A(i,j)
 38     enddo
 39     write(*,"(a3)",advance="no")"|"
 40     write(*,"(f10.4)")b(i)
 41 enddo
 42 !---------------------------------------------------main body
 43 b(N) = b(N)/A(N,N)
 44 do i = N-1,1,-1
 45     tmp = dot_product(A(i,i+1:N),b(i+1:N))
 46     b(i) = b(i)-tmp
 47     b(i) = b(i)/A(i,i)
 48 enddo
 49 !-------------------------------------------------print result
 50 print*,"   Subroutine uptri end......"
 51 print*,"   Solution of the matrix equation:"
 52 do i = 1,N
 53     write(*,"(f15.8)")b(i)
 54 enddo
 55 !-------------------------------------------------------------
 56 end subroutine uptri
 58 subroutine lowertri(A,b)
 59 !---------------------------------------- subroutine comment
 60 !  Purpose  :  Solve Ax=b where A is lower triangular
 61 !              solution is stored in b
 62 !-----------------------------------------------------------
 63 !  Input:
 64 !       1.A(N,N) : coefficient matrix
 65 !       2.b(N)   : right-hand side vector
 66 !  Output:
 67 !       1.b(N)      : solution of matrix equation
 68 !---------------------------------------------define variable
 69 implicit none
 70 integer,parameter::iwp = selected_real_kind(15)
 71 real(iwp),intent(in),allocatable::A(:,:)
 72 real(iwp),intent(inout),allocatable::b(:)
 73 integer::i,j,N
 74 real(iwp)::tmp
 75 !-------------------------------------------------------------
 76 N = size(b)
 77 !--------------------------------------------print information
 78 print*,"   subroutine lowertri is being called......"
 79 print*,"   Input lower triangular matrix and rhs vector:..."
 80 do i = 1,N
 81     do j = 1,N
 82         write(*,"(f10.4)",advance="no")A(i,j)
 83     enddo
 84     write(*,"(a3)",advance="no")"|"
 85     write(*,"(f10.4)")b(i)
 86 enddo
 87 !---------------------------------------------------main body
 88 b(1) = b(1)/A(1,1)
 89 do i = 2,N
 90     tmp = dot_product(A(i,1:i-1),b(1:i-1))
 91     b(i) = b(i)-tmp
 92     b(i) = b(i)/A(i,i)
 93 enddo
 94 !-------------------------------------------------print result
 95 print*,"   Subroutine lowertri end......"
 96 print*,"   Solution of the matrix equation:"
 97 do i = 1,N
 98     write(*,"(f15.8)")b(i)
 99 enddo
100 !-------------------------------------------------------------
101 end subroutine lowertri
102 !-------------------------------------------------------------
103 end module tri_eq


posted @ 2017-06-29 11:44  huangzc  阅读(1501)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报