Python Decorator
由于没时间编写,就把几张写的不错的文章摘录整合到一起。原文地址:Python Decorator python decorator心得体会 可爱的 Python: Decorator 简化元编程
Python之美--Decorator深入详解(一) Python Decorators(二):Decorator参数 Python Decorator初体验
Python的修饰器的英文名叫Decorator,当你看到这个英文名的时候,你可能会把其跟Design Pattern里的Decorator搞混了,其实这是完全不同的两个东西。在认识装饰器之前,我们先来点感性认识,看一个Python修饰器的Hello World的代码。
下面是代码:文件名 def hello(fn): def wrapper(): print "hello, %s" % fn.__name__ fn() print "goodby, %s" % fn.__name__ return wrapper @hello def foo(): print "i am foo" foo()
[chenaho@chenhao-air]$ python hello, foo i am foo goodby, foo
Decorator 的本质
对于Python的这个@注解语法糖- Syntactic Sugar 来说,当你在用某个@decorator来修饰某个函数func时,如下所示:
@decorator def func(): pass
func = decorator(func)
了然,这不就是把一个函数当参数传到另一个函数中,然后再回调吗?是的,但是,我们需要注意,那里还有一个赋值语句,把decorator这个函数的返回值赋值回了原来的func。 根据《函数式编程》中的first class functions中的定义的,你可以把函数当成变量来使用,所以,decorator必需得返回了一个函数出来给func,这就是所谓的higher order function 高阶函数,不然,后面当func()调用的时候就会出错。 就我们上面那个hello.py里的例子来说,
@hello def foo(): print "i am foo"
foo = hello(foo)
def fuck(fn): print "fuck %s!" % fn.__name__[::-1].upper() @fuck def wfg(): pass
没了,就上面这段代码,没有调用wfg()的语句,你会发现, fuck函数被调用了,而且还很NB地输出了我们每个人的心声!
@decorator_one @decorator_two def func(): pass
func = decorator_one(decorator_two(func))
@decorator(arg1, arg2) def func(): pass
func = decorator(arg1,arg2)(func)
这意味着decorator(arg1, arg2)这个函数需要返回一个“真正的decorator”。
def makeHtmlTag(tag, *args, **kwds): def real_decorator(fn): css_class = " class='{0}'".format(kwds["css_class"]) if "css_class" in kwds else "" def wrapped(*args, **kwds): return "<"+tag+css_class+">" + fn(*args, **kwds) + "</"+tag+">" return wrapped return real_decorator @makeHtmlTag(tag="b", css_class="bold_css") @makeHtmlTag(tag="i", css_class="italic_css") def hello(): return "hello world" print hello() # 输出: # <b class='bold_css'><i class='italic_css'>hello world</i></b>
在上面这个例子中,我们可以看到:makeHtmlTag有两个参数。所以,为了让 hello = makeHtmlTag(arg1, arg2)(hello) 成功,makeHtmlTag 必需返回一个decorator(这就是为什么我们在makeHtmlTag中加入了real_decorator()的原因),这样一来,我们就可以进入到 decorator 的逻辑中去了—— decorator得返回一个wrapper,wrapper里回调hello。看似那个makeHtmlTag() 写得层层叠叠,但是,已经了解了本质的我们觉得写得很自然。
初识Decorator Decorator,修饰符,是在Python2.4中增加的功能,也是pythoner实现元编程的最新方式,同时它也是最简单的元编程方式。为什么是“最简单”呢?是的,其实在Decorator之前就已经 有classmethod()和staticmethod()内置函数,但他们的缺陷是会导致函数名的重复使用(可以看看David Mertz的Charming Python: Decorators make magic easy ), 以下是摘自他本人的原文: class C: def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y foo = classmethod(foo) 是的,classmethod做的只是函数转换,但是它却让foo这个名字另外出现了2次。记得有一句话是:人类因懒惰而进步。Decorator的诞生,让foo少出现2次。 class C: @classmethod def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y 读者也许已经想到Decorator在python中是怎么处理的了(如果还没头绪的,强烈建议先去看看limodou写的Decorator学习笔记 )。下面我列出4种用法。 单个 Decorator,不带参数 设想一个情景,你平时去买衣服的时候,跟售货员是怎么对话的呢?售货员会先向你问好,然后你会试穿某件你喜爱的衣服。 def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ method(*args) return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) try_this_shirt(38) 结果是: Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough 这只是一个太简单的例子,以至一些“细节”没有处理好,你试穿完了好歹也告诉salesgirl到底要不要买啊。。。这样try_this_shirt方法需要改成带返回值 (假设是bool类型,True就是要买,False就是不想买),那么salesgirl中的serve也应该带返回值,并且返回值就是 method(*args)。 修改后的salesgirl def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ return method(*args) return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result 结果是: Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Mum:do you want to buy this? True 现在我们的salesgirl还不算合格,她只会给客人打招呼,但是客人要是买衣服了,也不会给他报价;客人不买的话,也应该推荐其他款式! 会报价的salesgirl: def salesgirl(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ result = method(*args) if result: print "Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$." else: print "Salesgirl: Well, how about trying another style?" return result return serve @salesgirl def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result 结果是: Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$. Mum:do you want to buy this? True 这样的salesgirl总算是合格了,但离出色还很远,称职的salesgirl是应该对熟客让利,老用户总得有点好处吧? 单个 Decorator,带参数 会报价并且带折扣的salesgirl: def salesgirl(discount): def expense(method): def serve(*args): print "Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want?", method.__name__ result = method(*args) if result: print "Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$.As an old user, we promised to discount at %d%%" %(discount) else: print "Salesgirl: Well, how about trying another style?" return result return serve return expense @salesgirl(50) def try_this_shirt(size): if size < 35: print "I: %d inches is to small to me" %(size) return False else: print "I:%d inches is just enough" %(size) return True result = try_this_shirt(38) print "Mum:do you want to buy this?", result 结果是: Salesgirl:Hello, what do you want? try_this_shirt I:38 inches is just enough Salesgirl: This shirt is 50$.As an old user, we promised to discount at 50% Mum:do you want to buy this? True 这里定义的salesgirl是会给客户50%的折扣,因为salesgirl描述符是带参数,而参数就是折扣。如果你是第一次看到这个 salesgirl, 会被她里面嵌套的2个方法而感到意外,没关系,当你习惯了Decorator之后,一切都变得很亲切啦
class式的 Decorator(重点)
class myDecorator(object): def __init__(self, fn): print "inside myDecorator.__init__()" self.fn = fn def __call__(self): self.fn() print "inside myDecorator.__call__()" @myDecorator def aFunction(): print "inside aFunction()" print "Finished decorating aFunction()" aFunction() # 输出: # inside myDecorator.__init__() # Finished decorating aFunction() # inside aFunction() # inside myDecorator.__call__()
class makeHtmlTagClass(object): def __init__(self, tag, css_class=""): self._tag = tag self._css_class = " class='{0}'".format(css_class) \ if css_class !="" else "" def __call__(self, fn): def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): return "<" + self._tag + self._css_class+">" \ + fn(*args, **kwargs) + "</" + self._tag + ">" return wrapped @makeHtmlTagClass(tag="b", css_class="bold_css") @makeHtmlTagClass(tag="i", css_class="italic_css") def hello(name): return "Hello, {}".format(name) print hello("Hao Chen")
1)如果decorator有参数的话,__init__() 成员就不能传入fn了,而fn是在__call__的时候传入的。
2)这段代码还展示了 wrapped(*args, **kwargs) 这种方式来传递被decorator函数的参数。(其中:args是一个参数列表,kwargs是参数dict,具体的细节,请参考Python的文档或是StackOverflow的这个问题,这里就不展开了)
第一种,通过 **kwargs,这种方法decorator会在kwargs中注入参数。
def decorate_A(function): def wrap_function(*args, **kwargs): kwargs['str'] = 'Hello!' return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrap_function @decorate_A def print_message_A(*args, **kwargs): print(kwargs['str']) print_message_A()
def decorate_B(function): def wrap_function(*args, **kwargs): str = 'Hello!' return function(str, *args, **kwargs) return wrap_function @decorate_B def print_message_B(str, *args, **kwargs): print(str) print_message_B()
第三种,通过 *args 注入
def decorate_C(function): def wrap_function(*args, **kwargs): str = 'Hello!' #args.insert(1, str) args = args +(str,) return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrap_function class Printer: @decorate_C def print_message(self, str, *args, **kwargs): print(str) p = Printer() p.print_message()
文件名 from functools import wraps def hello(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(): print "hello, %s" % fn.__name__ fn() print "goodby, %s" % fn.__name__ return wrapper @hello def foo(): '''foo help doc''' print "i am foo" pass foo() print foo.__name__ #输出 foo print foo.__doc__ #输出 foo help doc
from inspect import getmembers, getargspec from functools import wraps def wraps_decorator(f): @wraps(f) def wraps_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return f(*args, **kwargs) return wraps_wrapper class SomeClass(object): @wraps_decorator def method(self, x, y): pass obj = SomeClass() for name, func in getmembers(obj, predicate=inspect.ismethod): print "Member Name: %s" % name print "Func Name: %s" % func.func_name print "Args: %s" % getargspec(func)[0] # 输出: # Member Name: method # Func Name: method # Args: []
def get_true_argspec(method): argspec = inspect.getargspec(method) args = argspec[0] if args and args[0] == 'self': return argspec if hasattr(method, '__func__'): method = method.__func__ if not hasattr(method, 'func_closure') or method.func_closure is None: raise Exception("No closure for method.") method = method.func_closure[0].cell_contents return get_true_argspec(method)
from functools import wraps def memo(fn): cache = {} miss = object() @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args): result = cache.get(args, miss) if result is miss: result = fn(*args) cache[args] = result return result return wrapper @memo def fib(n): if n < 2: return n return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
上面这个例子中,是一个斐波拉契数例的递归算法。我们知道,这个递归是相当没有效率的,因为会重复调用。比如:我们要计算fib(5),于是其分解成fib(4) + fib(3),而fib(4)分解成fib(3)+fib(2),fib(3)又分解成fib(2)+fib(1)…… 你可看到,基本上来说,fib(3), fib(2), fib(1)在整个递归过程中被调用了两次。而我们用decorator,在调用函数前查询一下缓存,如果没有才调用了,有了就从缓存中返回值。一下子,这个递归从二叉树式的递归成了线性的递归。
import cProfile, pstats, StringIO def profiler(func): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): datafn = func.__name__ + ".profile" # Name the data file prof = cProfile.Profile() retval = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs) #prof.dump_stats(datafn) s = StringIO.StringIO() sortby = 'cumulative' ps = pstats.Stats(prof, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby) ps.print_stats() print s.getvalue() return retval return wrapper
class MyApp(): def __init__(self): self.func_map = {} def register(self, name): def func_wrapper(func): self.func_map[name] = func return func return func_wrapper def call_method(self, name=None): func = self.func_map.get(name, None) if func is None: raise Exception("No function registered against - " + str(name)) return func() app = MyApp() @app.register('/') def main_page_func(): return "This is the main page." @app.register('/next_page') def next_page_func(): return "This is the next page." print app.call_method('/') print app.call_method('/next_page')
from functools import wraps def logger(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ts = time.time() result = fn(*args, **kwargs) te = time.time() print "function = {0}".format(fn.__name__) print " arguments = {0} {1}".format(args, kwargs) print " return = {0}".format(result) print " time = %.6f sec" % (te-ts) return result return wrapper @logger def multipy(x, y): return x * y @logger def sum_num(n): s = 0 for i in xrange(n+1): s += i return s print multipy(2, 10) print sum_num(100) print sum_num(10000000)
上面那个打日志还是有点粗糙,让我们看一个更好一点的(带log level参数的):
import inspect def get_line_number(): return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_lineno def logger(loglevel): def log_decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ts = time.time() result = fn(*args, **kwargs) te = time.time() print "function = " + fn.__name__, print " arguments = {0} {1}".format(args, kwargs) print " return = {0}".format(result) print " time = %.6f sec" % (te-ts) if (loglevel == 'debug'): print " called_from_line : " + str(get_line_number()) return result return wrapper return log_decorator
但是,上面这个带log level参数的有两具不好的地方,
1) loglevel不是debug的时候,还是要计算函数调用的时间。
2) 不同level的要写在一起,不易读。
mport inspect def advance_logger(loglevel): def get_line_number(): return inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_back.f_lineno def _basic_log(fn, result, *args, **kwargs): print "function = " + fn.__name__, print " arguments = {0} {1}".format(args, kwargs) print " return = {0}".format(result) def info_log_decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): result = fn(*args, **kwargs) _basic_log(fn, result, args, kwargs) return wrapper def debug_log_decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ts = time.time() result = fn(*args, **kwargs) te = time.time() _basic_log(fn, result, args, kwargs) print " time = %.6f sec" % (te-ts) print " called_from_line : " + str(get_line_number()) return wrapper if loglevel is "debug": return debug_log_decorator else: return info_log_decorator
1)我们分了两个log level,一个是info的,一个是debug的,然后我们在外尾根据不同的参数返回不同的decorator。
import umysql from functools import wraps class Configuraion: def __init__(self, env): if env == "Prod": = "" self.port = 3306 self.db = "coolshell" self.user = "coolshell" self.passwd = "fuckgfw" elif env == "Test": = 'localhost' self.port = 3300 self.user = 'coolshell' self.db = 'coolshell' self.passwd = 'fuckgfw' def mysql(sql): _conf = Configuraion(env="Prod") def on_sql_error(err): print err sys.exit(-1) def handle_sql_result(rs): if rs.rows > 0: fieldnames = [f[0] for f in rs.fields] return [dict(zip(fieldnames, r)) for r in rs.rows] else: return [] def decorator(fn): @wraps(fn) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): mysqlconn = umysql.Connection() mysqlconn.settimeout(5) mysqlconn.connect(, _conf.port, _conf.user, \ _conf.passwd, _conf.db, True, 'utf8') try: rs = mysqlconn.query(sql, {}) except umysql.Error as e: on_sql_error(e) data = handle_sql_result(rs) kwargs["data"] = data result = fn(*args, **kwargs) mysqlconn.close() return result return wrapper return decorator @mysql(sql = "select * from coolshell" ) def get_coolshell(data): ... ... ... ..
from threading import Thread from functools import wraps def async(func): @wraps(func) def async_func(*args, **kwargs): func_hl = Thread(target = func, args = args, kwargs = kwargs) func_hl.start() return func_hl return async_func if __name__ == '__main__': from time import sleep @async def print_somedata(): print 'starting print_somedata' sleep(2) print 'print_somedata: 2 sec passed' sleep(2) print 'print_somedata: 2 sec passed' sleep(2) print 'finished print_somedata' def main(): print_somedata() print 'back in main' print_somedata() print 'back in main' main()